Keeshan puts Shandris too high up on a pedestal to consider dating her. And she doesn’t really seem to be the type to date outside of her race. He and Kelsey though are practically vibrating in sync.
Blizzard loves doing orc cinematics, and I don’t blame them because in general Orcs and Trolls, and the Frosaken are a lot more interesting in an artistic sensce than most of the Alliance races. For pretty much the same reason that Klingons are far more interesting than Vulcans when it comes to visuals.
You also seem to forget that Malfurion and Tyrande are getting a lot of cinematic spotlight.
Well, that an if you look really carefully … outside of his hair Saurfang’s cinematic model is largely just pallet swapped WoD Grom’s model. Even the teeth accessories are identical! Someone cut a few costly corners by dusting off an old model lol!
Considering how the only characters we ever got any of those gorgeous close ups were Zappyboy, Thrall, Saurfang, Anduin, and Sylvanas, with all other characters either being largely out of focus, relatively brief cameos, or wearing masks/helmets, they probably only ended up doing a couple higher res models and stretched those as far as they could.
No, I’m saying that these things won’t happen in the first place, not that they wouldn’t count.
Yea and horde players are totally not going to be against it and complain about it. 8.1 is the perfect example that the Night Elves can’t get a victory as long as the horde is involved in their misery.
Because they have to confront the very souls they, themselves put there.
Because they always have.
The intention doesn’t matter, Suarfang spearheaded and commanded the entire campaign. Without him, the invasion was a failure. He is the only reason why the Burning of Teldrassil took place.
The Horde champion was an active participant in the war that lead to the genocide of the Kaldorei people.
It’s less ‘wanton violence is bad’ and more of the game quite literally putting the gun into your hand, makes you point it at something, then pulls the trigger for you, only to say; “Wow! You really did it! You mouth-frothing psychopath, what the hell is wrong with you?! You did something so bad!”.
I don’t feel bad about the war. Retaliation for the attempt on the Warchief in Stormheim was fair as a military action. Committing war crimes and attacking non-combatants was the bridge too far and it felt garbage to be stuck doing it with no alternative other than ‘don’t play Horde, idiot.’.
There was no player agency to not cross that threshold, the people involved in the war campaign were deaf and dumb to Sylvanas when she ordered heinous things and did not challenge it. And they could challenge it, for while the Warchief is king, the Warchief’s orders mean nothing if the people carry her orders out refuse to do it.
Sylvanas’ ~inner plans~ was not about Stormheim. Saurfang sees it very much as casus belli when Genn got off the hook without any further reprimand. As a follow-up; literally no-one knows about Sylvanas’ plot about Eiyr, and Genn fires on her well before that (even if in the rogue artifact questline, they paint it as SI:7 getting the wool pulled over their eyes and feeding Genn false information to make them attack each other).
Even if they did, could you really blame her? The Forsaken do not in the natural world or anywhere beyond. There is no good answer to their condition, because the only way to make more Forsaken is to raise the dead. While not everyone in Forsaken society believes that they ‘should’ keep making more Forsaken, in uncertain times where their survival is paramount to ‘all or nothing’ with the Legion’s invasion, doing something morally bankrupt for good reasons (or, interpreted, because surprise, now she’s totally evil all along! So evil in fact that she lies to herself in her inner thoughts and all of her stances were just such horsedroppings, despite shooting herself in the foot repeatedly to achieve some of these goals.) can be excused, by some.
As for attacking the Night Elves. They’re apart of the Alliance, they’re the closest military installation and the Alliance’s foot in the door for Kalimdor. Attacking their military assets in reproach for attempting to assassinate the head of state is fair game. There is no place, in our history or in fantasy, where that’s just accepted as ‘ok’ without any reprimand or demand for reparations.
The same exact thing would’ve happened, if someone attempted to deep six any leader of the Alliance, or any leader of the Horde. That is an act of aggression of the highest charge.
That all said, if you think that it’s perfectly okay design to just tailor a narrative experience for the player where the story just tells the player he’s wrong the entire time and how he should feel ashamed, you are coocoo for coco puffs and maybe delirious from the concussion dealt by Blizzard’s hilarious mishandling of the Night Elf story. I’d implore you to think that over again.
Send a courier to Stormwind with a missive demanding that Genn be punished for his actions by the King of Stormwind or that the Horde will come to enact said punishment themselves. GG NO RE.
It was never anout Stormheim. She just used it as an excuse to get the rest of the Horde to do what they do best. Genocide other nations they arej’t affiliated with.
I don’t think they told Golden about the Jailer when she wrote Before the Storm, but I can’t confirm that. But obviously the Broke Shore being one of Sylvanas’ schemes all along does change the context of everything, yes.
Saurfang was a hypocrite, as if that’s how he felt then he should have opposed Sylvanas being Warchief from the beginning since Sylvanas broke Horde laws and went against orders at Gilneas and was never reprimanded for it, either.
You stated “souls of night elves, they themselves put to the torch”, which pretty much paints the Horde player as going out of their way to personally and intentionally torch Night Elves.
Which isn’t anywhere near how it actually went down.
Murdering civilians and starting war on a race that had done nothing at the moment still isn’t something to be proud of either. Both sides had just worked together to ensure survival of their world and the next thing the Horde and Horde player does is wage war and murder civilians for no reason other than being told to do it.