Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

Restoring Teldrassil would be the lamest way to end Shadowlands bar none.

And really bad for the setting at large since it would set a precedent for undoing large-scale events. Can we undo the destruction of Theramore next? How about the destruction of Lordaeron too? Restore all those Forsaken back into Alliance humans.

Can we undo all those worlds the Legion destroyed? What about all the other people Sylvanas killed to fuel the Jailer?

Dead people need to stay dead. Once you start to literally cheat death on a massive scale there is no longer any possible way for anything that happens to be meaningful.


But Garithos made a deal with Sylvanas. Sylvanas broke the deal.
The fact that Garithos was a racist and all that does not negate the fact of betrayal on the part of Sylvanas.

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Itā€™ll handwave as ā€œin the storyā€, and not a precedent.

After all thereā€™s a dragon who will send you into time now, not like it isnā€™t there.

Would the night elves be wrong if, after resurrecting the population and Teldrassil, they went to slay the Horde?

Meh, only thing Garithos was good at was sullying the Alliance and discriminating against its members.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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But Renewal! The die is cast!

No big deal, Heā€™s a perfect example of how the Forsaken cannot be trusted. Sylvanas for sure.

Itā€™s OK.
The update is complete. Added the protocol ā€œDestruction of everything and everything that tried to kill us and is outside our territoriesā€.

No way! She literally saved the Alliance a ton of pain from him.
It was a very noble act! Otherwise by now youā€™d have lost the NEā€™s, Dwarves, and Gnomes, on top of the Blood Elves!

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Iā€™m thinking you meant inside your territories.

Additionally, itā€™s not like he was the type to be charitable to undead citizens that sort of were his. All a lack of scheming by Sylvanas would have lead to is just expulsion from Lordaeron.


Assuming he didnā€™t try to kill them all of course.


He was actually really charitable towards the Forsaken. He even called Sylvanas ā€œMy Ladyā€ while they were working together and followed his part of the deal to the letter.

Him being a better person than he was earlier in the Frozen Throne campaign ironically led to his downfall.

::He would look at the Hordeā€™s decimated cast.::
Man Alliance players sure do have blinders, eh?


Or he was just desperately in need of assistance so he played nice for a little bit.

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It was Sylvanas that proposed the deal that he then agreed to.

You donā€™t need to think that Garithos was nice or a good person or whatever to acknowledge that the Forsaken betrayed him, and with him the Alliance.


He needed her help.

Imagine the inverse scenario where the Alliance allied with an Orc or something to accomplish a mutual goal and then deciding that since the Orc was a jerk, it was therefore okay to renege on the deal after the fact, stab him in the back and kill him, and then feed his body to animals.

Horde players would rightfully be crying bloody murder about it because it would be an act of war.


Didnā€™t the Alliance say he got better than he deserved in the latest bookerino about EK?


He didnā€™t even know what the strategic situation was when they struck the deal. He trusted her based on her word alone that he needed her help.