Night Elf players! What is your price?

The night elves can have whatever they want except the killing blow on Sylvanas. Worgen have waited far longer and suffered just as much, and if anyone deserves to kill her it’s Genn.

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I have said in several posts that what Blizzard has done in BfA to the Horde player is worse than what Blizzard did to the NE race or player.

The writers think themselves edgy like GRRM, but without his talents. They have already genocided one playable race.

They have made threats towards Stormwind, and now we hear rumblings about Thunderbluff.

Also, the PC is a dupe of Sylvanas, N’Zoth, or Azshara or some combination of those three. (Certainly not a situation that a murder hobo would like to find herself, never mind a Male, Human Paladin.)

No group, faction, race, character, zone, city or player is safe from the writing depredations of Blizzard.


Honestly … at this point I’m more or less convinced that Sylvie’s motives were never really about the Horde winning; it was about the Death Toll. Every one of her tactics supports escalating and sustaining the conflict for as long as she can; not winning it (at least since she decided to flip the switch and burn Teldrassil). Her “True Objectives” … they still remain a mystery even now (but I’d wager it has something to do with her deal with Helya people though Blizz forgot about).

As a result, it is possible that the Horde is liable to see punishment from Sylvanas herself. While the NEs deserve their cut, I could see a situation where its Sylvie that does something to catastrophically hurt the Faction breaking at the seems (and turning against her). She’s going to brutalize the Horde in some BIG way before her tenure ends as one of our Reps; what she does, how much damage she causes; and who that pain effects … remains to be seen.


Til! You spoke Orc! You know what that does to me! purrs madly

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I dont think blizzard would lose many horde players if they did some massive payback. Just like they didnt lose many from the burning of teldrisil.

Im not saying that there wernt a few who quit solely from Teldrassil, i dont know any but i have no doubt they exist. Most players left because of the ap grind, wq grind, the overall bad story (teldrisil is likly a part of but a plethera of stupid events happened in bfa), or the horrible class gameplay/ pruning.

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Honestly, if Alliance players are looking to inflict “wounds” on the Horde and it’s playerbase, they should very well know at this point, that both sides are extremely jaded and inured to “terrible losses.”

I doubt most players will shed a tear if Sylvanas actually does knock down the Thunder Bluffs. I’m personally intrigued to see if Blizzard would actually do it.

I want them to do it.


If Blizzard was going to destroy another player capital (or two, if they’re going to match it with another loss on the Alliance side. (the Exodar maybe?)) we’d be getting another Youtube conference about it.

Exodar and Silvermoon need to be linked inextricably in their destruction since they’re both currently protected by the Burning Crusade bubble. One should not be destroyed without the other.

As far as my price goes: nothing less than full time, salaried employment (at six figures) as the supreme creative and narrative director of Blizzard IP will do.

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BFA is in a bad spot.
The story is a dumpster fire.

This is not an enjoyable experience and I am counting the days until my sub time runs out that I so foolishly purchased.

All of Azeroth needs to be remade. This game NEEDS a complete overhaul and Blizzard doing the bare minimum compared to some other games is not going to cut it anymore.

I would say the whole world needs to be remade. And in the remake they should give everybody new things.
I want a new Darkshore. I want a new Ashenvale. I want a new Night Elf Capital.
I want to see this race completely reinvigorated.
And I don’t want the Horde setting a single foot in those new zones.
In fact I want to see huge Night Elf forts guarding every entrance to put me at ease.

Honestly both factions need that at this point.
What we don’t need is another white washing like the new cinematic showed.

It insults everyone’s intelligence. Shame on Blizzard. Shame on them for this travesty they put out. The incompetence is staggering.


Not really. Pretty needless hyperbole. The Legion has wiped out thousands or millions of planets with life on them. The Horde hasn’t even approached a fraction of such feats.

He was talking about in the context of Azeroth itself and what the baddies tried to do.
But the old Horde has Dreanor under their belt so I would not discount the orcs that easily.



Not seeing this supposed context.

It seems pretty obvious to me that he meant Azeroth in that statement. The usage of the Old Gods and the Scourge that seem to be primarily based on Azeroth and what they tried to accomplish recently seems pretty clear.

But I am not going to play this game of semantics with you if you insist on continuing this line of discussion.

It doesn’t interest me.


I disagree when they use extremely broad and hyperbolic terms. But obviously they can clarify themselves.

If you aren’t interested, please do not continue. But it was a point you raised about their intent.

:arrow_up: That was the flippant bit of hyperbole.

:arrow_up: This was the serious statement, as noted by me prefacing it with “Seriously”, to distinguish it from my previous flippant tone. I bolded the qualifier you were looking for.


The Legion aspired/aspires to wipe out all life in the universe. The Old Gods aspire to (in theory, their true awareness is unclear) help bring the universe into the eternal torment filled control of the Void Lords. Or, at the very least, a world spanning slave empire of perpetual anguish. And the Scourge aspired to mentally dominate all life as undead minions.

The Horde has accomplished wrongdoing, without question. Genocide, the destruction of cities, torture, horrific war. But it has by no means been on the degree of horror those groups aspire to.

The solution to a bad story is not to make it worse. Making Horde players the villains, and then making them the losers because you made them be the villains, would be awful.

The Night Elves who “perished” were pixels. I don’t care about them. I care about a solution that begins to fix this story for both Horde and Alliance players, and I think the BfA story so far has been punishing to each, in different ways. A solution that would make one group of players feel better at the expense of another (e.g. the Horde being punished) is not a good solution.


A proposal I would have would be the Horde rebels actually coming to help the Night Elves take Ashenvale back from Sylvanas in some sort of Battlefield: Ashenvale that parallels Battlefield: Barrens back from MoP’s 5.3 patch.

That would simultaneously give the Night Elves their land back, and make it so they don’t necessarily want to kill every last member of the Horde.


How do you propose in doing that?

Blizzard was pretty happy to start the expansion at the expense of the Night Elves. Why not end it at the expense of a Horde race?


I agree punishing the horde is meaningless in this situation. It just continues a cycle of tit-for-tat. Instead make the victims rebound stronger than before.

A good place to start would be to show in game that Darkshore has been won decisively and meaningful rehabilitation of the zone is going on. Build the Kaldorei a new racial hub. You have all the art assets do so already between broken isle and battle for darkshore materials. You just need to sit down and do it.

On that note finally let the Gilneans retake their homeland. Even if you just tidied it up a bit it mean a lot to those players. Again even just using the broken isle Gilnean assets you could do a lot to freshen up that zone.