Night Elf players! What is your price?

I’ll have to check on this. My recollection is that masks didn’t work.

Dreadlords? High Elves? They’re yours if I can just be a big, stupid, ugly ogre!


Blizz has always played fast and lose with what is whoes domain so there is crossover. As for blowing it away it is dispersing it so that it is ineffective honestly the blight acts half like a posion or well acid and half an illness unless you are directly exposed to a large amount you are fine. I mean otherwise the nlight is literslly unstoppable just use it in plsce of warriors and blight everything everwhere thry have tons of the stuff sbd if it is a bacteria of virus they can harvest more from the dead.

Done deal buddy except thd highelves no one needs more elves

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Catapults is my only response to you if you’re stuck on the idea of Blizzard using any sort of logic on how anything should work.

But yes, so much for all the Horde’s hard work in Ashenvale and Darkshore. I want it all undone, because it never should have happened in the first place.

There is no power-fantasy that was damaged for the Night Elves. Malfurion and our civilians did stand up to the Horde while at eight to one odds in the Horde’s favor. As far as everything by which I can tell the Night Elves did win the Darkshore Warfront. And “Terror of Darkshore” was amazing. If you think I’m among those who feels that the NIght Elves’ power is in question, you’re talking to the wrong person.

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You’ll take your High Elves and your Dreadlords and your Blue Drakonids so I can get my Darkfallen, Ogres and Black Drakonids, and you’ll like it!

Fine but can we share nerubians?

Yeah … that’s exactly why its supposed to be scary.

Its literally the Forsaken’s biggest military asset and their biggest deterrent (and it can also kill them). Its supposed to be a nightmare of a weapon, because they have little else to defend them (but apparently years of research amounted to something that could have easily been defeated by a household fan). Who cares about THEIR racial fantasy though.

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The more random races you add the less the factions would be appealing.
Pretty soon both sides are just a circus of oddities.

But it dosent really act like an illness it acts like a corrosive acid

C’mon, Het, I know you’re more mature than that!


No self-policing required if you respond rationally. You are prone to building straw-men and making hasty assumptions which leads to your posts not being taken seriously or coming off as toxic.


… I need more Elves…

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I don’t think I was building strawmen at all.

The first thing he did was call me obscure names lol.

No you need more aliens

I mean if it scted like a resl illness or like the plauge of undeath but it melts you thst would be scary as then even a small amount can take a city but right now you need a ton of it all over in the thick cloud for it to get to you and then it never spreads

Aliens? Like three-fourths of the Alliance is already of space alien descent.

I need High Elves because it’s hard to role play my “High Elf Frost Mage” Frost Death Knight Blood Elf in Darnassus outside of the small room she’s safe in that the guards won’t attack her in.

Though, I haven’t even logged onto her since before the War of the Thorns event.

Actully all but the elves are of space decent hmm lol anywho yeah not a fan of more elves

Tell you what. I’ll play all the Elves for you. Then you won’t have to. And then we can still have High Elves. Everyone wins.

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Now you’re figuring out Whataboutisms!

Only if i get my equally unlikely race i dream of being a drealord warlock summoning up my old legion coworkers and saying ha i own you now

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