Night Elf Player Hate

Honest question, can an Alliance player really be okay with being the aggressor.

I’d imagine most humans players would be enraged at it.

Shame Night elves and Worgen go rogue and start wars.


Well considering that the alliance has never really striked back against the horde I don’t think anyone would complain. Horde keeps commiting atrocities against the alliance and alliance always forgives and never strikes back.

It would be nice if the alliance would finally realize that you can’t make peace with the horde and act accordingly. If the writers want an evil horde that’s fine, but then make the alliance act against the horde like they would act against the scourge, the legion etc.


The San’layn were apparently not going to be that healthy for the Horde since they kill the Forsaken aiding them to feed and get stronger. We kinda helped them here.

Getting rid of the Zandalari fleet didn’t get us anywhere as we wasted our naval superiority in not attacking and then lost it in Nazjatar

Recovering the Abyssal Scepter is just undoing what the Horde did, and then we use it once and lose it forever. The Horde moved forward then backwards, we moved backwards the forward.

I wouldn’t count Derek coming back a victory since ideally he’d be dead, not undead. Also weird how in 15(?) years Kul Tiras never went back to look for his body but the Horde did.

And the rebellion failed, the majority of the Horde stood with Sylvanas. What worked was Saurfang getting Sylvanas to 1v1 him and making her show her true colors… By getting a single scratch in? Which was absurdly dumb.

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doesn’t matter, we killed them and that was our objetive.

Wrong considering that we went to winning on all fronts.
The kultiran fleet survived the war.
The zandalari not.

And what, this doesn’t count or what?.

pretty sure that jaina would have ordered at least a rescue mission if she find out that they were torturing him. or to put him out of his misery.

how did exactly the rebellion failed? they got rid of sylvanas.

this is correct.

It wasn’t the rebellion that got rid of Sylvanas, it was Sylvanas that got rid of Sylvanas by accidentally crap-talking the Horde out loud

Whatever victories didn’t get us anywhere. The best we did was thwart what the Horde did. Nobody moved forward. I guess the Horde just moved backwards.


but if we are counting the goals in the war, anduin ever since the start said that there can be not peace with sylvanas.

Since sylvanas is gone, anduin pretty much accomplish his goal
He even set in motion the rebellion that would be used to dethrone sylvanas, one way or another she needed to be gone.

it doesn’t matter if she went 200 % more stupid to randomly being triggered and say mean things.
This is what anduin, and to an extent, most of the alliance wanted.

at least we killed a god troll king.
oh, and derek was revived and returned to the ally!.

I still don’t think this is a positive

Maybe if he was Daelin and he got to captain an undead crew that haunted the waters in Horde territory forever

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i don’t know, depends on what story they are going to give him.
a ghost crew and a ghost ship sounds pretty neat.

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If blood elf players on the forums were indicative of blood elf characters, I’d say that the Scourging of Quel’thalas ended too soon.

A shame Arthas missed some.



He didn’t miss though. They ran to the mountains. Thx to Sylvanas winning them time.

Your chain-yanking sense wasn’t triggered the way mine was?

I mean…if I wanted to be the aggressor, I’d have rolled Horde. Simple.


So that creates a dilemma, alliance are always the ‘victoms’ because you refuse to become aggressors.


The horde can just you know listen to thrall and be heroes like us

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After they have made up for quite a few genocides, city bombings and started wars and brought everyone they killed back to life they could surely become heroes at some point.


Great. Sign me up. Now the Horde is good forever, right?

hopefully, but the forsaken need to repent for what they have done

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Oh pooh. So me listening to Thrall doesn’t actually help anything?

no, got to back it with action, getting the forsaken to not be evil is a good start

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I don’t think it’s possible for the story to reasonably redeem the horde after all this. The “next best thing” would be to just never reference this expansion again, from a horde player POV at least.

But then that just leaves the other side without a resolution. It just doesn’t seem fixable. It might just be better to never get invested in the story again.