Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Do you have one saying they’re cannon and not just a way to waste time in game?

They lost pretty much everywhere in the Eastern Kingdoms. Also, again, the 7th Legion is a Lordaeronian unit led by a Male Human Paladin. So you’re happy to let Lordaeronians/Humans reclaim Gilneas for you but you hate it when they also reclaim places that aren’t Gilneas?

lol call me desperate again


Do….you…have…a…source that they are cannon?

Where did you get desperate out of that?

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They are in-game and presented the same way that everything else in-game is. Arbitrarily deeming them not canon because they hurt your argument and then trying to flip the burden of proof onto me is absolutely pathetic dude. You might even call it…desperate?


Only you think I’m upset. Lordaearon doesnt belong to Stormwind and Calia has already stated the forsaken are the rightful heirs……and your blue eyed blonde hair king seems to agree.

So like…move on to something new because your fantasy isn’t going to happen


No, let’s keep this argument going. We’re so close to reaching the inevitable endgame of internet slapfights where you insist that you’re correct because I can’t epistemologically prove that reality isn’t subjective.

edit: 500th post hell yeah

I mean, a lot of things in life are pretty subjective, so okay I guess?

You could just say “logically” but instead you said you can’t theory of logic prove that reality isn’t subjective.

It’s a bad synynom choice.

That’s all I wanted to contribute to this debate. Please continue.

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I agree, and therefore the Forsaken are not the people of Lordaeron because the Forsaken don’t actually exist. They only exist as a theoretical concept in a theoretical world composed entirely of supposition, and thus can’t be citizens of Lordaeron, as something that doesn’t exist can’t be a citizen of anything.

So I’m right unless you can prove the Forsaken are real, nyah nyah nyah

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I’m actually off to bed, as amusing as this was :wolf:

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I like teaching people new things, thank you for indulging me.

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We all learned you don’t know a damn thing. So thanks I guess?


Go to bed dude.

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The mission table stories are as canon as any questline. In order for them not to be canon, Blizzard would have to say otherwise, like how they made Varian kill Onyxia instead of the player characters. Wowpedia uses them for lore.

To be sure there are some mission table missions that operate in grey areas because the results contradict one another depending on which faction you’re playing, but some missions have had those contradictions resolved by corroboration in things like Exploring Azeroth where we learn that most of those missions were resolved in the Alliance’s favor.

But in the case of Gilneas, there aren’t any contradictions. The Alliance controls Gilneas and uses it to strike at the Horde in Silverpine and Hillsbrad while the Horde fights the Battle of Stromgarde in the hopes of launching an attack on Gilneas to seize it back.


For many years the Human racial’s animation included a special symbol. I don’t know exactly when it was removed. But from the dates on wowhead’s screenshots, from 2011 to 2015, the Humans “exclusively from Stormwind”(lol) were representing Lordaeron via their active racial. If you want to argue that it doesn’t count because it was removed, well i can say the same for the Forsaken. Their strongest claim was that they actually inhabited capital city. They have since been removed and relocated to Orgrimmar.

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There’s a thing called cultural appropriation. The humans of Stormwind aspire to be what Lordaeron was.


That’s some copium right there.


Calia says the forsaken are the rightful heirs to Lordaeron and literally no one said otherwise to her……Y’all need to move on. Been screaming about retaking lordaeron since WC 3 ended.


By whose law? There’s no such thing as “international law” or a higher court on Azeroth. Such disputes are settled by force of arms and possession. The Gilneans were beaten in battle and driven from their land.

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