Night Elves actually did get a good ending

I’m just like others Night Elves fans was very mad, telling all the time that Blizzard hates Night Elves. But now when the story came to the end I see it as pretty acceptable. I will try to cover all the details step by step. So what have happened since BfA?

In the pre-patch of BfA:
the Horde have gathered her entire force and with its full might the Horde made a strike on Night Elves lands. Night Elves lands were unguarded since the army have left to Silithus. The head count was 1to8 on the Horde side. Horde also was under protection by Sylvanas who was almost like demigod. And yet even in such conditions local Night Elves guardians gave a hell to the Horde.
Night Elves did lost that war, Teldrassil was burned down, all their lands were conquered. And later we found out that most of the Night Elves souls were sent to the Maw, while some of them became Forsakens.
It was terrible hit to Night Elves. Such a drama that no matter what came later I was blind to see it. Even knowing that a lot of Night Elves (more than Stormwind city can handle) were evacuated I was keep saying that entire Night Elves race is dead…

And yet what have happened later?
At first Night Elves have gathered their army. Tyrande became Night Warrior and together with Gilneas they managed to defeat the Horde and to kick them out from their lands.

I know its small. But yet, it was a defeat not only of the Horde but also of the Horde players. They spend effort for that Darkshores Warfront and they lost that battle. Night Elves won, they won!!! And they did this without human potential! They were portrayed independent!
I will also remind that in the end of the entire BfA war Night Elves army together with Shandris Feathermoon were standing at the gates of the Orgrimmar.

So, in a couple of words what have happened? Horde gathered up and while Night Elves were away they have killed civilians. Night Elves gathered up and managed to defeat the Horde, and to kick the Horde till the gates of the Orgrimmar…

Yes, the siege ended up without blood. We didn’t get revenge. But lets be honest, in Orgrimmar we can see that loyalists are in chains. They really are portrayed as criminals there. So, I will call this as a victory. We won that war!

In the pre-patch of Shadowlands:
In the last pre-patch Night Elves were defeated and it left negative feelings. But in the Shadowlands pre-patch we got this:

Its an epic moment when for the first time some Horde hero(even ex) is being killed by the Alliance hero (Night Elf!!!). Yes, he was just send to the Maw, he wasn’t killed forever. But now we know that he wasn’t send to his beloved Sylvanas, no, he was taken by Jailor to suffer somewhere else.
So, that bastard who made Night Elves to suffer so much got killed in the epic cutscene as a main moment of the pre-patch. I will call this as a win again.

In the Shadowlands it self:
At the very beginning we found out that most strongest leaders were kidnapped. While only Tyrande managed to defeat her enemies. Later she have jumped into the Maw and literary did a genocide there. We were searching for her following the road of dead bodies of the Maw soldiers…
In the end of that quest line Night Elves souls came in Torghast Tower to see Tyrande. They managed to feel her. Yes it was a player Maw walker who took those souls to the Ardenweild, but yet again tnx to the Tyrande we managed to save those souls.

So now Night Elves souls will chill in the Ardenweald, which is literally a natural paradise for Night Elves. If you will ask them they say that Ardenweald is most beautiful thing they ever seen. While all the other souls of other races that died in BfA mostly will continue to suffer in the Maw.

In the same Ardenweald we managed also to bring back to life our beloved friend Ysera, the friend of the Night Elves race. That moment was also so epic that made me even to spill some tears:

Yes, of course there were also bad moments. Tyrande did not managed to defeat Sylvanas, and now it seams that Sylvanas will even going to get redemption. But it also turned out that it was not actually Sylvanas the evil mastermind that is behind everything. It was Jailor, and he will be defeated.

Yes, I know that its not enough and we want more revenge. But lets be honest, we don’t really need that revenge. What we really need is to see that our race is happy and strong.
And we did receive this:

So, we finally know now that we Night Elves really are Elunes chosen beloved children. The only playable race that was chosen by the gods of Nature. Now we know that Night Elves religion is not a lie. Now we also know that Night Elves together with Tyrande managed to save the Ardenweald. So they portrayed as a heroes. And now we also know that Night Elves souls will be reborn, while all the other races will stay dead…

So, lets sum up what we have:
The Horde did defeat us while we were away from home. Then we defeated them back. Loyalists are in chains. Nathanos killed by Tyrande in the epic movie. Then we managed to save Ardenweald, and as a god’s chosen race all of our people will be reborn…

Lets be honest, Night Elves were portrayed as very strong race, one of the most important races for the Nature realm. And the only thing that we lost in the end of those 2 addons is our home.

But knowing that Teldrassil and Darnassus was raised in just 4 years of the Azeroth, we will probably get a new nice home. In fact Ion already did gave a promise to us that we will get one after Shadowlands.


I’d hate to see what the bad ending is.


I mean

Warcraft ended with 3.


I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. I mean that sincerely

But maybe correct this typo:




Not really.
We did not see an on-screen victory and this was over some left over garrison that was gathering resources. The primary commanders the Alliance fought against were undead night elves.
This doesn’t alleviate the situation where the Horde torched many civilians and an entire zone while they hold another one (Ashenvale) in limbo.
All the Night Elves managed to do was to allegedly retake a coastline from garrison that also compromised some undead traitors that totally weren’t mind controlled.

Not a Night Elf victory or faction development. If the prisoners were turned over to NEs for justice then you might be onto something.

Not really. The guy literally says he wants to die and went there to die.
If he had died in Darkshore you would be correct.

Ardenweald could be fel nuked to oblivion and it wouldn’t impact living or dead Night Elves in any way.

No evidence to prove this and nor will it make everything NE players experienced worth it.
Because in the end they are right where they started except Teldrassil is still gone and Horde and Sylvanas are still just as guilty but no one has answered for their supposed crimes.

No evidence of this.


Worgen, lose their home twice and have absolutely nothing to show for it. No characters, no plotlines, no story.


OPs gonna break his back trying to justify this story and ignore how bad it is.


Genn > Night Warrior Tyrande
Nerf old white man class. its just too OP.


While your positivity and “count your blessings” approach is refreshing, the Night Elves have also being given the short end of the stick a lot and Sylvanas needs to answer for her crimes. It’s a mixed bag.

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Leave it to Smallioz to misconstrue events in order to support his argument.
Sylvanas wasn’t empowered by the deaths of Azeroth in Legion.


We still have no explanation for Windrunner’s exponential power increase other than: ‘‘Jailer gave it to her, I guess.’’ She punked the Lich King and survived a cosmic empowered avatar with no real telling of how. That is a basic flaw of storytelling.


Teldrassil and BFA. We were toldthat the machinery of death broke after Stormheim. I assumed it had something to do with the lamp that Genn smashed, but apparently it was just Denathrius and Remornia.

WoW OP, you are as delusional as they come.

Lol what did I misconstrue?

Considering you never actually know what her power level is in the first place, thats not surprising. Sylvanas has always lived and worked in the shadows. Her potential has always been unknown. People can’t even agree on who she is never mind what she might be capable of. What secrets did she glean from Varimythras. What other deals had she made with the darkness.


If being mostly wiped out, tortured, obliterated, betrayed by their goddess, without a home or zones to go anywhere and denied their justice is the good ending, then what the hell is the bad ending?

Also, ending is a nice word, because this is in fact the Night Elves’ end. Also you’re wrong OP since the souls weren’t saved, but obliterated in the maw instead.


Not only that it was also obvious for years that she is one of the stronger characters in wow. She didn’t flaunt or display her strength but we had in game moments where she was dominate like in seige of the under city after the wrath gate.

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1). A lot of Night Elves were evacuated. Malfurion tells us that he started evacuation in the first day of The War Of The Thorns, while entire war took like ~2weeks. We know from the book that there were 3 portal places where we hade non stop streams of refugees (mage tower, cathedral, the keep):

Just look on those streams and imagine how many Night Elves were saved during those ~2 weeks. It took only one day to evacuate entire Gilneas nation using those portals.
And there was also evacuation by the sea . . .

In fact its mentioned in the book, that the biggest Alliance city - Stormwind could no handle such a big stream of people, and that stream went outside of the city.

We do not know how much did die. We had a quest that told us that 960 elves left, and I personally managed to save 170 in total using one bug. Tyrande also mentioned in one quest that somewhere at 1 thousand died…

2). We managed to save a lot of souls. In fact not only souls of Teldrassil but also some Night Elves that died in Ashenvale forest. Watching the quest with saving souls we did rescue at least 50% of those.
And we did not stop. We continue to rescue souls from the Maw each day.

3). Elune did not betray Night Elves. We have no info if Elune could prevent the Burning of Teldrassil. I will just remind you that according to the Lore Horde forces during last years manage to defeat different monsters like Old Gods, fell Titans e.t.c. Now not only some group of titan killers but entire Horde came to defeat Night Elves. Do you really think that Elune could just enter our realm end in single hands destroy entire Horde?
What really Elune does now is that she will try to gave all those Night Elves souls a possibility to reborn. So, she did not abounded her favorite children.

And yes I will repeat again, - her favorite children. Now finally we know that our religion was not a lie, and we really were made by her. Its most epic win we had in WoW’s lore since classic.

We have only info that 4 souls were obliterated in the quest line. And one soul was killed by Sylvanas in the book. That is it, we only know that 5 Night Elves are dead forever…


We know from the very same book that there are “far too few” Night Elves left now.

Well, because the city is already full of humans…

Uh no, that never happened?

I made a comment about this in another thread, about how we only saved a hundred when a thousand died in Teldrassil alone… that’s only 10% and many more died in Ashenvale and Darkshore. So a lot more than 90% of all Night Elves that died were also obliterated in the maw.

The ones that she (accidentally) sent to the maw that were obliterated?..
And we don’t know anything about the handful that we did save being reborn.

Considering that Elune intended to let her people die to potentially help her sister while messing up and condemning the Night Elf souls to wow hell where they were obliterated, it’s safe to say that our religion was a lie.
Elune sees her followers as worthless, disposable. And when she found out what happened to their souls, her only reaction was “Oh I messed up then, damn”.

Which book?

We know that all Night Elves that weren’t saved are dead forever, because those few that we did save, we saved them from the exact place where souls are forged into weapons. This is the overwhelming majority and more than 90%.