Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Why not Orcs? Stormwind survivors, they know what it is. Only Lordaeron is familiar with the attacking Scourge.


If that were the case you’d expect to see similar nightmares from others who were also affected by the Wrath pre-event but it’s only Stormwind where we see it. This is not a population that had no experience with the fall of Lordaeron, an assertion that was backed up recently by both Chronicles and Exploring Azeroth.


Likely less close in time. There were Lordaeron survivors that fled to Stormwind, the tales they told kept up some level of fear and distrust of the undead (likely not helped by Scarlet Crusade recruitment) and the Wrath event merely jumped said fears back to the fore.
This would be very different to others who simply saw the Scourge actions as an assault on the world.

Nice little addition there, Petty McToddlerson

That game has been going on for 4 years, now nearing the end with a full party of level 16 characters, all with the original players who are already planning characters for the next campaign in my own homebrew setting.

And I have a lot of my friends begging me to run more game, so I am not really looking for your approval. :clown_face:

In fact, here is a direct quote from Chronicles Volume 3 about the WotLK launch event

"At the Lich King’s command, the undead launched brutal attacks upon both the Horde and the Alliance. They began by infecting many towns’ and villages; food supplies with the plague of undeath, condemning hundreds of innocents to becoming unwilling servants of the Scourge. The heroes of both factions were forced to destroy their own infected citizens to halt the plague’s spread.

For the Alliance, this reopened old wounds from the fall of Lordaeron. For the Horde, it was a new, but no less horrific, experience."


Then why is the Orc nightmare - Legion, not concentration camps?

Probably because the Legion are the cause of everything, from the destruction of Draenor eventually leading to internment. The orcs keep a constant watch for agents of the Burning Legion trying to resubvert the Horde all through vanilla, so it is a pretty major part of their cultural fears.

EDIT: Err, the destruction of Draenor’s ecosystem*

Hey check out this video of the Alliance not identifying with Lordaeron

“Arthas! The blood of your father, of your people, demands justice!”

“You will pay for all the lives you’ve stolen, traitor!”

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There is a difference between remembering a tragedy, and something being the cultural and political heart of an entire people.

The camera literally cuts to the Alliance’s ranks when Bolvar says “of your people!”


I can’t believe I have to explain to what I presume are fully grown adults that a place doesn’t need to be occupied by a people for it to be their heart and legacy.

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Who are now the Forsaken.

Odd, that isn’t what the video suggested. The Forsaken didn’t appear until later when they gassed the people who had been visually established as the people of Lordaeron.

Tell me more about how you earnestly believe that Bolvar was fighting in the name of the Forsaken, Mr Pro DM Sir


Apparently you’re not allowed to seek justice for your allies.
Also, you know, Ainhin forgot that Bolvar wasn’t from Lordaeron.

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“Look at these soldiers from Stormwind… Such Lordaeron. Very WoW.”

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Yeah, turns out Stormwind’s population is mostly Lordaeronian in origin. Not a surprise given that Stormwind and 99% of its population was destroyed in the First War.

Good god I sincerely can’t believe that you actually try to run WoW Tabletop games. If someone wants to play a Lordaeron human do you demand they play as Forsaken?

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Ainhin: Arthas didn’t kill most of Lordaeron, he just let them leave.


People. What did they have in Vanilla? For Stormwind, the destroyers were the orcs. For Lordaeron, the Scourge.
No puppeteers are visible.

No one knows the Forsaken nightmares?

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A party of six survivors is vastly different than saying the majority of the populous of the biggest human city on the planet are from Lordaeron when Arthas killed Lordaeron.

The only specifics we have for its attack on Undercity is what Sylvanas saw because of course