Night Elf Player Hate

Philosophy as you see it. You’ve got the reverse of rose-colored glasses, you can’t see anything save what’s bad for Night Elves. You’re completely oblivious to the good moments and things they do get.


They have and will never get a positive thing as long as it includes the horde in some way. The horde has done good work to get all these souls into the maw so why, after 15 years, would the treatment to the night elves suddenly make a 180 turn?

Freeing those souls would not only be a good thing for the Night Elves, but it would also undo what the horde PC has done and it would make you feel bad as a horde player --> complaints.

Tells us more, purple human.

If that’s the way you’re going to approach the conversation, I’m done with you.


Don’t do that… Don’t give me hope.

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Basically this. And as far as you’re concerned Amadis you have 0 control over me. I’ll do whatever I want when I want. Don’t test me.

Ëlësåna and Syaeles are wearing jade-colored glasses.

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No coloured glasses, because I’m just being realistic and you’ll see that most things I predicted will turn out true, such as:

  • Sylvanas/Nathanos not dying
  • Tyrande doing nothing meaningful
  • Nothing good for night elves


I indeed have no control over you. Though I also don’t actually believe that you are unsubscribed, either, given the number of other people that lost their ability to post recently after unsubscribing.

I suppose we could try to report a post of you admitting you’re still posting here without a subscription and see if your posts stop coming after, though.


How petty of you. If youre so doubtful feel free to drop your discord and i’ll send you a screenshot.

Syaeles is Nelfist, right? Yeah, the forums would likely be better without them.

You can link Discord images here.

And I’ll be here to celebrate with you if the things you predicted don’t come true. Just like we celebrated the win of Darkshore.

One can only dream but I’m not going to be stupid enough to think that the night elves won’t be completely screwed over again like always. The writers can always beat the dead horse and the absolute highlight for me would be redeeming Sylvanas and sending out the message that genocide is actually good and nobody cared about the night elves anyway.

That cinematic was a top 5 on the cringe meter Zero being Wrath of Khan and 5 being a tie between Star Trek 5 and First Contact.

So let me get this straight. Any good that the night elves get… including freeing those souls from the Maw doesn’t count if any other race gets their souls released as well? Having the Panthien of Wild Gods restored doens’t count because other races including Horde participated?

Is that where you are?


The datamined one? I hope they activate the quest after winning a Heroic Darkshore Warfont, if that is added in 8.3.


No, that is not where she is…

… Her point is that it’s not going to happen, because for it to happen, Horde players would have to confront the souls of night elves, they themselves put to the torch. -IF- night elf souls are to be freed from the Maw, the Horde better be prepared for a right scolding. And that is less likely than night elf issues just being swept under the rug. That is her point.

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Why would the horde get a scolding? They are gonna free them cause blizzard said they are, its gonna be nothing more than a objective, blizzard said after all its not a faction xpac, its unlikely that outside the intial quests that the players are gonna be treated anything more than the heroes, why would they touch on what faction they are on? Blizzard is lazy, they’ll wrote one story and be done with it, its pointless to write for both factions in shadowlands

There’s some misunderstanding/conflation going on here.

The Horde champion did no such thing. They and Saurfang fought their way to Dark Shore under the assumption that the goal was to occupy Teldrassil. Sylvanas decided she wanted to torch Teldrassil and the actual launching of the catapults was performed by NPCs.

So the Horde champion will have to deal with the weight of not immediately doing everything in their power to stop it and Sylvanas right then and there, and not holding their fellow soldiers accountable, but acting like they gave and executed the order because you can’t get your hands on Sylvanas or some random NPCs is just using them as a scapegoat.