Night Elf Player Hate

And then they join sylvanas and send more of their former brothers and sisters to suffer forever in the maw. yea makes a lot of sense.


yeah it does, cause they where in super hell, seeing that kind of horror is gonna screw with you, like sira yeah she was already kind of feeling like elune abandoned them, she is killed and instead of going where she is supose to go she goes to mega super hell a place that blizzard says is ultra horrible then the valks pull her from that, telling her that they’ll save her only if she serves. It totally makes sense to me, this also makes those nelves that resisted the valks more badass too, cause they’d rather stay in super hell than serve sylvanas

Why would sylvanas raise the night elves as dark rangers if her not raising them increases Sylvanas powers?

sylvanas 50 iq and 800 iq at the same time


Maybe in our reality. The Plague of Undeath wasn’t airborne. Commonly available information Im sure the clearly not sick people begging for help could’ve told them.

Also their isolationist policies go back 30 years. IE since Orcs started wandering out of the Dark Portal.

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It still doesn’t explain why they would then serve Sylvanas. They know that whoever they kill, they will be in hell forever and then they proceed to kill their own people?


Only if she sends more of her people to super hell

 Sure, makes sense. eyeroll

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Yeah people are selfish shocking right

a few is probably already nothing compared to what was killed in the burning, at the end of it, she is raising them so they kill more people.

Actually that does make sense. It’s explaimed that Undeath is itself a traumatic proccess. Even if it’s rescuing you from the worst hell, and even if you were only dead for seconds, having your soul ripped out of the nether and stapled back to a dead body is jarring to say the least.

Newly risen undead are thus confused, scared and crankier than a sleep deprived man trying to quit smoking cold turkey. It’s very easy to manipulate them in this state.

In DeathKnell calming down new Forsaken who are either going full rampage or panic attack is an early quest.

And all this lore was before death was broken before all the souls went to the maw, remember the maw is only for the most evil souls, very few souls are suppose to go there.

Even when working properly Azeroth’s afterlife looks like a nightmare no sane religion would try to sell itself on.

A life of chastity, noble duty and selfless courage in the face of evil and all ya get is weirdly swole angelic moonkins? Hard pass. In the long run, honestly, undeath seems pretty preferential. Least you can just keep going about your business and don’t have to have to worry about whatever it is Necrolords need an army for up there.

That isnt the whole afterlife thats only parts of it, imagine being scared of duty and purpose too helping other souls is so scary!

Or just be raised into undeath and then you can keep helping people forever and ever. Fel there’s even Holy Necromancy now, somehow, so if the whole Occult thing has ya spooked there’s other options.

Yeah and then lose your mind due to rot, No thank you, being undead is literally one of the worse things to happen in the lore even the undead themselves comfirm this

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This I at least agree with you.

The rest is just undue suffering placed on those killed and just makes the raising of the dead during the current conditions of the Shadowlands even more evil and undeserved than it already usually is.

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Well if you’re going to be so vain as to let some rot scare you off from tirelessly serving the helpless then I think we all know we’re you’re going. Say Hi to Kael’Thas while you’re there.

you literally go crazy at some point lol, undead arent immortal

I’m wondering if Kael’thas is going to denounce Sylvanas while we quest in that zone. I have a feeling that Sylvanas is going to be involved in all of the leveling zones, based on her involvement in Bastion.

Meh we save them and its just another chapter in our heroes journey to stop sylvanas

The actual mechanics of undeath are the least consistent thing in this already heavily retconned world. It sure seems to be functional immortality and the inevitable madness may have more to due witn Windrunner insiting everyone be miserable. The only instance of it I know for sure is in game was with a sweet old woman who wanted to knit sweaters for the Forsaken before she went zombie senile.

Alonsos Faol looked not unlike Santa Claus pre Undeath and that dude is still incredibly spry and on the ball.

As for Kael’Thas I think he’d be sympathetic to Windrunner. WoW writers villain batted him for want as a raid boss as well. Meta commentary aside though he tried to summon the doom of Azeroth through his people’s most sacred site. He can denounce all he wants he betrayed his people just as thoroughly while also being weirdly racist about it.