Night Elf Player Hate

Oh really?

Now this did happen. They got through some Sentinels at first but then the tide turned. As for a single clan, wasn’t that the majority of his army? The rest were either dead or in the EK. I doubt they out fought a vast number of Sentinels.

And yet even after this happen when Tyrande showed up she slaughter both Orcs and humans without Cenarius. Those Orcs were of the Warsong Clan remember?:blush:

And yet with 8 to 1 odds the horde still couldn’t push through Ashenvale they way they wanted.

Retconned. Also you actually trying to put your rl sexist views about women fighters into this? If so go back to the General section. The NE women have always been fighters since WotA.

Were the Orcs totally defeated in W3? No. Is it possible that the W3 depiction of the elves is exaggerated a bit by the fans, yes I’ll admit that from the seeing the campaign video, but don’t act like the Elves were powerless to fight them off either because they did.


And killed characters can be brought back whenever, too. We’re going to an expansion to literally quest with some of them again.

Shadowlands isnt bfa lol

Love the naivety of some in here about The Other Side dungeon. We getting, yet, another meme Troll Dungeon. Need I pointing out the marvelous love story between WoW and its devs and Meme Troll Dungeons?

yeah and do I need to point out that troll dungeons are known for having alot of loa and character death

Luckily Ardenweald is already where some loa along with the Wild Gods to get revived.


There’s no such thing as a story-line that contains nothing that someone won’t be happy with.

Little elfie, you still don’t adress on the reason why lend his power to Vol’jin in order to heal his human pet and let him talk with father Sen’jin in the book Shadow of the Horde.

There are tons of others examples like aiding us to kill blood trolls that were eating Torga’s body and Nazmir but I won’t mention more because they are too many and likely you wouldn’t read them

First one in black is confirmed:

The machine of death is broken, and players entering the Shadowlands will find the realm of the dead in disarray. In the natural order of things, souls are sorted and sent on to an afterlife realm appropriate to the lives they lived, but now, but over the past few years, all souls who have perished—including the innocents slain at Teldrassil—are being funneled directly into the Maw. The Shadowlands are starving for anima even as the Maw continues to grow from the glut of fresh souls.

Second one, he speaks of balance and he is very against Sylvanas(even offered broke the pact with Talanji if she brought the head of her to him) as you can see in this video

Without mention they mentioned he was going to play an important role as protagonist and in his small time on the screen, he has won the heart of many. Btw nice way of insulting a god that actually cares of balance and thinks of Sylvanas as a threat :slight_smile:

They were in making charmed elfie meat

-Tyrande: Know this. My hunger for vengeance will not be sated so long as Sylvanas Windrunner remains free–and until I know why Elune abandoned her children.

Eyir and her Val’kyrs beg to disagree.

Elune powers can’t defeat a dead archer that is a lapdog of an undead elfie and in a war with physical gods, what is even good some entity which existance is at best at doubt or doesn’t care at anything?

But there were several explosions and the battle could be hear from miles according to Saurfang. Besides as you can quote his word as a fact, anyone can do that for the screecher, though I’d prefer if both killed each other and the world would have 2 less plagues to deal with

Raised at the last moment in Uldir and lasted 5 minutes at best. His plan of making a new empire with G’huun as patron loa were shattered and only took solace in giving him the middle finger and a threat of his rule going in ruins.
Still in the end the heretics lost and G’huun was slain and not going back thanks to the glaive of Vol’jin.

He went there to resurrect Delaryn and a few elfies for some unknown reasons, killed a few more and just moved out. Probably the toll between both armies was the main goal instead of winning.

Just giving the elfies what they deserve. If they weren’t alienating so many people I would just ignore them as I did during my times in MoP and Legion


I suspect jealousy that Zandalar was filler content and the Zandalari are back to being irrelevant to the story.


Not likely unless they make it so he sides with her due to a “better the evil you know” deal. Bwon HATES Sylvanas because she keeps what she kills. I am not putting it beyond Blizzard to have him side with her for “reasons” but those reasons better be damn good for it to make sense.

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his master is probably the jailer, blizzard hints it might be

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Sarm is 100% correct, Amadis. You’re absolutely as guilty as Horde who did the quest.

Oof. So were Zul and Rastakhan.

You should check the likes on Sarm’s post, Treng.

Zul and Rastakhan also had enough death flags them that their deaths were more obvious than Sylvanas being the one to burn down the tree.


Bwonsamdi has about eighty. Not least of which being manipulating and domineering the Strong Queen against Her will.

It is a possibility, like Vol’jin might be set up to take his place or something. But to me Bwonsamdi seems too neutral to really get in anyone’s way enough to get himself killed off.

I could see Talanji joining in on the hunt for Sylvanas to take up Bwonsamdi on his offer to get out of her father’s bargain, though.


If anything, if there is any karma left in Blizz, Bwon’s little 3 Million souls deal with the Horde PC is a hint that he might end up taking the Jailor’s seat. He’s about as neutral as they come. He does seem to take his job as caretaker of the dead very seriously, even if he is possessive and likes to toy with the living. And it would make room for Loa’Jin to move in and take his spot as the patron Loa of Trolls; fulfilling Sen’jin’s prophecy for his son. Vol’jin is supposed to lead the way to a prosperous future for all troll kind, it never said he had to be alive to do it.


You think Bwonsamdi is going to do anything? Ha! I bet it will be Nathanos that will become the Jailer and Sylvanas will become the Titan of Death or something and take her well deserved seat on the Pantheon in 10.0.

My money’s on Bolvar.


Bolvar wasn’t even a good Lich King. I’m not sure the guy is really up to the task of being eternal tormentor to the darkest and most vial souls in existence. Those that are so evil that they did not even earn the right to have a chance at redemption, salvation, or reincarnation. And I like Bwon. I don’t want him to die or be killed off. I don’t want the Darkspear equivalent of Elune to get gutted for a cheap game. But, I also recognize that he can’t really stay the head Loa of the Zandalari … so he’ll likely get replaced.

Making him the jailer gives him a functional role that he’s probably at least familiar with; that would fit right into his neutral, extremely possessive nature. It also might be nice to have just one “Horde” entity have some authority in the multiverse. Just one? That is not Sylvanas?

Bolvar is the main character next xpac not bwon

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