Night Elves actually did get a good ending

Considering the premise of this statement is false, it is safe to say the rest will be equally false. Saving souls is precisely an on going effort. And is repeatable.

Every Covenant was accepting saving souls as a way to raise your Renown until 40. And you use souls to upgrade stuff. Saving souls was an ongoing effort for all the Covenants and repeatable. It still is , but it doesn’t give Renown after 40.

And the “Night Fae specific Night Elf specific Ysera Quest” is repeatable. Again, you might have to get past level 10 and actually play Shadowlands content to know that. I have two level 60 Night Fae so I am familiar with actually playing the game. I can see why a level 10 with just 20 achievement points might be so confused about everything, if you don’t actually play the game, and just spam stuff you read on reddit.


Uh didn’t Blizzard even remove the ability to repeat this quest? I’m pretty sure they did, which is hard confirmation that the number is ~100 that we saved and also confirmation that the writers want it that way.

Also, again, the winter queen says that the Jailer has / claimed the souls, thus they never reached Ardenweald. Never.

Furthermore let me ask, where are all the other named Night Elf souls that died?

No. You can do multiple times, if you want.

Again, if you actually played, instead of mixing what others tell you with your head canon, and calling it lore, you might know… something… about the story and game.


No, this came about because of me unintentionally bugging the quest and being unable to receive it anymore, and then me turning around and telling you that it was no longer repeatable. I was wrong.

And the point of my believing that was because I took the quest’s alleged one-off nature to be representative of you going in and saving most of them, because I thought making it a repeatable weekly was kinda tacky.


She’s a Life Titan, who wasn’t even physically present. Her power has limits.

Yeah, cause lots of people cry when they shrug. You’re such a disingenuous troll…

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Yes a still powering up Sylvanas from two xpacks prior is def the same as the powered up slyvy this xpack. Nice try but pass on that take.

Right lol literally tear of elune. But yeah she just had allergies if you ask etheiel or kyalin

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That wasn’t my take at all but nice job on missing it so you could create a strawman argument to debunk. Try harder little troll

Side note: 9.1 happens canonically after 9.0 (surprise) and covenant campaign.

Yet the WQ says: “All who perished there were claimed by the Maw.”

So, it looks like indeed, in the story very little time passed and the players got souls out of the Maw / Trorghast like once or twice.

gl hf


Yea… that’s what I’ve been saying for ages, that the writers wanted the Night Elf souls to be obliterated so that there’s no hope of them coming back

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I’m not sure it’s malicious so much as the devs not realizing that it’s not a book and people started playing the game not because of the adventures of Anduin, etc.

But at the same time it is known that in MoP Tyrande was intentionally picked by the devs to be a foil for Varian.

Also, the image and characterisation of night elves is drastically different from the original. But it does not have to be for the reason of hating the night elves, but more because there are certain archetypes that current narrative team does not like. They do not see further than the nose to spot that different stuff can be effective at different times, so we got this squashed versions of both night elves and orcs (funny enough the races that afaia Metzen liked the most :thinking: )

Maybe there is a moral superiority complext among some narrative team figures that results in twisting some races rather heavily. So it happened that night elves are among them.

Maybe it’s a side effect of the stuff which plagues the company irl, like antagonizing the playerbase in general. And other troublesome things in the company itself.

Maybe people are just so into “I can’t hear you over how awesome my story is” / “it’s our story to tell” state, that they are not capable of understanding that they are the problem.

Maybe it’s just a logical conclusion of Danuser’s work. After all, all the project he worked on ended up being a commercial failure (EverQuest 2, Project Copernicus + Kingdoms of Amalur, EverQuest Next).

gl hf

It’s 100% this.

They’re writing for books and for cinematics, like platforms in a river, instead of paving a road with benches.

Also this.

I mean lets face it, if Blizzard has a culture of misogyny and racism that was unable to be meaningfully confronted until right now, that ultimately extends to a culture of people feeling like the can’t speak up at all generally, and that includes telling the writers/creative team that they’re horribly wrong and out of touch.


They can take our game, but they can’t take our hope. -(
just for enjoy

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I wish the downvote option was still available on the forums


If I recall correctly, Blizzard ditched it because it wasn’t supposed to be a downvote function in the first place. I think it was intended to be for community-decided moderation action for burying troll posts.

Given that I remember it being represented by a thumbs down icon, I’m not sure why they expected people to not use it as a downvote, though.


Well, trolls will troll (c)

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Auto moderation from downvotes sounds really stupid, I’m glad they got rid of it.

I mean, even now they have problems with certain discords brigade-reporting nonoffensive posts, making that process easier and fully within the forum rules sounds really awful to me.


just was watching this quest again. ~30% of all civilians in Darnasus that we have to save in that quest are Worgens. . .
But no one is saving them from the Maw…

We don’t need to because the Night Elves sacrificed themselves to let the Worgen be evacuated first

So the worgen were in Teldrassil at the time of the Burning? According to the story, all the Gilneans were taken out in two hours, no?