Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

I don’t think they’re boring because of how they look. I just consider them one-dimensional. They’re a young race. They learn magic easily. They’re have too much “potential.”

I did ask for Blizzard to make non-humanoid races in the past. I want a race like the Hanar from Mass Effect.

This isn’t a problem that will be resolved by doing less with them.

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Normal People: Gilneas belongs to the gilneans and the undead living in Lordaeron are from there

Aihns: So when can the humans wipe out the forsaken and take Lordaeron

You need a new obsession

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Why is wiping out the Forsaken to take Gilneas okay Micah?

Why are you asking irrelevant questions. I mean, I know your upset and all.

I don’t think that asking you to explain why the Alliance should forcibly seize Gilneas and kill or exile all the Forsaken Gilneans who just want to live in their homeland where they were born is irrelevant


Not getting Lordaeron for the millionth time. No one but you is obessed with wiping out the undead. Like youre literally the ONLY PERSON who keeps bringing it up

You said that you want the Alliance to reclaim Gilneas. But the Forsaken, who have Gilneans in their ranks, also want Gilneas, so naturally this would mean that the Alliance would need to use violence against the Forsaken to secure Gilneas. You have deemed this acceptable and I keep asking you to explain why it’s acceptable to you for the Forsaken’s land claims to be denied in this specific circumstance.

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No they don’t. Aihns, dear, I know your really upset that you’re not getting the answer you want. But you have to move on okay?

Take a deep breath and just remember *Lordaeron doesn’t belong to stormwind or the humans okay?

I can see the desperation in your questions and how you want someone to agree with you. But you seriously need a new obsession, this isn’t healthy

Who doesn’t have to do what? The Alliance does not need to use violence against the Forsaken to secure Gilneas? Or the Forsaken don’t want Gilneas?

If either of these are true apparently nobody told the Horde and when I try to peacefully coexist in Gilneas with the Horde they just farm me at the graveyard until the BG ends.

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Apparently no one told the forsaken they want gilneas too, after getting humiliated the first time trying to take it. But I know you just want someone to agree with you. Kinda of sad really, because your coming off as desperate now

Mm yes. “If the Forsaken want Gilneas so badly, then why do they keep on sending in armies to take it? QED”

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Normal people Gilneas is abandoned and no one has tried to take it in the last ten years

Aihns But muh lordaeron

The last person to hold it according to lore was a Black Dragon and the worgen he had under his thrall.


The Horde was actively trying to take it in the Fourth War. Even after losing Lordaeron the Forsaken still didn’t give up on taking Gilneas.


Well….than they need new military commanders if they struggled to take a empty city….because it’s still empty. But if it’s any comfort, you’re still not getting lordaeron :wolf:

I would love to see a risen Liam, just to see the look on Genn’s face.

Mission tables suggest that the Alliance managed to retake it at some point in the Fourth War. Using violence. We killed every Forsaken we could find in Gilneas, even Gilnean Forsaken, so that the Gilneans could return. You know, like you wanted.

I want to know why you think it’s acceptable to do this on one piece of territory but it suddenly ceases to be acceptable to do it on the territory right next door that was also violently seized by the Forsaken.

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Mission tables arent cannon

Do you have a source for this?

And while the forsaken did try to assail Gilneas in the fourth war…they lost to the 7th Legion and the worgen forces under Darius….again. Bit embarrassing really