Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

Especially Light wielders and those whose race name literally translates to “uncorrupted”?

Yeah, no. In-game lore already established that Light and fel don’t mix. And Mag’har orcs being warlocks, while more believable, is absolutely counter-intuitive. In both instances both races would be becoming something they absolutely swore they would not, by way of their very own identity.

Oh, so you’re making a selective argument and yet trying to force an identity upon me that is not on par with the discussion I’m trying to have. Got it.

Thank you for letting me know I don’t have to take anything you say going forward seriously. I appreciate you telling me I don’t have to waste my time.

I’m not arguing that an individual can have a choice. I’m just saying they can’t have a choice and think that people are just going to be OKAY with it.

As for hurt feelings, you called me a racist and I’m supposed to just be okay with you trying to make a discussion about the game into a personal attack? No, sis. That’s not okay. You lose any credibility by attempting to stick a label on me which doesn’t apply.

God, the self-victimisation is strong with you.

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There you go, with the hive mentality again. I sure hope you have a beehive haircut, irl. It would be the most meta for you I think.

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You are mixing up channeling and imbuing, which a lot of people do on these forums, I’ve noticed.

Warlocks are not fel-imbued. They don’t have fel magic flowing through their veins.

This is like arguing that Dark Iron Dwarves shouldn’t be allowed to be Mages because the Frost in Frost Mages would cause them to become extinguished. (Which is something that happens in the lore, feel free to look it up)

Which doesn’t happen, because mages CHANNEL frost spells, they don’t have frost magic flowing through their body. Just like warlocks CHANNEL fel spells.

There’d be no issues with a Lightforged or Mag’har channeling a Fel Spell. It wouldn’t “corrupt” them.

I don’t know where y’all got this weird idea that Warlocks are corrupted. It’s not anywhere in the lore.

Y’all seem to be applying Burning Legion Warlock Logic to Playable Warlock Logic, when they are two completely different Warlocks.


Some lore for this. Dh inspired.

Elune failed her people and demons burned their villages. Qeue…dh intro movie. They join the illidari. You are not preapared is said, as is the way.

Bfa, now a whole tree burned. Elune failed again. And some night elves go screw this.

Plays with fel and demons are now used to settle scores.

The night elves post bfa have lots of reasons to say elune can kiss their night elf butt.

Thanks to bfa, night elves have lots of edgy emo origin stories now.


Oh god no, I want Blizzard to turn it up to 11. I was just pointing out how flakey the writing is and how fast change has happened to these societies in only a few years.

No, no, no. I want no more factions, Orcs in Stormwind, Dwarves in Thunderbluff. I want Gnome Demon Hunters, Undead Druids. Unlock Evoker for everyone eventually. Maybe even have sliders in customization so it’s like Second Life. Tusks for Humans, Draenei tendrils for Tauren.

WoW lore is meaningless and has been for years. So lets get crazy!

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Pit Commanders for everyone!

Oprah Winfrey’s having a field day with this.

Why would they learn it from Nightborne?

I mean. Warcraft has always been kind of a cheesy 80s action movie with edgy teenage angst and weak but entertaining lore.

I think people who think an entire race needs to follow some sort of pre-determined trait instead of allowing individual characters to pursue their own path are kinda weird

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Whys it gotta be Oprah? You’re not helping your case with these posts lol. I honestly cannot tell if you’re a troll or not. But fact I got red flag vibes that even ALLOW me to suspect trolling from here, means your act is hinging on transparency.

I think people who use demons and throw them at other demons and think that people should be okay with that otherwise they’re racists are weird, so I guess we got one on both sides of the argument.

Why does someone always gotto take it to that level lmao

It’s funny cause here you go again whining about being called a racist. I said your claims sound racist. And somehow you extracted from that that I was telling you you’re a racist.

Also, you have some real pent up warlock hate inside of you don’t you. You should let it be free. Save yourself. Don’t hide it in a bushel basket.

Because we’re apparently just handing anything out. Do you really not understand the comparison?

You never expanded upon that, either. Because I wasn’t targeting any specific race, and then when I did bring up other races, you said you didn’t care about other races. So I just need an explanation on where racism came in there. Right now it just looked like you wanted to instigate something without having any substance behind it.

So giving an individual character the free will to make their own decisions in their fictitious life, is a hand out? Hmmmmmm…

Actually I expanded on that many times, and you actually did in fact make a post about how you think night elves, which is a race, should have less choices in their lives. And yes, in this case, being that this is a topic about night elves, I do not care to discuss orcs and draenei at this time.

Tell me where I said night elves can’t have choices. My post was pointing out why the choice isn’t a good one. And somehow, you took that as a blanket statement for racism. So again, I’m confused.

I mean, please point out examples as to how using fel magic was beneficial. I came up with three examples of how it was detrimental just for the night elves. I can come up with countless more for the other races. I would love to see some supporting statements.

I’ll wait while you rack your brain cells. I imagine I’ll be waiting a while.

Waiting is fun, is it not? But, I digress, and now I must give you due credit and say that you’re right, you got me. You have wounded my ability to keep up with how many times you edit your posts. You’re mind is an interesting, ever shifting thing, and I must know more about how you think! Perhaps over a coffee, or a film! In fact, I’d love to know what you think about one of my favorite movies. It’s called Warcraft. A literal masterpiece of a film, starring Travis Fimmel, and several CGI dog people with rippling muscles, and a subplot about something called fel.

Also, I’m going to need you to lead by example as I’m trying to wrap my brain cells around what examples you have given in your original post. Because all I see is you saying you don’t like it.

Umm…the fel is eeo. Even elves blow up in the process for dhs. In legion we in fact see 2 blow up that I recall. Gnome wants to risk blow up…sign the waiver and let’s do this.

Maybe they blow up, maybe they don’t.

Undead druids….sl the undead covenant was bis most of the game. Some druids are down for necromancy.

Why not be the undead druid to complete that.

Lest we forget no horde druid lost powers after the tree.

Cenarius stopped caring long ago lol….see if dungeons and dragons….horde druids that supported that the dm would be having modifiers for every single role. Those druids would hate life.

I had a dm very picky about this. Break alignment? Yeah….good luck rolling thaco. Spells backfired, the dude loved alignment breaks.

It’s not dnd. This is Sparta…err wow.

Here you go, since I’ve apparently burnt out your brain so much that a simple mouse scroll to the top of the topic seems to have you incapacitated.

Bonus! It’s even unedited! So hopefully you can keep up just fine. Heaven forfend your brain short-circuits a second time trying to come up with examples.