Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

you could say the same about dwarves and humans being warlocks… why would they practice the same fel acts that the evil horde that attacked them?
they did, because SURPRISE out of the mass you find the peculiar individuals that don’t give a damn about what society sheep thinks, and do care about power instead.


It’s apparently okay now that “Illidan did it.” That’s the point I’m not in agreement with. Illidan and the Illidari should have been a special case, not the standard.

My dream of a Tauren of every class, which i just thought up, is coming true. Now I have to do this.

They need better class lore, for sure. Class Halls probably should have been a feature that stayed in the game, giving players little updates on the way that Warcraft approaches class fantasy.

Having races be something that they typically would not be, is something they could have used Class Halls for, and would have easily let them create lore so that things would make more sense.

In the case of Warlocks, they’d only need to show a common theme of how all Walocks are essentially outcasts from their respective societies, how dangerous it is to wield Fel Energy, how it deteriorates the body, etc. How it attracts people who desire power for power’s sake alone, etc.

If they had approaced it that way, I don’t see why “All Races, all classes” could not exist. Instead, decades of lore are being spit on for the sake of gameplay, but what else is new with Warcraft?

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Not just Shadow magic, you uneducated wow player.
During Arthas’ Unholy Crusade to become the Lich King, He killed all wielders of magic raised them into undeath.
And most of them were priests, mages, and paladins.
if a Forsaken can’t be a paladin, that is factually incorrect, especially tying in the revamp of strath live, with the scarlet crusade, which became forsaken undead mind you, more than likely one of the Bosses was a paladin, when they was alive, and still are in death, how can you try to argue around that?

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At the very least still needs to make sense why. At the very least add special interactions if you’re the most outlandish Warlock with certain races like Night Elves, Draenei (LF too), etc. They probably give more sense that ANYBODY can become what they want but its downright taboo to them.

Could be Night Elves who felt abandoned by Elune, so they were like “Fine, I’ll do it myself” and started enslaving demons.


I’m really happy to see all races and all classes opening up! Woot woot! Can’t wait for paladins! :smile:


And everyone he killed became death knights. Anyone who failed to become a death knight was slaughtered.

Even in the new generations of death knights, everyone was still converted into death knights. There were VERY few exceptions on who kept their Light power, like Zeliek. But even then, he was subject to Arthas’ will. He even tried to fight it, in vain.

That power that Zeliek had was -not- a standard.

And btw to go back on topic, of Fel magic and Warlocks.
It is a practice of magic, and use of knowledge as a weapon to fight even worse and more powerful enemies, if the tool is there for the character in question, why shouldn’t they use it to have an edge against powerful foes?
What if they weren’t interested in becoming part of Illidans Demon Hunters? and sought out a better way to fight against the evil forces that threaten their home?

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They would have mostly wielded shadow magic, yes.

It is/was never impossible for the Undead to call the Light, it’s just that doing so is difficult when they existed on Blighted ground, and because the Light “burns” them when they use it.

I don’t think if it is considered canon any more, but Undead wielding the Light were described to be capable of having their living sensations restored–such as pain. Imagine the pain you would feel if you for even a brief moment, you could feel the pain of your body being torn to shreds, your insides exposed to the wind, broken bones, the taste of rot in your mouth, the smell of decay, and imagine the pain you might have felt in your head.

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Unless you are actually roleplaying for lore reasons, I don’t see why it would have to.

I will probably make a night elf warlock, but she’ll be full time OOC and it won’t bother me a bit.

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This is why many people are justifying the concept. Most of them aren’t roleplayers, so from a gameplay standpoint a lot of it makes sense.

Looking at you hard on this one, Tichondrius US, because you guys love to argue with me about this stuff.

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warlocks have never really been a publically accepted class lorewise.

Night Elves aren’t allowing warlocks, individuals are becoming warlocks.
besides, just make up some malarkey about how they’re actually part of the illidari or something.

Not making sense is how we ended up with Void Elves over High Elves.

A travesty.

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“But y’all got high elf customizations so it’s ok, right?” - Blizzard logic

Well, I think that one was just Blizzard trolling us.

Which, sure, more power to you but people always wanted ‘reasons’ and I of course want that. It can be as simple as explaining it. People whined and moaned about goblins being shamans but it made more sense than some people just aren’t willing to believe.

I’m a roleplayer too but even then it needs to be justified, which is why I even noted “Special NPC interactions” for a reason because that would give more power to anyone who’s gonna choose these certain combinations.

I’ll never forgive Blizzard.

Yeah. I still remember Blizzard telling us to roll Horde if we wanna be the Elves.