Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

Someone please tell me how this is practical.

There are three distinct situations that come to mind when I think of how night elves and demons have interacted with one another, and why for the longest time, the official stance for night elves were “DEMONS BAD”:

  1. The Maelstrom. Are we forgetting the Azshara teamed up with the Legion and that resulted in the world being ripped in half?

  2. Hyjal. Archimonde and the Legion ended up attacking Nordrassil, leading Malfurion to summon the wisps to defeat him and sacrifice their immortality.

  3. Suramar. Elisande tried to ally with the Legion and that didn’t end up going well since her people suffered by becoming Withered due to mana being rationed.

So we’re about to take a fourth go at such madness by allowing night elves to become warlocks? Okay then…

Feel free to discuss why you feel this is a good or bad idea, lorewise.


Why the hell does it matter? For the warlock players i say im glad for em, personally i’d prefer to be a nelf lock than any other race. Let’s be honest here Lore doesn’t matter anymore with the original classes, eventually we’ll see DH for half the races too im sure in the future


Yeah who ever heard of a night elf wielding fel magic…?


What better way to beat an enemy than to use their weapons against them. Yeah we defeated the Legion, but maybe some of the nelves wanted to make sure they knew everything they could about the Legion so they tapped into that magic. Also maybe they saw other locks working towards protecting Azeroth and figured they wouldn’t be corrupted. There are plenty of ways to spin it. And yeah, they’d be ostracized like their dk, dh, and darkfallen kin.


We all know they don’t make sense.

However, Blizzard does not care so I would just give up.


Once they let Night Elves be mages way back in cata the lore doesn’t matter and hasn’t mattered in a long while.

Let every race play every class because lore hasn’t mattered for like 14 years now.


Every race will eventually be every class and no it’s not lore practical but it’s going to happen, eventually. You better make peace with it now because it’s going to keep happening.

Blizz destroyed their own lore years ago.


Practically speaking.

Night elves have watched most of their most recent allies command demons, wield the Light to smite foes, and learned kung fu from giant talking bears that may or may not have drinking problems.

And then one day one of them decided “You know what, let me try this.”

While I’m personally loving watching everyone twist themselves into knots trying to justify why this is a bad thing, it’s simple enough to understand that there is nothing stopping any of these characters from doing anything.


Sad reality, unfortunately. And even sadder is that the players care less.

I made peace with Blizzard trashing their own lore back around the beginning of Shadowlands. I just keep wondering why they’re so insistent to do so and why players keep supporting the concept.

Then I remember that the current day playerbase is not nearly as great as it used to be.

Game mechanics. Ehehehehe.


Maybe they don’t like druids, maybe they hate Tyrande. Maybe they are disappointed in their culture and leadership and just want another source of power.


Warlocks by their nature are always outsiders and outcasts. Are you telling me it is completely inconceivable that a handful of Night elves would turn their backs on traditional society in favor of pursuing a path of power at any cost? There have been several such Night elves in game.


Practical isn’t the point.

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Isn’t this a problem? Do we want to make it worse?


Unfortunately, it seems that the answer is yes.

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We have to try! The lore forum saved us from light worshipping orcs, maybe the forums can fix this too!

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Night elves have the free will to choose to become warlocks which is justification for every class.


We’re about to have brown orc warlocks using fel.

Know how lore breaking that is? Yeah we’re going to get brown light-wielding paladins by the end of this xpac.


Anyone saying any of the combinations don’t make sense obviously lack creativity and imagination to spin whatever combo.

The rest of us should not be held back because you are inept.

My god.


Gameplay > Lore. Every. Single. Time.

Also, they’re pretty easy to justify if you just look at them like caster demon hunters.


*chuckles in nelf dh* your argument fel over quickly