Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Harsh but fair


All Night Elves, Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei will be race-changed to half-half Dwarf and Gnome, split between the core-race ones and the allied-races ones

Forsaken, Blood Elf and Nightborne players will be race-changed to trolls and goblins, trolls being split between core-race trolls and allied-race Zandalari trolls.

Night Elves and forsaken: We lost our capital city we want a new one or some new land!
Worgen players: first time?


Going back to the status quo like nothing happened after terrible events transpired is the only thing worse than having terrible events transpire.

Hate the messenger. Love the message.


Gnome players: chop the knees of all three.

“Must purge demonic influence from Orcdom!”
bathes in Old God heart


Human identity is tied to Lordaeron. This has always been true and it always will be true. Whining about it on the forums will not undo the legacy of 2 RTS games and several WoW expansions. Even if you debase yourself by throwing your lot in with Erevien.

Furthermore, the Forsaken were defeated at Lordaeron. They have demonstrated that even with the full backing of the Horde, they cannot defend their hold on it from the Alliance. And with the Alliance’s return to Lordaeron as of BfA, including newly fortified strongholds in Stromgarde, Gilneas, Silverpine, and Hillsbrad, the only reason the Forsaken will ever be in Lordaeron again is because the Alliance allows it.

The wheel has turned in Lordaeron once more. Where death was once ascendent, it is now in decline. The living are returning, and they cannot be stopped.


Forsaken’s identity is tied to Lordaeron.
Human player character’s identity is tied to Stormwind.


Hell yeah! KoF14 this *****!

I don’t like those Draenei creeps hanging out on that island…

Take what’s left of the NEs and scram!

Wtf are we supposed to do with Stormwind? We’re not some idiots trying to operate a city in the middle of hostile territory!

We’re not NEs.

Hell yeah!

Time to put the Centaur, Quillboars, Tol’vir, Harpies, Satyrs and Furbolgs under the lash!

Consolidate Kalimdor!

I know. Just ask the humans of Lordaeron. i.e. the Forsaken.


It’s hard to ask the Forsaken things nowadays because we killed most of them and chased them out of Lordaeron and reclaimed most of its territory, only agreeing to let some back in if they promise to accept being ruled by a nun that will make them go to bed early, eat their vegetables, and say grace to the Holy Light every night.

The rest of them can whine about it in Orgrimmar until they all die off because they can’t reproduce, and then a thousand years from now humans will read in their history textbooks about that really weird time when Lordaeron was controlled by zombies for a few years.

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Headcanon for days.


Oh yeah. The Forsaken are all extinct and obliterated in the Maw! Just like the NEs according to what’s-their-face.


History professors will have a real hard time teaching the WoW period of their history courses because they’ll constantly be being asked by students why everyone suddenly became morons and they won’t have a good answer.

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Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Accept that and move on.


Right…that’ll totally be a real thing.

Sorry I forgot that the Horde doesn’t have an education system (and boy does it show on the forums heyoooo)

Beats the Alliance, teaching their kids propaganda about who the real people of Lordaeron are.


Insulting people and sperging about Lordaeron is all you can do it seems. What a waste. Shame.

Its not their core identity. Stormwind is their core identity. The Lion of Stormwind is the symbol of the Alliance. The Alliance was formed for the specific purpose of reclaiming Stormwind. Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Azeroth and Champion of Stormwind was the Supreme commander of the Alliance during the 2nd War.

Lordaeron was NEVER the core identity of the humans. It took center stage in Warcraft 3 specifically to lay the foundation for the Forsaken. Lordaeron is the core identity of the Forsaken.

If you want to make HUmanity better, make Stormwind better. If you want to be a Lordaeron boy, then play undead.


I’m concerned because he’s not the only Alliance toon in this forum pushing the “we want to be bad without consequences” want, without considering the Horde have had to face extreeme concequences of being almost wiped out and having to fight for survival being the backbone on why the Horde does bad things.

He wants the Alliance to be bad and still retain the priviliges of being Alliance and still having the moral high ground… he wants all the benefits of Imperialism basically.

What he wants is a “chèque en blanc.” He wants freedom to destroy the Horde without impunity. It’s a power fantasy he refuses to drop. Why we have to indugle his fantasies on every thread is beyond me.