Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

It’s fine because lore wise there’s nothing physically impeding a Night Elf outlier (or a small sect) to take Fel magic.

Not looking towards an individual endeavor, more a societal approach… It’s fine as well, since DH are a thing.

Honestly, the only combo that doesn’t make a lot of sence is LFD, because they are imbued with Light, and there’s not one spec (unlike Priest x VE/Undead situation) that would support it. Unless they are forging new lore about how can a LFD outlier can interact with Warlock arts, which I suppose that’s the reason behind the new quest.

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game play mechanics =/= story lore or NPC cultures represented in the game.

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Yeah, sorry, we don’t all play WoW just for the gameplay.

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Are you ok with the Night Elves who turned heel and started doing shaman magic this xpac?

How long will it take before they remove class restrictions for spells?

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well, its a game so…dont make a NE warlock /shrug play your game YOUR way and dont let other peoples choices bother you

(Fair enough)

That’s presumably their hope too: that they’ve learned how to wield the power safely this time.

I’m sure they can point to demon hunters and say “hey, these guys actually did help turn the tide for us in the end”

I’m not saying I’d want my kids laying around summoning things, but I’d be very surprised if there weren’t elves out there dabbling with all these forms of magic.

Yes it does. Just may not matter to you, but then it isn’t your game.

I don’t mind mixing of classes and races, just as long as there is compelling lore reason.


I mean, it’d be unusual for a night elf to become a warlock but if you think about it, a night elf warlock is just a night elf demon hunter with fewer steps.

It’s not players’ choices that bother me. It’s Blizzard’s ignoring their own eatablished lore and expecting people to just be okay with it that bothers me.

But then again, most of the people on the original dev team who actually cared about this game are gone, with more people leaving, so I guess it’s not surprising that people are okay with Blizzard pumping out swill.

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I guess I’d have to say, ‘why not’. They’ve lost their immortality. They’ve lost their home. Elune has failed them. Their leaders sacrificed them. As a people, they’ve paid a heavy price. I can see where the fel magic might have an appeal to some; make someone else pay the price for a change. In political science (sic), I learned about the ‘new poor’, people who had something important to them recently taken away which makes them candidates for revolutionary change. So, yeah, works for me.

Oh no I completely understand. Like tbh giving any culture the twisted set of spells that warlocks are privy to -

Priests have a handful of dark spells in their books. Just a handful - and they surrender to madness. A shadow priest who decides to obey the voices in their head (oof, felt that) can do a lot of damage. A small tear into the void is like a growing mold - let it fester and it’ll poison the whole house.

A warlock is like tossing a brick with a Molotov strapped to it through a window, with the purpose of taking out an enemy. Sure, if you’re really good at it, you get the guy, minimal damage, all good.
You miss? You’re off by an inch? Now you’ve got both a corpse and a charred house.
Like you said, a warlock can’t do their job without some permanent damage.

However, I don’t mind that. Genn might take a couple chaos bolts to the chest but he’ll be fine. Personally as well I’d like it if we had Northern Kalimdor and Southern Kalimdor. Khaz Modan and Lordaeron.

Night Elves are a race composed of individuals who make their own decisions. Night Elves are not a gestalt with one synced mind. How are you not seeing this? In theory there are NE that still worship Azshara. I don’t even play on RP realms and this stuff is obvious to me.


This is how I look at this opening up of classes to different races idea. For a small backstory I played EQ for many many years and in that game they also have very strict class/race combos but ALL races could play with each other. What is different with THIS game are factions, if you want to play an elf Paladin for example YOU MUST BE HORDE if you want to play a elf Druid YOU MUST BE ALLIANCE, this is why I dont have a problem with them adding different classes to races that historically did not have access to those classes.

NE locks make sense in there may be some that follow Illidan’s teachings, but either no one is making new DHs or they are unwilling to make the ultimate sacrifice, but still desire the power.

Lightforged Draenei? Dumb as void elf paladins.

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Can you just see it now night elf warlock’s in pvp with shadowmeld…that’s gonna be insane.

It makes even LESS sense than Nightelf Mages (which also didn’t make any sense at all given the lore history).

As someone who doesn’t take video game lore seriously because it doesn’t matter, night elf locks makes total sense

Hey, I went ahead and did a full write up of the quest as it stands currently. If you guys want to know what’s on the PTR, here it is.


Fiction might not be your thing then. Because that’s all it is really.