Night Elf Player Hate

always invading

Internal political fracturing didn’t start happening until Baine’s arrest, well after the Darkshore Warfont and Nathanos and Shaw saying the Alliance was winning, which we know is canon now.

You seem to have entirely missed the point in my post.

As the Tauren are nomadic, I’m not sure this is actually the case.

On top of Suramar, the Horde has access to Zuldazar’s lumber now, too. So I would still chain myself to the trees in Feralas to be against unnecessary deforestation.

Did you do the Cataclysm revamp questing in Ashenvale? Or was this just in the Classic version?


Classic. In that very post I even directly comment on,

Flying mounts made wpvp a huge pita.

Horde questing with Tyrande should be a no-no

If they have to have any interaction at all, have her be an unkillable elite mob that guts them instantly if they run into her Ardenweald.


This right here is how you rile Horde players into telling Blizzard they were correct and demanding more content where we destroy your content and only receive slaps on the wrist as recompense.


But it does, she made the naaru and a big section of the races of wow have religons based on her children the naaru.

Maybe she remembers you from ganking lowbies.

Though more realistically it’s from Garrosh’s war on the Night Elves being, you know, mean.

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Good. :smirk:

But uh, as an amendment, lowbies typically aren’t what I bothered ganking. Not unless they were attacking the rightful owners of Ashenvale, anyway.

MoP happened. WoD happened. Sweet christ. How long should we hold the night elves responsible for Azshara’s sins? Their betraying her doesn’t count if my betraying Garrosh doesn’t.


Hence why you quested with Tyrande after.

You do know people are still trying to do that nowadays, right? In this very thread even?


Probably for the very same reason that I just now asked you.

But it had nothing to do with how we teamed up with the Alliance to depose Hellscream’s crybaby son.

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What do you mean? That the Horde turned on Garrosh and then made peace with the Alliance made for a smooth transition to letting you quest with Tyrande like you did.

She’s not Malfurion who will just happily quest with you whenever.

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The way you wrote it, it seemed that you were suggesting that MoP was the direct lead in to questing with Tyrande. But as you well know, the quest has nothing at all to do with MoP. It was just an alliance zone, written for Alliance characters, as the incredibly vast majority of Legion was.


I suspect Shadowlands will be rather similar, at least with Uther in Bastion and Tyrande in Ardenweald (since their example of Cenarius would probably be through flashbacks at best?), though with two psudo-Horde character lead zones with Draka and Kael’thas, too.

Alliance: Gets two alliance characters to quest with, one of which being a literal racial leader.
Horde: Gets a literal who that got absolutely zero cheers during the announcement, and a traitor who is literally and figuratively a joke.


Draka I will give you, but Kael’thas? not really as he was never really “Horde”. He joined Illidan before the Blood Elves joined the Horde and attacked a Horde city.

If one has not seen any thing outside the game, Draka is a “who?”, but for those of us that have we know her as Thrall’s mother.

It’s weird how the “rah-rah warrior faction” in Shadowlands is also doubling as Scourge 2.0. Neither theme seemed to mesh that well together in the horde before, and I imagine that entire part of the expansion is going to seem disjointed.


Hence psudo-Horde.

There’s no evidence linking E’Lune with the Naaru outside of old theories that she was one herself.

Really feels like if they had gone Ogrim doomhammer instead it would be better received.

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Velen is evidence but Khardgar isn’t? Doesn’t sound like there’s evidence of anything, Drah’Liana.