Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

Using Fel goes against what it means to be Lightforged.

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And? There have been counter cultures since forever. Does that make them immune to temptation for power? Does it make desperate people stop existing? You are projecting your ideal of a warlock across a broad spectrum of what that means. Warlocks are shadow, fire, chaos, soul, and fel users.
Lightforging does not prevent any of that. There are CANON light forged deathknights so clearly the lightforging process does not prevent other magics from taking hold of the body. If anything it gives them a resistance to it if death knights trying to raise green dragons are any indication which means they would be MORE IDEAL WARLOCKS because they could resist any corruption that might result from passive usage (which is head canon since no warlock has been shown to have this without excessively infusing themselves like Guldan)
Eredar are possibly the first warlocks in history and the Naaru themselves turn into being of pure shadow when killed. Lightforged warlocks probably make the most sense from a thematically standpoint being warped into a Shadowy version of themselves.

It’s clear you never cared for any of the Lore.

Seems like I care more than you if I can see the nuance and not whatever ‘feels good’ to me.

Name me a single reason why a night elf can’t pursue the path of the warlock.

Just one.

Not like you guys have been able to keep your crazies in line effectively thus far.


Came here to say this, but you beat me to it. To expand on this…

Player Night Elf mages are from (or were taught by) the Shen’dralar, a group of Highborne mages that hunkered down in Eldre’thalas (aka. Dire Maul) after the Sundering.

Prince Tortheldrin summoned the huge demon Immol’thar so that they could feed on its power and regain immortality.

Your new Night Elf warlock could be a Shen’dralar mage that got hold of the Prince’s books on demon summoning. Or, after thousands of years drinking fel from a demon, they just really needed their fix of fel magic.

Boom. Done.



Maybe some Night Elves were so distraught at Teldrassil being burned down some Mages got together and decided to delve into the darker arts and become Warlocks to gain more power.