Night Elf players! What is your price?

You mean the cinematics about how evil the current Warchief is, and how Saurfang needs to fight to “get his Horde back”, aka, turn it from the path of serving evil?
Your average Horde member isn’t actually a mustache twirler in a lot of content, but they lack justification for fighting at the behest of Sylvanas and to be waging war on the Alliance.


Sylvanas and the Forsaken represent an entire playable race within the Horde. And I’m sure we’ll probably lose more Horde characters who side with her. At leas the Alliance has motivation to fight, I don’t even know what I’m fighting for.

Killing Alliance and blowing up cities?

It seems that you are pissed that I do not accept the latest “We are total BFFs now” narrative.

Oh heck yeah. All the Horde leaders are gunho to kill Alliance and not for a second am I held back because of “think of the Horde feelings!” nonsense from the Alliance side.

yes those ones.
It bothers me the Horde playerbase get three of these and I am supposed to be happy with 30 second screen time of andiun begging for help and Genn being blurry in the back ground for 5 seconds.


Alliance don’t get stories silly they get to react to stories


Alliance is like the “How can she slap?!” meme guy.
Get slapped but never allowed to hit back.

The 20 guys rushing the stage are Amadis and co :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m done trying to fish any semblance of conversation out of you. I’m pissed because you have come here to spread nothing but toxicity and undermine discussions people are having here with your flood of blind posting.

There is no ignore function in this new forum format. But I will not subject myself to reading any more of your posts, much less respond to them, and that will be the last post of yours I ever do. I honestly hope after your subscription time runs out that you do not come back.


I understand that. What I do take issue with is that whenever that power-fantasy is perceived as damaged by some within the NE playerbase; there tends to be a very visceral reaction to it. Here’s an example of what I mean.

The NEs are amazing, and adaptive, but their military is to some degree rather stagnant (as has been for a LONG time). They compensated for this this long with their massive lead (but a great saying is, “You cannot expect a level 50 and a level 1 to grow at the same rate”). Conceptually, with the Horde’s MASSIVE growth over the last decade in both tech and tactics, we should have been a least a match for the Kaldorei by now (I mean, we were developing Air Craft carriers in WoD). However, the WoT makes it VERY apparent that this is not the case; that damned near the ENTIRE Horde against a single (military stagnant) Alliance race cannot hope to win without the vast majority of their troops being gone (and for some reason us using siege equipment from our BC days?!)

This also shows up a bit in say … Malfurion just being able to “Nature” away the Blight in the Darkshore Warfront. Like, what? Did Blizz forget that the Blight is not a poison, its a disease? Its a living (magical) contagion that was developed for years by the Forsaken, to destroy both LIFE and UNDEATH? I understood why Lifebinder dragonfire could purge it; I understood how Jaina’s ice could at least freeze it to the ground temporarily; but how is Malf just wisking it away like its nothing? So much for all that Hard work I suppose …


I don’t think you were. All you did was demand that I subscribe to your opinion.

To be fair, I don’t think the Night Elves were a match for the Horde militarily. The issue was the Night Elves would have been able to slow the Horde’s advance enough to the point where the rest of the Alliance would have had time to arrive with reinforcements.

Het can actually be enjoyable to argue with in the accedimic sense. He’s just particularly fired up tonight.

He never demanded you subscribe to his opinion. You do have to adhere to the facts he presents, though.

I mean a simple gas mask prevents the blight 100% even if you run around nude in it otherwise so why cant the most powerful druid use nature nosense and the winds to blow it away or neutralize it

We’re trying to convince her to invite the San’layn, which is what we all want to be anyway.

Especially with the Night Elf army being sent away and Sylvanas using that information - THANK YOU, MAGNI - to plan her assault.

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As much as i dislike the idea of another elf race being a thing i am pkay with this if alliance ger dreadlords

Gas masks only work on regular blight. Sylvanas has been deploying super blight this expansion.

He is trying to dictate how we are supposed to address our replies.
I am free to express myself however I like without being nasty or toxic like he is being.

Yes I think Tyrande should not join the kumbaya circle and lay siege to orgrimmar and offer more heads to her moonwell.
What is wrong in thinking that?

I have to police my thoughts as well for his benefit?

Like it or not this is not an actual board meeting in what Blizzard is allowed to do next.

Worked fine at the siege of lorderon

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I mean…that seems a lot less likely. But good luck I guess?

Well for one, the fact that he’s able to use Wind Magic has always been nonsense (what does “Wind” have to do with Nature? Isnt that magic type tied to the Elemental Planes? I understand that Malf controls wisps and is a god-tier druid, but is he also a Shaman too (not that there are any strong Shammy representatives anymore)? Outside of that … you ever try to blow around a disease? You can disperse a poison, but what traditionally happens when you say … sneeze in the middle of a crowded room? Do more people get sick? See the difference?