Night Elf Player Hate

Blizzard has decided to do both, in not having the Horde ever mention Teldrassil to the Alliance or Night Elves, but still having Teldrassil brought up in the story itself in having all the souls of the victims there go to the Maw.


I would say that saying teld isnt gonna be mention is jumping the gun for all we know its a big story focus next xpac or the future, I mean jaina brought up theramore even in this xpac

Absofreakinglutely. I’d love to mount an attack to retake Silverwing Refuge. and reduce Hellscream Overwatch to ash.

IF it’s open world PVP, even better.

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I’m uncertain the act of being the aggressor is what Sylvanas here is referring to; but rather the consequences of it. The Horde gets absolutely wrecked with each bout of the villain bat. Our character roster is a joke of underused, underdeveloped, and underpowered characters; with Blizz repeatedly showing they’d rather do anything else but develop replacements up. Our Faction Identity and several of our Racial Fantasies are just plain in ruin, especially after BfA. We also got to spend like half an expansion again having to kill off members of our own faction as much as we kill the opposing one.

When I see Alliance players claiming they want the Horde treatment; what they often really seem to mean is that they want the internal attention the Horde gets 
 but expect it to actually be written in a respectful and satisfying way.


I mean I would love the Alliance to be the aggressors and get some story.

I can imagine Alleria taking over the Alliance after Legion and Baine becomes warchief. She convinces Turaylon to attack Silvermoon to take it back to the Alliance. The Alliance attacks and during the invasion she Voidifies the Sun well which causes a void explosion killing most of the civilians in Silvermoon only a handful escape to Suramar.

The Horde in return attack Teldrassil however when they step through the portal into the city they find it empty except for Alleria who taunts them and then teleports out. Then the tree explodes in fire raining death upon the Horde armies trapped in the city. Turaylon is then captured by the horde as he has lost the will to fight.

we get a battle front barrens between Horde and Night elves.

The Alliance Champions then raid Orgrimmar and come across Turaylon who refuses to leave but points them to a cell containing Jaina Proudmore and Priscilla Ashvane. They escape the city after being chased by the Horde and almost blowing it up with an Azerite bomb.

The Horde in return go to Zandalar with Rokahn who is promptly arrested and the player has to escape and expose Zul.

we get full CGI’s of Turaylon considering death as his wife his gone nuts except he is convinced to live on by his son. another as Baine releases Turaylon from prison and hope he will stop his wife.

Lothemar drinks a vial of the remaining Water of the well of eternity super powering him after baine refuses to send help. he attempts to Fight Genn but he fails to kill him, Instead Genn manages to convince these newly created void elves to join the alliance. We then get the the battle front in Eversong.

Baine plans and attacks Kul’tiras in a hope to convince them to surrender, only ending up killing Katherine proudmoore and Galavnising Jaina against the Horde, however does manage to blow up the Alliance fleet. Then they flee with the Alliance fighting Talanji on the high seas.

The Horde then chase Genn across the seas with their fleet only to fall for Azshara’s and Alleria’s trap as she has the dagger. Genn takes the dagger to Azshara.

Then finally Turyalon confronts Alleria at the Gates of stormwind (Baine hands him doomhammer to fight with) and they fight however empowered by the Void Alleria is far to powerful, Though he gets a blow on her she kills him and goes nuts leaving the Alliance. Baine then concedes to cease fire with the Alliance but “wins” the battle fronts in barrens and Eversong.

I mean its a mirror story but makes far more sense than the rubbish blizzard gave us.


So what do you recommend I do?

In some (not all) cases, the reason for that is because consciously or unconsciously, they believe Blizzard treats the factions as they deserve to be treated. So they assume the Alliance will be treated well because they’re the good guys and deserve it, while the Horde gets only ruin because they’re the bad guys and deserve that.


Hell no, Villian bat the hell out of the Alliance, make us do some bad stuff. I mean atleast the Alliance would get some good ol vengeance on the Horde for once.

we can stand to lose some hero’s to Villians, we also seem thematically more powerful than the horde so could be used it as a chance to even the factions out more.

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Let the Horde players experience getting punched in the nuts and then denied any meaningful payback.

Let Alliance players get a high on being aggressive only to end up with their faces essentially in the failure muck.

Would be a very nice change of pace.

*glances over at Blizzard devs and notices they’re VERY uncomfortable about this.



You do understand the vengeance part isn’t the problem; its the repercussions of that vengeance HH? Every time the Horde gets villain batted we lose things that take years to replace; lose A and B list characters; and never really get a satisfying story. I mean, if you didn’t notice 
 there wasn’t even the illusion of an avenue to a satisfying conclusion for the Horde playerbase in BfA? That wasn’t even an option, it was really just sitting around waiting to see how much Blizz would take from us this time; with little hope of them ever rebuilding anything they’ve broken.

 when you automatically assume that you’re “good old vengeance” would be allowed to be satisfactory for the Alliance playerbase; that’s the sort of expectations Zule is talking about. As well as the notion that your vengeance wont come at extreme cost, like the costs imparted on the Red Faction when we get the Villain Bat. On top of this, with how conceptually weak the Horde is compared to the Alliance 
 they would either have to do amoral things to survive, meaning the Horde is still portrayed in a negative light even when fighting for its own survival; or the peace oriented Alliance would have to save them.


In Cata, Varian suddenly decided for no clear reason that he doesn’t like dwarves. Then in MoP, he grew a Hitler mustache, decided for no clear reason that he doesn’t like any non human races, and turned SI:7 into a Gestapo like Secret Police. He tried to have Muradin assassinated then started rounding up dwarves and putting them in front of firing squads. The expansion ended with the Horde and Alliance raiding Stormwind and killing Varian and every complicit human npc. Muradin became high king (nice!) but in Legion he took an arrow to the knee and died after doing nothing. Tyrande becomes high king. She convinces Turalyon that the Alliance needs “a little elbow room” in Kalimdor so he starts a war for her. Tyrande commits genocide against the tauren for no clear reason. Eventually, a guilt ridden Turalyon (spurred out of impotence and crippling depression by Baine) confronts Tyrande and gets wrecked by her. Tyrande and Malfurion reveal they couldn’t care less about night elves or the Alliance and disappear into the sunset. And then Mekkatorque leaves offscreen.

I still think it sucks tbh =/
Blizz needs to learn a middle ground


you need to just play horde already

Why does he need to go play Horde? It’s not unheard of that Alliance can be the aggressive party.

Blizzard did it pretty good in WC3 during the Founding of Durotar. Sadly the devs have just been chicken@#$% about trying it again in WoW.


The difference being that the Alliance could stand to lose some hero’s and champions. we have way too many, with alot either being forgotten of sidelined. We have backups to our backup’s with each race having around 6 or 7 champions. We even probably have more named characters of horde races that the Horde does.

The Alliance is sick of being reactive and wants to be proactive. Do I expect Blizzard to do an amazing job of it
 No, however it would be better than the story we got.

Horde needs the chance to be heroic again and fight against impossible odds to build up some new characters. the Alliance needs a villain batting to trim the fat.


How can the alliance be villian batted if everything they do is forever justified, I am be real and assume what you want isnt dumb for a sec, in order for the horde to be seen as heros and for the alliance to actually be villians the horde has to change, they have to give up all there warmongering, they have to give up the blight and then they have to be shown turning over a new leaf and actually do good for azeroth, only then can the alliance actually be villain batted

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Well yeah, its hard to do as the Horde have a lot of history to make up for. However its better than the Alliance just having to forgive the Horde again for the umpteenth time. let the horde have to forgive the Alliance for once and be the bigger person.

The Alliance seems Bloated with characters at the moment and needs a reformation and reflection on what it means to be in the Alliance.

Did you read what I said, I literally just explained why it cant happen in the story right now.

Well, not that I disagree entirely 
 but I feel like that opportunity has passed after Legion. The best leader for the Horde to have in such a defense for our lives scenario would be Vol’jin; and the best antagonists for the Alliance would likely be Genn and Tyrande 
 both of whom were pushing Anduin towards preemptive attacks on the Horde prior to the WoT. You of course would use Sylvanas as a Franz Ferdinand style point of contention, with a WWI style escalation of nations building off of that.

 the Horde rep roster just cannot hope to match up against the Alliance. Warriors; Rogues; and Hunters just have lost all relevance in an ever escalating magic setting, and the Alliance being inundated by a mass of high magic reps in Legion. Tyrande; Malf; Turalyon; Velen; Anduin; Jaina; and Alleria 
 are all quite bluntly 
 absurd. At least when compared to their Horde counterparts. You’d have to BS some pretty heavy upgrades to the Horde Reps or Faction, or give us some serious plot armor to pull off that sort of story if you’re intention was to use it to “develop” Horde Characters; and trim the fat on the Alliance side.

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Literally none of that matters, battles are lost and won cause they feel right not cause of power levels.
Malfurion the most powerful mortal in mezten’s words got taken down by a axe lol, power levels are meaningless.

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There are some who might argue that the Horde can never be heroes, because of what happened in the 1st and 2nd war and previously with the Draenei.

I disagree. Stepping up and taking down G’Huun and saving Azeroth, taking part in defending the world from N’Zoth, the Legion, the Scourge, etc. is pretty heroic. It doesn’t mean they don’t have a sordid past but it doesn’t disqualify them from being Azeroth’s heroes either.

As far as Alliance vs Horde goes, there was a time when they tried to live peacefully after Hyjal.

What a pity that Daelin Proudmoore came and F’ed it up.

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I can think up a scenario that would make the alliance both the aggressors and ensuring they’re unjustified, but I’m 99% sure you’d all REALLY not like it. :stuck_out_tongue: