Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

I can’t count the amount of time where i saw a alliance player saying that they wanted to do like the horde, which mean being evil and destroy a horde city, only to see that same poster saying how it wouldn’t be evil and would be justify since everything against the horde is justify…


Stromgarde - first humans kingdom that laid the dynasty to which Anduin Lothar belongs.
Lordaeron - this kingdom was the center of the humans faith. Kingdom of the knights. Kingdom of the paladins. Kingdom of the Light.
Dalaran - first human mages kingdom. The center of the Azeroth arcane magic.
Kul’Tiras - kingdom of the sea wolfs. The center of the humans fleets.
Gilneas - kingdom known as most rich kingdom with strongest humans army.
Alterac - kingdom of the traitors.

Stormwind? Just some kingdom on the far south. Absolutely nothing special in this kingdom. This kingdom never was the center of the humanity in past.
This kingdom became the center of the humanity now only because all the others kingdoms have fallen.


That is the way Fojar is.

I mean, it’s the kingdom which was created by the last descendants of the Arathi Bloodline, and has effectively come into a position to recreate Arathor’s vision of a united humanity; That’s not exactly ‘nothing special’.


Indeed. What is it with these guys and their obsession with the lesser sons of Humanity in Lordaeron? SW > Lordaeron.

Goblins lost their start too.

SW > Lordaeron. Lothar was not from Lordaeron, he was cool. Lordaeron needed mighty Lothar, cause, you know, Lordaeron only seems to know how to fratricide.

So you confess to murdering your own people! Arthas really was just an expression of your Lordaeron culture wasn’t he.

The cool ones that is, like Lothar.

Now now, when the Banshee Queen returns from Shadowlands with her Ultra-Death-Magic powers… it’s fine to let the drunks give us SW, she can convert the whole city, and boom, everyone’s problems are solved!

Fratricide. You killed your own kith and kin, for a foreign King, because you took lessons from Garithos and Arthas. Yeah, Humans in the future will read about it in history books; and remember what monsters Lordaeron produced!

Oh, nonono, the Dark Lady watches over them.

No, they won’t. It’s easy: There are no more Lordaeron living Humans because they couldn’t stop killing each other, so they’re all Forsaken now.

It’s actually rather funny to me, I see him as arguing, in effect, that Denethor II was good. Forget the whole deny the return of the King, etc…
Lordaeron really was the lesser sons, placed on a plot that subjected its people to Old God whispers, with a Royal bloodline and Nobility that just has so many problems…
It’ll be absolutely hilarious if they do villain bat Turalyon during a Light/Shadow war with how much he’s positing on Lordaeron “nobility”.

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M … It will be justified for a while. Then there will be a period of time when it will not be justified. The beauty is that it will be impossible to stop.

Horde players have argued from time to time in these controversies that the Horde should not pay and since the Alliance is too weak to make them pay, the Horde will not pay. Right?

True but goblins have booty bay, ratchet, everlook, and gadgezhan that are pretty much pure goblin based cities everyone always forgets those.


Can the human argument that “Our identity is not built around Stormwind” apply to goblin cities?

It’s strange you use this qualifier (even if you’re lying.)
“In the past.”
It’s been the most important human kingdom for almost 20 irl years.
It featured heavily in the RTS series.



None of those are start cities though. They’re quest hubs in the world which aren’t faction closed.
Worgen and Goblins both have a backstory of their start zones blowing up somehow. AR’s later just ended up starting in the Faction main city really.

On thread subject, they again have Chekov’s Gun laying around unused:

“Grizzek uttered a strangled cry. Saffy smacked her lips. “Astounding! This highly poisonous, corrosive substance now tastes like sunfruit and cherries,” she said.”

Excerpt From: Christie Golden. “Before the Storm (World of Warcraft).”

Hrm, Plague…

“When she poured the mixture on a struggling plant, the palm tree doubled in size.”

Excerpt From: Christie Golden. “Before the Storm (World of Warcraft).”

Hrm, tree, big tree…

I expect them to treat the original races start zones deferentially in the end.

Gold is the Goblin identity. Enough of that and you can buy back what’s lost!
No need to lament what’s lost when you can enjoy what’s new.

So what “new” can you offer the night elves or worgen? For the worgen, the whole world is “new”, but nothing belongs to them, they are eternal guests. The night elves do not have “new” things, and besides, their old things are taken away from them (Azshara). What to enjoy?

They’re Gilneans! Humans who turn to werewolves when they’re mad.
Are you saying they’re not welcome in Stormwind? Anduin isn’t treating them right?

As to the Night Elves: Embrace the power of the Horde! Search your feelings, you know this to be the right way! Together we will remake Azeroth, and drive the Curse of Flesh afflicted, Titan-created, Humans from Kalimdor.

That is, you have nothing “new”? We will grieve over the lost things and kill those for whom we lost these things.

It says not “to kill those through whose fault we have lost”, but something in the spirit of “kill those in whose name we have lost”?

Human fans don’t like Stormwind as much as they like Lordaeron. If there are other human fans who like Stormwind more than Lordaeron it’d be great to hear them explain why in detail because I’m tired of all this Hordesplaining directed at the Alliance.

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You have a one track mind. An eye for an eye until everyone is blind.

If all parties agree with the “eye for an eye” logic and all parties understand for what action they have their eyes removed, then the world will be one-eyed, not blind.

It doesn’t stop there. Never does.

Never does what?

Eye for an eye is a revenge cycle that doesn’t end. Even when people think it does, it doesn’t. Someone always feels like the other hasn’t paid enough and it just keeps going because of that.


It’s okay, the main thing is to establish guilt, convince the other side that it is her fault, and then deal with mutual punishment. If only no one left unpunished.