Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Greymane did nothing wrong. I’m not entertaining you anymore

Agreed, I liked it when he said that the Forsaken were desecrating Lordaeron with their filth.

He is actually one of the more eager “reclaim Lordaeron” folks, probably because he feels he owes it to Terenas after betraying him.


He built the Greymane wall……that’s the opposite of someone who cares.

Please tell me more about how the Genn Greymane of right now is the literal exact same person as he was after the Second War who holds the same beliefs and ideals Mr. Worgen Super-Fan Sir

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What is the body status of Prince Liam (Greymane’s son?)? Does it still exist?

He was killed by Sylvanas

Nobody knows but I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard raised him as undead because they have no ideas for the human narrative aside from turning human characters into spooky Horde edgelords


They made him into a ghost in Hearthstone, but did nothing for him in WoW.

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No ones going to shed a tear if the humans stopped being front and center of the story. They suck and they’re the blandest out of the entire franchise.

Well, except you Ains

Ironically the ones who hold closest to this sentiment are either pointy eared humans or furry humans.


All races are humanoid in this game.

Perfectly. What happens if Greymane and Tess die and Prince Liam is resurrected by the Forsaken? Will he be the legitimate heir to Gilneas?

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Under Gilnean Law, probably not.

M? What will go wrong?

The laws of Gilneas say nothing about an undead son, and Genn hates the undead.

Considering Ivars hatred of the forsaken, I’m sure he’d burn Gilneas to the ground before he let the forsaken take it. But that’s my headcannon on the matter :wolf:

If Tess and Genn were to die though, Gilneas would most likely fall to ruin, since not the even the forsaken tried to move in once the worgen were relocated to Kalimdor

You’re right. Fantasy humans are boring, but fantasy humans with long ears and maybe purple skin? That’s breaking new ground bay-beeeee

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So there is no law prohibiting undead inheritance? Well, the dead old man’s opinion can be dropped, it was not the law.

@Micâh , is the problem that he is the Forsaken or that Liam is undead? In the first case, there is mind control on Liam, in the second - to declare Ivar a warmonger and kill in the name of peace.

How long do undead live? Will they be able to lay claim to the land of Gilneas when, after many generations, it is rebuilt?

Undead get whatever they want as long as it isn’t something that Micah wants

M … Everything they want, or become the sole owners of everything that belonged to them at the time of death (ignoring other owners)?