Night Elf Player Hate

So, starting an insurrection and marching a rebel army up to the capitol before having Saurfang lose a stacked game of Mortal Kombat with Windy counts as complicit?

For a bunch of people who feel that nelves have nothing to be proud about, you sure want them to add being stupid to the list too lol

I want the Horde to show some damn remorse for nearly killing an entire race.

That entire thing was because Saurfang felt his honor was being besmirched, it had and still has nothing to do with any of his victims. It’s all about him. How it made him feel. Did you ever see him talk about his victims? No? Gee that’s weird. It’s almost like he didn’t care at all.



In the cinematic you see flashes of Nelves burning in Teldrassil. It clearly, visually, weighs heavy on him.


You want the horde to show remorse? how do you know they dont? You have insider info into shadowlands? If you do tell us what the elune spoilers are

Sounds like you only like drama in a particularly safe and sanitized way. I don’t think you like drama at all. You just want to play super hero and not have to think about anything else.

At present they haven’t once. If they do in Shadowlands great. But as of right now they don’t care they committed genocide.

Fair but I still feel all of his cinematics come off like he cares more about the Horde’s honor than their actions.


I just want the alliance to be the heros thats all if I wanted to play villians well like ion said, the horde is there for me.

You can be a hero without being a doormat that lets every enemy walk over you and your allies. But I guess that is too morally grey for Blizzard’s Alliance.


burning down civilians is wrong and genocidal

When did I say that’s what I want? Sounds like you’re putting words in my mouth.

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Okay well that’s your interpretation, and frankly an incorrect one in my opinion. There was regret, sorrow and shock in the Horde over it. On an IC and OOC level. That’s why they let us do something about it called starting a rebellion.

“Well they only risked the lives of themselves and everyone they cared about by declaring open revolt towards a despot who routinely murders, en masse, all who even accidentally oppose her”.

Like what else do you want? A fruitbasket? Tyrande’s reasoning isn’t that the Horde isn’t sorry it’s that they just can’t be trusted again. She seems to think the folks running it now are at least chill but so was Vol’Jin till Windy turned up.


Sounds like you like being boring.

I don’t mind. I like being boring, too. I want things even more boring in that I don’t want any more bad things to be happening to the Night Elves for a long while.

What else could it be, the horde has a regime change, the alliance won the war, we got our lands back, there is literally nothing else but to stop sylvanas and save the souls she screwed over.

I think more of the objection is because the other half of the Horde who were siding with Windy at the time barely got addressed.

Now, if Blizz made it explicit that some of those loyalists who were led away in chains were in fact the perpetrators of the Burning, and they were getting punished by the Horde for killing civilians/being monsters, then I think a lot of that criticism would go away. It wouldn’t disappear, for a handful of reasons, but I think it would go a long way towards making the peaceful resolution of the war make more sense.


As I said above, some sort of attempt to make amends. Maybe clean up Darkshore, pack their crap and get out of Night Elf lands and never come back. Something more than the nothing they’ve done so far.


I agree with this. The Horde can have the burning of Teldrassil weigh on them, and the Horde, seemingly at present, can also be keeping their heads down and never actually bring up the War of the Thorns or the burning of Teldrassil to the Alliance or the Night Elves because the Horde doesn’t want to face its own actions and wants everyone to just agree to peace and never bring it up again.


So all stuff we have to wait till future story, sounds like you have a patience problem

Stuff they could have at least laid some groundwork for, a throwaway line or two from the Horde representatives. Anything to indicate they were moving in that direction. Instead it’s all Sylvanas blaming.


Sounds like you have a blind trust problem.