Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

I answered the question. You didn’t like it.

You didn’t. You just said “It belongs to Gilneas because it belongs to Gilneas.” I mean I guess that that’s technically an answer if you don’t mind giving an answer that’s obviously circular in a way that even a child could see.

How come the Alliance has the right to claim Gilneas but the Forsaken don’t? Defend your position. Explain why you are arbitrarily granting the Alliance resettlement rights in Gilneas but not the Forsaken despite the Forsaken being partly constituted of Gilneans who lived in Gilneas in life.

Is it because you just happen to like Gilneas and would prefer to see it in Alliance hands?

In fact why don’t we apply it further. The Forsaken are also partly constituted of undead Kul Tirans, Stromgardians, and Stormwindians as well. What right does the Alliance have to deny the Forsaken colonization rights in the traditional territories of those kingdoms as well?

Because the worgen are the one that build it and live there while the forsaken don’t even claim it.

Compare to Lordaeron where the forsaken did live there and still does even in death.

But i’m sure you will find some mental gymnastic to deny it.


They did claim it. They fought tooth and nail in multiple wars to claim it. They were even fighting in Arathi to claim it as recently as the Fourth War.

So why shouldn’t Forsaken who lived in Gilneas and died there also be allowed to still live there in death?

It’s not mental gymnastics, I’m asking why you don’t apply the principle of undead land claims universally (ie to all lands that the Forsaken lived and died in) instead of selectively (only to the lands that they controlled at the start of WoW.) It seems like a pretty simple question to me.

In fact as of the Fourth War we can apply it to the Night Elves too, as the Forsaken now have Night Elves who lived in Night Elf territory and died there as well, thus granting them (and by extension the Forsaken, and by extension the Horde) legitimate historical land claims to all of northern Kalimdor.

Why can’t the people who lived there in life live there in death as well? Why does everyone deny the undead the basic rights that they deserve?


Micah claims to recognize undead land rights and for undead citizens to live where they lived in life yet at the same time advocates that the Alliance forcibly remove undead Gilneans from Gilneas, even going so far as to kill them or coerce them with violence, so that it can be reconquered by the “true Gilneans.”

I guess his recognition of undead legal claims only extends as far as when his own personal lore interests start to become inconvenienced. Oh well.

Edit: I will say though that it’s actually charmingly in-character though for a Gilneas fan to advocate selling out Lordaeron to the undead but balk at applying the same standards to Gilneas because they think that Gilneas is somehow unique and special. Archibald Greymane would be proud.

It’s actually eerily prescient. Micah wants the Alliance to spend immense amounts of blood and treasure to liberate Gilneas from the undead, but when it comes to liberating other kingdoms from the undead well then the Alliance can just go pound sand. They’re like Second War Genn Greymane except they want to betray Lordaeron even harder.

Ainhin… you are exhausting. Where do find the energy to fight this fight for Lordaeron.


It’s cute that he’s so angry and desperate about it though. When one has to resort to what ifs and strawman arguments, you know they lost the debate. I’m not going to entertain his conjectures anymore

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Hello, I see someone is confusing land siezed by force with land its inhabitants ready have claims to. I apologize for this misconception.

Edit: Huh, he is technically right.

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Just figuring it out now that I’m anti alliance, pro gilneas/worgen and that I love Genn?

Like I thought everyone already knew this. It’s not exactly something I kept secret after all

Is he trying to guilt trip you into agreeing with his agenda?

The Forsaken seized Lordaeron and Gilneas by force. Micah argues that it would be fair and good for the Alliance to seize Gilneas by force in turn, but doesn’t grant the Alliance the same rights when it comes to Lordaeron, even though both Lordaeron and Gilneas were seized by the Forsaken (who have undead Lordaeron and Gilnean humans in their ranks, among others) by force.

It’s a blatant double standard that they can’t even be bothered to defend and in fact that think that I’m the bad guy for pointing out their double standard.


If he is, he’s doing a poor job of it :wolf:

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The forsaken were kicked out gilneas. But keep telling yourself otherwise.

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They were kicked out of Lordaeron too.

And who kicked the Forsaken out of Gilneas? The Alliance. Specifically, the 7th Legion, which is a Lordaeronian military unit headed by a Male Human Paladin.


They have a legal right to the city they were born in…the other they tried to take by force and lost. I’ll let you figure out which city is legally theirs.

So when do you start letting Gilnean Forsaken back into Gilneas City?

The Forsaken took Capital City from the Alliance by force, and then in the 4th War lost it to the Alliance in turn.


When they want to move back in with the rest of their kin? Only you are claiming otherwise.

Why should they be forced to share their lands with the Gilneans that spurned them and killed them simply because they wanted to live in Gilneas? Besides, the living Gilneans live in Stormwind and Darkshore now.

This logic can also easily be turned around to say that the Forsaken can live in Lordaeron only when they’re ready to coexist with the Alliance.

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