Night Elf players! What is your price?

That’s class fantasy I can get behind.

is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent’s position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which in the United States is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

Thats not what I did here but whatever floats your boat.
This thread started with you asking what would be a satisfying conclusion and devolved into you trying to convince…? I guess? That your own solution is better.

So I guess its fair to say your idea was a failure? I didn’t see any takers.

I haven’t actually tried to sell my proposals to anyone. I made a point not to do that in order to receive responses unaltered by my opinion on the subject which I still have yet to give.

You seem to be misinterpreting my thread as an argument when it is actually an open discussion regarding the price of Teldrasil to a Night Elf player.

What is this then?

No. Keep your Old God spawn. We’ll take Hozen.

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A second proposal that appeals to the smaller group that vocalized an interest in reclaiming land as apposed to the larger group’s interest in destroying enemy land.

Neither group is inherently right or wrong. One group seeks equality through, as you described, tit-for-tat, while the other seeks equality through a gain for a loss.

Ook yeah! Hozen been waitin’ for greekin’ Wikket to invite to the dooken party!

One group of fans wants the complete eradication of the Horde. Obviously that won’t happen and anything less is unsatisfactory.

Most would settle for reclaiming their lands back. That’s unlikely due to limited resources and lack of developer will.

The rest would accept killing Sylvanas and or Saurfang. Can’t kill Saurfang because he feels guilty, while Sylvanas is likely to live as the gateway character for the next expansion.

That’s absolutely fine. That is what the WAR in Warcraft is about. This isn’t a game where things are supposed to resolve cleanly and we all spend the next expac singing campfire songs.

Except, that’s where they’re going. Anduin, Jaina, Baine, and Saurfang are all gathering around the Darnassian campfire, and now Thrall’s brought the marshmallows.


No matter how cozy it gets, it either won’t get there, it won’t last, and Strife will be playing her bardic songs of discord soon enough.

I gotta say I really love your idea! As I said before, eventhough I’m a main druid, it’s about time NE society fully integrates all their different aspects, so by growing a new World Tree the way you suggest it can only grow stronger by using different powers.
Sort of like Arcandor that uses both nature and arcane magics but in this case it can be a new tree full of Druidic/Divine(moon)/Arcane.
It can be the perfect symbol for a new era in NE society where everyone is accepted and all work together to prevent past crisis to ever happen again.


I gotta say I don’t understand this mentality. Horde players wouldn’t enjoy being defeated by the alliance this xpac for being villains. Being oppressed by them next xpac allow alliance players and guards in org but make horde players green so they can’t attack them first while horde players see them as yellow and can attack them at anytime; this way ally gets victory for Teldrassil. And the horde gets to be oppressed again whilst also serving time for Teldrassil as ally gets to feel superior and have a chance to have some infighting.

Then the xpac after that horde can break away from alliance again due to having been harshly oppressed while the alliance was dealing with infighting and was messily handling a third party threat due to it. The alliance would legitimately be attempting to defend the horde races as well as their own, but as a result of the infighting they do a bad job. As a result the horde mostly ends up having to defend itself.

Once free (mostly due to the people watching over them being dead via third party) the horde proves itself to now be virtuous by dealing with the third party threat (including a moment where they come to the alliance’s rescue for little reason other than to help) as the alliance ends its own infighting to also help with the threat. The horde is now virtuous and has paid for Teldrassil. While the alliance was able to do some soul searching in the face of having had ultimate power for a time after beating horde without going full villain as they were still trying to defend the horde.

From here you can either end the faction conflict with both sides having paid it’s dues and shown some morally grey. Or continue with them as separated but mostly friendly.

It’ll be funny if the faction war does end and the next expansion enables cross-faction-playability, because once they do that they can never undo it as they’d be risking breaking apart guilds and friends.