Night Elf Player Hate

Rexxar, Thrall, and Lor’themar all got new models this expansion. As did Zekhan. Somehow I’m uncertain that rule is universal.

Took me a while, but I found it:


“But Blizzard doesn’t hate Night Elves”

as if things like these and their constant destruction of the race aren’t enough proof

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Community Managers also have no say on game or story decisions.

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Does it matter, though?

He said that we’ll have a pile of ashes and… yea that’s basically it. We got our home and our people transformed into a pile of ashes and then it stopped right there. No conclusion, no positive moments, nothing.

Thanks. Yup that’s the one. I forgot the exact wording I just remembered them responding like that and thinking it was unnecessary and unprofessional, especially considering the forums were at the height of all the trolling surrounding the event. They never replied to the countless threads trying to tilt and grief night elf players by mocking the burning, but one replies to a night elf fan thread by essentially partaking in the mockery.


As Sylvannas literal right hand mand, he occupied an appropriate space. He would be the logical choice to lead her war efforrts in Zuldazar and Kul-Tiras.

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This was Keelhaul’s actual point:

I can’t speak for Keelhaul, but I would think from a perspective desiring Horde development, Sylvanas was also a waste of time.


The War Campaign as a whole was a waste of time.


It kind of was. Not even in a snarky sense, like none of the actual plans worked.

I guess the Alliance succeeded in killing Rastakhan, but that only backfired.

The Horde’s failure is a bit more complicated. They went s to find the body of some guy who they could use to defeat Kul Tiras. They found Zelling and Stone along the way. Stone did nothing, Zelling was neat. Eventually you found two corpses at the bottom of the sea and, despite ignoring all the others, arbitrarily decided to bring the second one along.
The guy you went to find, who was the entire point of the campaign, was raised off screen and then almost immediately killed off by a random Kul Tiran.
Oh but it’s OK because we met Zelling who is really useful and got Jaina’s brother.
Until Zelling died (bad for Saurfang fans) and Jaina’s brother escaped (bad for Sylvanas loyalists).

So like… everyone failed. Everyone.


Killing Rastakhan wasn’t even the plan. We were expecting him to surrender. You know, after he outlived the Loa of Kings and stood against the Blood Trolls and their Old God.

Zandalar’s and Kul Tiras’ individual storylines were also pretty good. It’s the War Campaign that drops the ball down a bottomless well, and then attempts to fetch it.


While this is correct we got some partial success in the ally side.
hm on the top of my head, we stopped the san’layn from joining the horde, we planted bombs in the zandalari fleet, and use it to obliberate it .we recover the abyssal scepter , we sacked the zandalari capital and while rasthakan dying wasn’t part of the plan, we did gained naval superiority and started to win in all fronts.

Derek returned safely without risking too much, and saurfang rebellion orchestrated by anduin himself succeeded.
and then we rescued baine without losing anyone.

but, in the great scheme of things, it was all a waste of time because the only really important thing that happened was the death of rastaboi.


A devoted Shadowrun player, Saurfang took the adage “Geek the mage” to heart.


The Alliance plan to destroy the Zandalari fleet and steal the Scepter of Tides back and use it in a diversionary tactic worked flawlessly, as did their plans to take down the san’layn and disrupt the Reliquary’s efforts towards procuring war materiel for the Horde.

The Alliance had mostly successes while the Horde had almost entirely failures. Just because Dazar’alor was executed exceptionally poorly doesn’t mean there were not other successes for Team Blue.


At least Saurfang got to point out that Sylvanas just kept failing.

And at least in Shadowlands the Horde will get to be on the opposite side of Sylvanas while everything she tries gets undone again instead of being under her orders.

Hey, I’m still waiting for vengeance over that whole, ‘genocide’ thing from the First War.

The Draenei are still waiting on the chance to avenge the Path of Glory and other atrocities.

So Night Elf players have gotten the shaft(admittedly again), join the club. Clearly Blizzard can’t handle faction conflict, I’m glad they ended it with the Alliance being more or less winning, and I’m glad I quit my main since Vanilla(NE male Warrior) before BfA.

This is the way.

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It’s a true shame that some Nigh elves survived Teldrassil. the entire race should have been wiped off Azeroth.


You should apply for a writer position at Blizz, they like the way you think

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I’m sure they do, it’s about time the game had some spice instead of “oh look, another big bad guy (old god) lets team up so we win”.
Just how many times can you recycle the same story?

Apparently never enough times because every time they write a faction war it’s the horde being evil and the alliance being incredibly stupid and incompetent.

I guess you have to be some kind of master mind to make the alliance (specifically Night Elves and Worgen) actually start a war for once and then go from there.

Not a single thing of the BfA faction war makes sense.