Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Seriously, she kept you guys from having to bite a real bullet with him.

Garithos is dead, that’s good, lets all move on!

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I’d rather he survived TFT than Sylvanas. He was a racist prick but racist pricks can be demoted. Sylvanas winning has led to millions of people being condemned to literal Hell.

No you wouldn’t. Then you’d have a fallen kingdom lorded over by a poseur imposter, who’d get killed by Horde some other way.
Or turned into a low level questing zone and then ignored.


Oh, they tried to make us hate Garithos… but their efforts were doomed to failure because Garithos was simply too awesome.

Look at that mighty chin. Varian Wrynn had nothing on this guy.

How about that glorious bushy moustache? It would turn Marcus Jonathan green with envy.

He was a snazzy dresser, too. Who else looks so dashing in black and gold fullplate? He also had a lion on his shield and wings on his helmet. It’s like Lothar meets Thor over here.

His character class was “Dark Knight”. Do you know who the only other member of that class is? Batman.

Check out those special abilities. Holy Light, Shockwave, Devotion Aura and Avatar. He’s like a paladin, a chieftain and a mountain king rolled into one. A paladin chieftain king. He probably ditched the Silver Hand because the other paladins weren’t manly enough to hang out with him.

He had more titles than you could shake a gnome at. Lord Garithos. Highlord Garithos. Warlord Garithos. Grand Marshal Garithos. That’s right - he PvPed his way up to rank 14 before WoW even came out. How many other Alliance NPCs hold that title? Not one. Marshals and Field Marshals are a dime-a-dozen, but Garithos was one of a kind.

What do normal people do in the face of a zombie apocalypse that wiped out the majority of their kingdom? Die, mostly. Some run or hide. Not Garithos, though - no sir. He kept a stiff upper lip (beneath his magnificent moustache) and decided he’d be having none of that. He’d take on all the undead and demons the world had to offer and teach them what for.

Garithos was also the one who took Dalaran back from the Scourge. If it weren’t for Garithos, the Kirin Tor wouldn’t have been able to put a silly bubble around the ruins, rebuild their city, fly it over to Northrend and even leave the Alliance because wizards are just such ungrateful people.

What a legend. If only the indomitable Lord Garithos (and his epic voice) were still around to lead us today.

We humans have to stick together, you know.

Don’t you dare.

Lothar was a great Human. And of Stormwind by the way.

Do not sully him by comparison to that shoddy bigot Garithos.

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That copypasta actually reminded me that Garithos was from a Lordaeron noble family. The Forsaken killed one of Lordaeron’s last remaining legitimate authorities to make way for a Thalassian usurper.

That’s treason you know. They literally did an Arthas.

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Na, Calia wasn’t dead.

Garithos was the traitor and usurper.

Garithos was a landed Baron. That would actually make him the highest ranking non-royal Lordaeron noble we’ve seen in the lore so far, tied with Rivendare.

The only other guy who outranks him is a guy with the Duke title in the Argent Dawn.

Just sayin’… he tasted the same to the Undead.

All are equal in death. /cough

Just sayin’ that the first thing that the Forsaken did when they regained free will was betray Lordaeron and install a foreigner to rule.

Garithos =/= Lordaeron.

“We would have all such offenders so cut off…” -Henry V


We know both of them were Lordaeron nobles but we don’t actually know what their titles were. Tirion was probably pretty high ranking since he governed Hearthglen though.

I thought in metzens own novel tirions entire title was listed? Wasn´t he something like a count or even prince?

Also, Thor’s rad.

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Wrong, Night Elves were living in the Moonglade and Mount Hyjal. In the cities. They were always building cities, small aoutposts, and villages all over the Kalimdor. Heck they have even a city in the Outland.
Night Elves need a new capital city!

But I agree that there must by some forests in mystical Night Elves theme. Those cool forests that were soo attractive. When I was playing WoW for the first time those forests and theme there actually were the things that made me so addictive to this game.

Since classic Blizzard have slowly destroyed all of the Night Elves forest, deleted their theme, and this game really misses this.

He governed Hearthglen which probably made him a Baron at least, but to my knowledge his title is never actually confirmed.

Although it should be noted that Knight is a noble title as well (and in some cases even a landed title), so pretty much the entire Argent crusade can make a claim to be Lordaeron nobility and likely a good chunk of the Alliance’s forces as well.

Tirion got a pretty high ranking jury as well at his trial though, including both the Crown Prince and the Archbishop of the Church which suggests that he was probably higher ranking than Baron. Even most nobles don’t get a hearing in front of people that important so there’s evidence to support that he may have been a Duke.

Of course he was excommunicated and stripped of land and title so it’s a moot point. Especially now that he’s dead.


Night Elves and Forsaken should be removed as playable races.

Followed by Blood Elves and Void Elves.

And then Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei.


Forsaken convert UC into a necropolis and fly it to Theramore.

NEs to The Moon!
