Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

Mhm… Yeah. I’ve read that several times, thank you for ALLOWING me, a night elf player, to read it again. Your generosity is boundless. But I must still stress the fact that I do not see any explanations as to why this happening. I only see you giving examples as to why you think this is bad, which, without offering any explanations to justify it, it naturally graduates to you implying that you think night elves should not be warlocks, and this directly turns into the implication that you think night elves should have less choices in life. But, if you would like to rectify that, then like I said. Waiting is fun. I’ll be around. Haven’t had this much fun observing in some time. I dare say, it has been better than the game so far.

So, I take it that means you’re -not- interested in providing examples to counter my reasoning?

Interesting. Though not surprising.

I mean, like I said. I lead by example. And I see none of your own. So, why should I? I have nothing to say, other than simply saying that your opinion is nice but this is happening and I’m ok with that.

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I mean, here’s the supposed lore behind it. You could feel free to pick through it and let me know how it makes sense, because I’m apparently not the only one who’s saying it doesn’t. I can’t figure it out because it’s not coherant and I’d really like to see a stronger argument than “PTR IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE” because that’s already been done and has about as much substance as your reasoning.

I’m so excited to make Night Elf Warlock. As one poster said (thank you Magnarok) and it’s spot on, “who ever heard of a night elf wielding fel magic”

Enough with “but, but, it doesn’t fit the lore”. If you look hard enough you’ll see it in the lore.

I mean…technically they weren’t. That’s why warlocks are outcasts.

Some communities later let them in out of desperate need or a change in mindset…but the idea is still the same.

DH was all based around legion invasion and they are the “best soldiers” to counter demons.

Just wanted to say that this write-up was brilliant.

I don’t agree with this statement because it really only applies to the forums and I think it’s a gross exaggeration.

There are toxic people in Trade and BG chat, telling each other to kill themselves and I can’t believe that you think these people are better than someone that says “I don’t agree with nelf locks.”


Keep in mind two facts: Demons are not innately evil as beings of chaos, they range from naturally destructive to at best a nonthreat. Fact number two: Warlocks as a class are the outcasts of whatever society they are in, by lore they CANNOT just walk around with demons out and casting Fel everywhere. A lightforged or Night Elf Warlock canonically would rarely even be SEEN as they like all Warlocks would practice in secret and operate in secret.

Warlocks as a class are the middle finger to whatever race’s original values were held, they’re slightly less accepted than DHs and DKs, and even those are more valued by SW/Org’s actual military than Warlocks, who are barely tolerated as soldiers (because obviously anybody using Fel as a tool isn’t exactly concerned about sanctity of life, morality, and “rules”).

I mean, NE Mages had the exact same stigma and yet everyone now goes ‘well that’s just a 10K year beef, peeps forget that easy’.

Pretty sure NE as a race will survive just fine with PC locks.


I can’t believe you would stoop to an ad hominem attack just because people want to hold some basic logic to the world. Specifically not allowing Mag’har and Lightforged Draenei be warlocks.

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I’m planning on race changing to night elf. I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense lore wise. If I based everything in game based upon the lore, I would have quit back in TBC when I started.

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Your lore was gone in shadowlands. Why are you deciding to cry about it now? Move on to final fantasy or stop crying

All you need is mages or shamans in lore to have Warlocks. NE have had mages since Cata when Highborne from dire maul joined aka Shen’dralar. Currently they even have undead Elves after Shadowlands. Remember Illidian taught us not do judge someone on the magic they use but the content of their character. The Highborne that joined the NE already in lore had Sorcerer. Sorcerers (or sorceresses, also spelled sorcerors) are individuals capable of using magic, such as arcane, fel, shadow, or necromantic magic

Funny, I didn’t turn into a satyr, just some sort of djinn.

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I cried quite a bit about Shadowlands lore as well……

and im sorry that the devs decided to do that to you guys.

Not sure if it has been said, and I’m not reading through all this.

The Shen’dralar. Literally siphoned fel magic off a demon to sate their addictions to magic for thousands of years.


No. I don’t think you understand lightforging or fel magic usage if you don’t think they are possible. Unlike demon hunters. Warlocks do not imbue themselves with fel.

Yeah, I mean what wacko NE would every turn to using Fel Magic :wink:

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