Night Elf Warlocks Don't Make Sense, Here's Why

Clearly night elf warlocks are apostates who looked at Elune’s lore in the last couple of expansions and decided that a different higher power - any higher power - would be more worthy of worship.

Yrel has entered the chat


This!! This this this.


Theyre warlocks.
Warlocks wont care about any of that. Thats part of being a warlock. Just because they were born as a night elf doesnt mean they cant be drawn towards dark magic.

Night elves as you know have a long history of it.

They make sense to me.


Lore wise because we’re not just Night Elf I hug trees and am all nature and Elune is my bff. We’re Night Elves who can go against the norm. Nothing is stopping any race from becoming a Warlock lore wise other than moralities and I can assure you that as murder hobos we have none of those.


Proof enough that just because you -can- bend lore, doesn’t mean you -should-.

Unless we’re saying the Yrel is actually a likeable character, and that’s enough of a justification for this type of reasoning?

Because I have never seen a good thing said about Yrel in any shape or form.

I play a legendary Hero of Azeroth. The planet literally loves me. Our individual characters are very special. As such, no lore rules should apply to them. If I am the only Night Elf Warlock on the planet, then I can play it, even if no other Night Elf Warlocks exist. That is how it should be and I am so glad we are heading in that direction.


If you are a Night Elf player that is against Night Elf culture then I think certain Night Elf locations should be inaccessible to you.

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Same deal with Draenei and Highmountain Tauren. We JUST had a expansion where warlocks were prevalent and threatened everything. You’d think their society would be outright crying their own kind using anything demonic/fel.

I get it, its nice to have more class/race combinations but some don’t make sense whatsoever. This just makes me cringe for the future when Druids are given to Blood/Void Elves, Gnomes and mechagnomes, and of course Goblins.

I said nothing of the sort. My assumption is that the next (or a near future) expansion will involve Yrel invading Azeroth on some pretext doing as paladins do, and we’ll have to stop her with the help of some lightbound who’ve either come to their senses, or been deprogrammed.

Like Darnassus? :upside_down_face:


Yeah, that was the reasoning people looked down on back in the day.

So who wants to sign up to be Jaina and Arthas’ hideaway child who commutes directly with the Light through the gem on their forehead and are actually the reborn Avatar of Velen?

Well, the dead Draenor Velen… last I checked ours is still alive. Unless he’s doing some sort of astral projection.

Dunno what that is supposed to mean. Our character doesn’t need to be related to any existing NPC.

Going by that logic, warlocks should be banned from pretty much every race’s locations.

Which might be kind of interesting but it’s far too late to kludge that sort of logic into WoW after the fact.


I think it makes less sense for a Nightelf to be a Paladin, idk that may be just me.
but this is me basing it off the Pally NPC quests from Legion.
honestly it would be neat, but weird.
but what we should have gotten is the Undead Race being Paladin. (cause it still would make sense.)

Would be absolutely crazy if that were the point of the idea. Warlocks are not paragons of society. Never have been.

Probably coming at some point as well because why not. Let’s do it, we already have disregard of the lore. May as well just throw it all out. Let’s douse Lordaeron in Light while we’re at it, I’m sure the non-paladin Undead will be totally okay with that.

Then you’re also saying It makes 0 sense for Undead to Be Priest?

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Lorewise, aren’t undead priests wielders of shadow magic? It’s justifiable.

…pretty much this. Our characters can be outliers, we don’t need to follow “lore” if the player doesn’t care to.

It’s Blizzards game, they can do what they want.

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Why is anyone allowed to be a Warlock, or even a Demon Hunter, going off your reasoning then?


I also don’t care. Shadowmeld on all classes please.

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