Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

How about you go play your starter zone and actually pay attention to the story?


What did I miss? I donā€™t see anything on wowhead when I scanned really quick.

Edit: nevermindā€¦

Blizzardā€™s serving warlocks to every race like itā€™s going out of style.

We both know they have drinking problems

Iā€™m saving my ā€œall classes/all racesā€ rage for mechagnome druids.

Iā€™ll be mad for about a day and then Iā€™ll be a tiny transformer healing and shifting into tiny little robot animals and I will forget I was mad pretty quick.

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If this is the case, I want the option to turn off seeing other players in the game.

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Who doesnā€™t?! :beers:

The popeā€¦ Noā€¦ wine

ANY race that can be mages (and there isnā€™t a single racial restriction on arcane usage) CAN be tempted with more power, CAN use fel, and CAN use shadow. A warlock is just mage with extra steps. Warlocks are ocultist who seek hidden knowledge. Simple as. Night elves are not a hive mind. They do not all share the same taste for magic or sources of knowledge like your personal opinion of them does. They are, and have been shown to be multiple times, susceptible to mortal temptations. There is zero racial reason to exclude them.


So. I have a headcanon, and I want to stress is only that, where a group of night elves went to join Illidan but only a few were allowed to join him. The rest from that group slipped away to hide on Outland to fight the Legion on their own terms. They didnā€™t hold the view of other night elves, already willing to become demon hunters, so they studied the fel and learned to be warlocks to fight fire with fire.

I think that things like this could easily be an acceptable reasoning. Outliers in all societies after all.

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It doesnā€™t really matter itā€™s a fantasy game and I think blizz knows a lot more people want stuff like this than not. Soon everyone/everything.


Still hoping theyā€™re opening the classes that donā€™t require specific customizations to more races first so they can work on the ones that need more work to implementā€¦meaning druids (race-specific druid forms), shamans (totems), and paladins (race specific paladin mounts). Though really night elves shouldā€™ve gotten paladin before warlock (surely it couldnā€™t be that hard to come up with a nightsaber paladin mount).

looks at zandalari monks, undead priests, nelf mages, orc priests, worgen dks, lightforged dks
this is fine

looks at night elf, draenei warlocks

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As Syndrome said in the Incredibles,

ā€œAnd with everyone super, no one will be.ā€

Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t agree with ā€œevery race/every classā€ in Warcraft. You want that gameplay? Play FFXIV. You know, the game the majority of current WoW players refer to as ā€œweeb trashā€.

Itā€™s funny how many people donā€™t wanna play that game but want its gameplay features implemented.


who cares about being special, giving more people freedom to customize their characters is a good thing

Sometimes to conquer your demons, you have to befriend them.

Sometimes literally.
Elves have, also - had a precedent in dealing with the fel in various ways. Demon hunters for one. Blood elves sustained themselves with fel magic for a while. Theyā€™veā€¦recovered from that brief bout of power-induced madness. Illidan spent his entire life basically trying to use that elven lust for power to aid Azeroth.

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Not without a share of permanent damage.

Not without a share of permanent damage.

Not without a share of permanen- You know what, screw it.

Blood elves captured and corrupted Mā€™uru. Illidan killed Xā€™era, who fair enough, was trying to convert him unwillingly.

Azeroth needs a few more continents, apparently, as a result of tampering with fel magic.

Letā€™s see if the New World Tree Tyrande eventually plants gets destroyed or corrupted. That should be fun.

But thatā€™s okay. We learned from the past, right?

Letā€™s have this discussion when I make the thread, ā€œSo THAT Was a Brilliant Planā€¦ā€

Would LOVE to hear the justification then.

Azshara was a night elf at the time ā€¦ so I guess we can be warlocks. Case closed?

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Yeah cool, Iā€™m not arguing itā€™s possible, Iā€™m arguing itā€™s a bad idea. And expressing hope that we can learn from the past. Which we canā€™t. So yeah, case closed I guess.

Every race can have warlocks and it DOES make sense. There are individuals that make their own decisions. If a NE or Draenei or Magā€™har disenfranchised individual want to break away from the norms and do their own thing itā€™s all good. The races are not a hive mind.