Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

Night Elves have been rubbing elbows with various races and cultures in major hubs for years and years and years. They have fought alongside others in alien battlefields and encountered new races and perspectives. Surely any given Night Elf is capable of individual thought, learning from others and finding his or her own style. It’s actually unrealistic to force players or NPCs for that matter to conform to the cultural stereotype of their race, because that doesn’t happen in real life either. Do you fit your cultural or national stereotype? Do you know others who don’t fit theirs? Are your own personal values and every choice that you make about how to live your life completely and utterly dictated by your cultural and national stereotype?


oh god it’s worse than I thought

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you also do know lore wise Night elves were originally trolls and troll warlocks do make sense. they turned into night elves because of the well of eternity i believe.

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All you’re accomplishing is stating yet another reason why lorewise we shouldn’t suck up fel magic like we’re ordering milkshakes at the ice cream parlor.

As I stated earlier, we’ll do what we want and when Azeroth sunders again, cry that we should have done better.

People making bad choices and then lamenting the consequences that happen as a result isn’t great storytelling. It’s tired and boring. Pretty much why people griped when Sylvanas was revealed to have been a feels bad pawn of the Jailer all along. Completely pulled back on the character she had become.

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At this point Blizzard is just desperate to gain a few subs, so they’ll throw whatever they can at the player base to accomplish this.

Poor choices and regret are real and natural. It’s unrealistic not to include them in a story, and it makes for an awfully simplistic universe when characters are never mistaken in their decisions.

True to form, Sylvanas held back nothing in her desperate quest to avoid what she feared most: a destiny of eternal torment in the Maw as was explained at Icecrown Citadel in WotK. She bit off more than she could chew when she made a deal with the Jailer. I think that was very fitting, and I think that her story should have ended with either the players or the Jailer killing her. But players actually hate Sylvanas because Steve Danuser crushes on her so hard that he oversaturated the plot with her. Players hate her because her personality is mean, selfish and entitled - and has been that way since Vanilla only now more noticeable because she had so much screen time in Shadowlands. Players also hate her because Danuser couldn’t let her go either and instead transformed her into a mortal, forcing her out of character and denying the plot an impactful resolution to the conflict. Contrary to your point, regret and poor decisions are not what turn people off but rather how they are included and executed in a story. A Night Elf warlocks aren’t a dirty retcon and they don’t prevent the existing conflict in the plot so far from reaching a satisfying resolution. This is to stay they don’t make players feel like they were tricked or robbed of a good ending.

Speaking of poor decisions, how did Elune-worship and embodying Night Elf culture work out for Tyrande and the Night Elves? Sounds like maybe they could have benefited from learning some fel magic to defend themselves!

Tyrande hasn’t turned her back on Elune so I’m assuming she’s doing OK… oh yeah except she keeps pining for Malfurion. Frankly I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to move heaven and earth trying to get him to stay around for longer than a fortnight. But if you need examples as to why FEL BAD, I believe I posted three in the original post that people have apparently just glossed over and continue to do so.

And those are just examples of how negatively the fel magic has affected night elf culture. I haven’t even begun to mention the horrible things that have happened to the other races as examples why we continue to ignore history.

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I’m not a fan of fel magic either, but I do think characters should be allowed to make costly mistakes. I also think the writers are wasting some great plot opportunities for the Alliance by ignoring the rift between Tyrande/Genn and the rest of the Alliance that was explored in BfA after Teldrassil burned. I wonder what the remaining Night Elves think about her leadership and if it should or shouldn’t be followed. What if some decided that learning about all the kinds of magic that the Alliance uses including fel magic and shamanism is necessary for them to evolve and survive? I don’t think Blizzard would be ignoring existing lore since it isn’t a retcon. It would be interesting if there was a rift between Alliance-loyal Night Elves and those who are loyal to Tyrande and Elune above all.

What do you mean it doesn’t make sense?

Clearly these ancient societies with long practising cultures with ingrained philosophies over the course of thousands of years all just had a change of heart in the last few. Clearly. :crazy_face:

Considering the primalists…It does. Blood elves should be allowed to be shamans now.

I’d rather discuss your racist tone in this message you’re sending out here. “Allow” night elves to do it. Like what. What are they second class citizens, banned from being lawyers and making dark deals with politicians or something? Sounds racist. And that, people, would be cringe.

Right because these civilizations perfectly maintain order with every one of their citizens, controlling their choices in life. That’s really messed up, though, man. Pretty sure the individual has a choice, and should be able to act of their own volition.

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You don’t seem to understand Lightforging if you think Warlocks as they are make sense for them.

Yeah, who ever heard of a Night Elf Warlock.

looks at the Nightborne, who are literally Night Elves who evolved under different circumstances over 10,000 years

It’s almost like it’s very easy to explain it as some Night Elves learned to be Warlocks from the Nightborne.

I think the people who are stuck in the “LORE CAN’T EVER CHANGE OR EVOLVE” mindset are the most toxic people in this game.


Yes, that’s what happened to the Void Elves. Seems your taking the fiction into reality though with your reply.

Or… you know… Uhm… Liiiike… Demon hunters.

Oh, I’m just highlighting night elfs because I’ve played night elf the longest and am familiar with the lore.

Feel free to explain why it makes sense for Lightforged or Mag’har as well, I’m not racially exclusive in saying it shouldn’t work for them either.

And if you’re crying racism in a video game that has a long standing (and still very present) history with races hating other races, then maybe this isn’t a game you should be playing.

Also, why is it racism, because I don’t hate the idea because of their race? I’m literally posting this from a night elf toon. I hate the idea because it just doesn’t make sense.

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So by your logic, just because a fictional elf race are usually hiding in a bush munching leaves off of sticks, and talking to birbs, that one of those fictional elves can’t decide that they wanna try to talk to eat warlock cookies and talk to an imp instead? I don’t understand what you’re getting at here. It’s almost like you’re saying fictional writing should always be a 2 dimensional, stagnant, unchanging bore.

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Also, just a friendly reminder:

Warlocks are not canonically accepted in any society, so they don’t have to explain Tyrande, Gey’arah, etc. accepting them . Warlocks are outcasts in society.

The races being available is very simple to explain. Like, ridiculously simple. In fact, all races should have had Warlock years ago simple.

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Thank you for giving me the freedom to explain lightforged and maghar warlocks, that’s very kind of you, truly, but, we’re discussing night elf locks here, so currently I don’t care otherwise.

Straw grasp comment, stemming from hurt feelies for some reason? Not trying to make you feel bad, but. Hating other races has literally nothing to do with having the free will to break away from old stale farts in the forest to breath some fresh fel air if these INDIVIDUAL characters so choose. I know you’re probably a big hive mind supporter but, there’s more out there than being a meep. Sometimes, a meep maybe wants to be a moop you know. Who are you to take that away from them. Like, just who do you think you are? Tyrande? Yikes.