Night Elves actually did get a good ending

Well at least you have the truth in one post, even if it is jumbled -

It is stated no where that the Night Elves are supposed to be gone canonically.


You wouldn’t know canon if it hit you with a truck.


Except that their souls are obliterated, their people dead, that they are destroyed as a nation and people and that even their goddess basically wants them dead?

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I can’t agree … I am a Night elf Fan .

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We don’t know if Elune somehow could prevent Teldrassil tragedy. All we know is that instead of taking all the souls to her realm she gave those souls to her sisters realm.
And now they both will try to reborn those souls back to life.

So their goddess basically wants them alive.


She’s a Goddess… She could save them .
But she decided to let the Night elves burn… to help her Sister ?
And the Souls went to the Maw .

„Nothing last“


Nope, the souls are obliterated, they never made it to Ardenweald.

Her reaction to sending them to the maw and that they were obliterated was "Well then I condemned my children :woman_shrugging: "

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If you ever actually played the Game instead of staying subbed just to spout head canon and lies on the Forums, you might see there is a quest in Ardenweald to save Night Elf souls. I skip it all the time - I think the first one was mandatory, though. So not all were destroyed. Some are canonically saved and brought to Ardenweald - they just take a detour to the Maw, but they make it to Ardenweald.

So you are incorrect. Again. Not all Night Elf souls are destroyed. Some are saved. Some do make it to Ardenweald.


A very small fraction that is far below 10% of those that actually died.

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You have no way of knowing that.

Blizzard can always say there were hundreds of Maw Walkers who chose Ardenweald, and they saved tons - if not all - of the Night Elves souls.

There are no exact numbers either way.

But we do know you are wrong. Not all Night Elf souls are destroyed. Those who chose The Night Fae save at least 10 - and if there are canonically multiple Maw Walkers and Covenant Champions, that could add up.

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I do, by comparing the number that we did save (~100) to the minimum number that died (1000+ in Teldrassil plus those in Ashenvale and Darkshore).

Furthermore, the Winter Queen even says that the Jailer claimed the souls in the cinematic.


She is just a Titan level creature from the Pantheon of the Nature. Just a group of the Horde soldiers manage to kill the titan of death Argus. And you really expect that Elune could possibly somehow save Night Elves and defeat the Horde?
If she could, why she didn’t done something like this before? When we were fighting against Legion for 3 times???

No, she is not a superman. She can give some powers to some priestess, and that is it. She cannot nuke entire Horde, or open portal for evacuation, those are Arcane things, not Nature things…

She tells us what she have done after the tragedy. She does not tells us that she decided to let them die.

That she found out only now, from her sisters words. Before that she was thinking that the souls are here and happy…

And she started to cry. Which means that she is not some upper cool machine of destruction. She got her power limit. And she does care.


You do not know that number at all. Blizzard never said how many are saved. So you are using head canon.

That quest is repeatable. Every Night Fae has to do it once. And there could be canonically hundreds of Night Fae Covenant Champions. And that doesn’t include the other souls the Covenants saved that might have a Night Elf in the mix.

So your number of less than 100 souls being saved is baseless.

The mission is to save 1000 - we don’t know how many are saved and how many died. While Alliance Players can be largely useless, I dont think Blizzard is going to make it canon that the Alliance Champions just flew out of Teldrassil without saving at least 1, if not more.

Your numbers are highly dubious. Nothing concrete.

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Blizzard doesn’t need to tell us how many are saved because we can easily calculate those 3 quests together.

And you also forgot that the Winter Queen literally said that the Jailer claimed them, and since we aren’t even trying to save them anymore, they are obliterated.

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He claimed them… and then we saved them. If he didn’t claim them, they would have gone to Ardenweald. But he claimed them, so we save them, even before Elune says anything.

And again, you forget that the other covenants are saving souls too, and Night Elves could be among the souls they save. Your numbers are just hogwash.

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Nope, because then they would’ve reached Ardenweald and the Winter Queen wouldn’t have a problem with the anima drought anymore.

This is more accurate


Yes. We do.

Every Covenant has weekly quests to save souls, and Night Elves are not excluded from being saved. The Night Fae specifically save souls for Ysera. And they get a repeatable quest that saves more and more.

You are incorrect. Again. The Night Elf souls are saved from obliteration. If they were obliterated, they would not have been there to be saved. Yet, they were saved. So, they were not obliterated.

If they were obliterated they would not be there to be saved. But we saved them.

You are clearly just a low level Forum Troll who does not play the game. If you leveled past level 10, and played in Ardenweald, you would know that we save Night Elf souls specifically. In fact, they are the only Azerothian race we go in to the Maw specifically to save.

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We saved a small fraction, and the rest was left behind and obliterated or already obliterated. The Winter Queen mentions that we didn’t save them, and the souls also never reached Ardenweald.

A fraction of them.

I don’t know how many times I have to repeat the words “small fraction”. Or everything that was said in the latest cinematic.


You can repeat your head canon all day - and you often do. But no where is it stated by Blizzard what sort of fractions are involved.

You can say a small fraction, a large fraction, a square fraction, a green fraction - it is all equally nonsense. You have nothing to back the amount that died or the amount of souls saved.


I guess we can agree on that.

Some number died. A Fraction of those souls were saved. A Fraction were obliterated.

But whether it is:

1/10 or 99/100 that were saved vs obliterated - we do not know.

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  • The fact that the souls never reached Ardenweald, thus the winter queen still has the problem with the drought
  • Actual numbers ingame
  • Ysera saying that there are many more still lost once we saved that small faction

Considering that saving souls wasn’t an ongoing effort either but all the quests were doable once, it’s safe to say that the rest of them were obliterated in the maw. We also only saved like 8 named souls.