Night Elf Player Hate

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Exhibit A.

yeah I didnt see her reply till after, and I didnt want to edit

Back on topic: that’s not really compensation for anything. Oh good we got to make sure the Night Elves died properly. How fun. Blizzard really, really don’t understand why NE players are annoyed with them. They keep throwing undead night elves and eternal torment at us and expect us to just enjoy it.


yeah and? No bad things should ever happen to anyone in the game right? How boring what a boring story you have thought up. Nah I rather enjoy a story with some drama save the souls, make sure they go to the right place and then bring sylvanas to justice

When it only ever happens to your race it stops being compelling and starts being annoying. This is two expansions in a row we’re made to put up with being the suffering victim. That’s not fun or interesting to me.

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what happened in legion, other than nelf anti hero being right and saving the world?

There should be a balance between good things happening to a race and bad things happening to a race. Night elves only had bad things and it is only getting worse with things like forgiving the horde or later getting told that all the innocents the horde killed will suffer in hell forever.

How can that be fun for anyone?

Oh yea so the only way for the night elves to not get completely stomped is being neutral with the horde. Besides that, Val’sharah was complete humiliation.

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I mean you complaining about something that is getting fixed next xpac, so lol

I’m talking about BfA -> Shadowlands. I guess you could technically count Valsharah and the Emerald Dream.

Defeating the nightmare is humiliation?

What’s getting fixed? We have no confirmation that we will save those souls, but let’s assume we did:

  • Night Elves still have no home
  • Still no pride
  • Still no future with their only zone being darkshore which is blighted and the majority of their race dead
  • Still no justice for the War of Thorns

“Tyrandah I need you! Where are you?”


For what it’s worth, I don’t really count it personally because the losses suffered were more to the Dragonflights and Cenarion forces than Night Elves directly. By the end of it the Nightmare is completely cleansed and no longer a threat to the Emerald Dream or Valsharah.

But anyway, what Elesana said.

An illusion of Xavius’ mocking them both to be fair. It was terrible but I suspect that was the point.

But they do have a home, they have there lands back, they can fix blight, and justice is coming when sylvanas is defeated and we save the souls, lol your complaints suck

and lol being tricked by xavius too, not looking good chief

How is defeating Sylvanas justice? I wasn’t aware Sylvanas singlehandedly waged war on the Night Elves. That’s pretty impressive.

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Yeah I fail to see how,

“Nah it’s cool we got them to the proper afterlife” is going to fix anything.

First off, I think the WoW afterlife is going to have to kinda suck no matter how you spin it. The Necrolords need an army for something that predates this Maw trouble. What does heaven need to march on exactly? Any way you spin it, doesn’t sound like eternal rest.

Secondly they all still died horribly in Azeroth’s second most contrived attempt to raise the stakes thus far. That doesn’t resolve anything.


She burned the nelves to gain super powers, and our objective in shadowlands is to remove those superpowers by saving the souls.

That still leaves the 100% complicit Horde showing no regret or attempts at reconciliation for their actions. They just skip away arm in arm with Anduin with no repercussions as usual. I didn’t think I’d have to spell it out.


What’s their home? The streets of stormwind? We still have no idea about Ashenvale. Justice can never be achieved, the horde did it, not Sylvanas alone, and the night elves are being made into anduin’s puppet and forgiving the horde without an apology.
This is besides the fact that Sylvanas is not going to die, especially not against Tyrande or someone from the NE. Why would writers let their most hated race kill their most beloved character?

Supposedly they’re moving into Hyjal but until we see it in game it’s just more tell instead of show from Blizzard when it comes to non Horde storylines. We get to see the suffering part in great detail but god forbid we see a victory.

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yeah and? You want to start a faction war after shadowlands, be my guess that might actually happen since the factions arent going away you’ll get that time probably, but killing horde right now to help your genocider to become more powerful, thats just stupid, so you bascially want the nelves to be stupid and help sylvanas