Night Elf Player Hate

That handful of troops won the Darkshore Warfont in canon.

As for the cimenatic, this was in the datamining for 8.1, but didn’t make it live:

Oddly, the quest “A New Hope” is technically in game, just wasn’t made accessible. However, if you have a Nightwreathed Watcher collected in your pet battle journal it will tell you there are three sources for it: Grimhorn for the Horde, Orwell Stevenson for the Alliance, and the quest “A New Hope”, I guess as leftover data in the game that they missed removing.


I’m glad it was left in the cutting room floor. It’s pathetic. that’s not a leader addressing her people… That’s more like an overblown teacher who took her home room class outdoors.

I disagree with you, and headcanon it as having happened.


She was the High Priestess, Elune’s Chosen, one doesn’t get that title for being incompetent. Priestess of the Moon are warriors, so Tyrande being the head of that order and chosen by Elune makes her an extraordinary fighter. She should have been able to mop the floor with Nathanos, it should have been a joke of a fight once she became the Night Warrior. She should have one-hit KO’d him basically.

As much as you hate on Night Elves and Tyrande why do you even play one? LMAO it makes no sense.


We saw Tyrande taking out an army of demons even in-game in the Well of Eternity dungeon, so Tyrande wiping out armies of enemies isn’t even something new that she needed the Night Warrior enhancement for.


It’s a great argument… with absolutely no evidence backing it up. Tyrande was mainly Girl Hostage for WOTA, totally uninvolved in the War of the Sands. Her first big performance as a warrior was murdering her own Sentinels to free the Betrayer.

The reason she became Elune’s Chosen was by default. Every other possibility had already been murdered by the Burning Legion.

They could have presented it better, that much is for sure.


I thought you only considered in-game representation canon? The Well of Eternity dungeon in-game portrays her a lot more involved in the final moments of the War of the Ancients, and killing a lot of demons.


That would require Blizzard to care about anything besides the Saurfang/Jaina/Anduin SO SAD! story, or the shonen Sylvanas story. We obviously can’t have that. That requires effort.


Everything the night elves got was pathetic this expansion. Giving the one person that is at fault for almost wiping out the night elves 4 cinematics but the Night Elves get actually 0.



I agreed with her during the Azshara situation. The problem now is that Anduin wants this treaty to move foward but the is no plan to address Teldrassil. How can Tyrande do that knowing the thousands of innocents, not soldiers, that were slain. Right now this treaty doesn’t honor the fallen it’s pretty much forgetting them.

What are you even talking about?!?!?!?! Tyrande is certainly significantly stronger now that she was in WotA as is Malfurion. There is no telling how far her abilities progressed. Not to mention they lived for thousands of years before the sundering so as a long lived race they were probably used to gaining power of long periods of time.

Again, what are you talking about?!?!?!?! Tyrande fought in WotA. Did she spend time as a prisoner? Yes, but she fought demons before and after that. She even held off demons allowing Illidan to cast some spell. Prior to the trilogy she lead an assault into Azshara’s palace.

She fought in the Satyr War too and was a full leader at this time. She kept her lands safe during the long vigil and even dealt with the frost giants. Tyrande slaughter Orcs and humans as the head of the Sentinel Army in w3 not to mention demons and undead. She and Maiev fought off the undead to protect Kael’Thas and Tyrande nearly died killing waves of undead.

Tyrande sliced through the Naga with Malfurion to rescue Shandris. She went into the Emerald Nightmare and faced it’s horrors both in the dream and the walking world to save Malfurion. She actually held off quite a large number of shadow Satyrs as Malfurion was casting his spell to defeat Xavius. She cleansed Erikanius in Moonglade. Tyrande personally lead her troops in Ashenvale when Garrosh tried to storm his way through. Tyrande lead a frontal assault in the Seige of Orgrimmar opening the gates.

She fought Ysera with her sisters in Legion and lead the Sentinels in the Suramar assault. And this was cut before the game but the devs were planning on giving her an appearance on the broken shore fighting demons in some ancient elven ruined city. I’ve listed the ones I remember and I could be forgotting some but anyway with all of this lore evidence how can you say that Tyrande has zero history of being an offensive priestess? Your ignoring the lore to try to prove your invalid points.

Wrong again. Prior to her death High Priestess Dejhanna saw that Tyrande had a gift for healing, as she gained a large following in the camps held those that even more senior priests could heal. Dejhanna and the others saw that for what it was, Tyrande while still fresh to the calling was more in tune with Elune’s light than any other priestess alive. That’s she she was picked as High Priestess. You might want go somewhere and have a seat and brush up on the all the lore you’ve gotten wrong, and while you’re at it do race chance too.


i was told to post this to you
“ she is the leader of the Sentinels a group of warrior women who have sworn to protect Kalimdor’s shores while their male counterparts, the druids, sleep in the trance-like Emerald Dream. Tyrande is a fiery warrior ” –wc3 manual.

Tyrande is the High Priestess of the moon goddess, Elune. She has served as the leader of the night elf Sentinels for nearly ten thousand years, but her long vigil has left her with little mercy for those she regards as her foe. An exceptional and fearless warrior, she stands as one of the greatest heroes in recorded history. – WoW Vanilla manual.

Tyrande Whisperwind strikes fear into all who wish ill of the Kaldorei. As the highest ranking Sentinel and High Priestess of Elune, she is not only the night elves’ most deadly warrior, but also their most cunning leader.- HotS


Not even sure it would have required more effort. Just more awareness.

Well if the lich king powers comes from the Maw which is the logical assumption if we take in account what Blizzard said of the helmet and the sword being forged in the maw’s forge and that is the shtick of Necromancy, to control and bind souls to your will

But in the book it mentions a huge explosion that was heard from a long distance and the in-game one also has Saurfang throwing an axe at Malfurion because the warchief was in danger unlike the novel where he just saw some antlers and throwed it out of instinct.

See above

A fake god that doesn’t do anything for his/her followers even at the face of extermination is better than one that actually helps to take back a city, boost his followers and take care of their souls in the afterlike?

Elfie you need help

Bwonsamdi did all such things for his own sake. He doesn’t just “Take care of their souls”. Souls are the source of his power, and without souls, he dies. We know this to be the force of Anima, which all living things in the Shadowlands need to survive. His caretaking of souls is not any kind of benevolence… He needs it to not only maintain his power, but to live.

Anima comes with great souls, humble souls come with less Anima. He deal made with Rasta wasn’t something he did with any good will… He only secured himself a powerful bloodline with a lot of Anima, where prior, Rezan was denying Bwonsamdi that Anima by keeping Rasta alive.

Without that, Bwonsamdi would have done nothing. Elune is a Goddess of Balance. She has a duty to preserve the sanctity of life and death. If anything, Elune is Bwondamdi’s boss. Assuming Bwonsamdi hasn’t thrown his lot in with The Jailer… Which, considering his pocket dimension is a Dungeon in Shadowlands, leads me to believe Bwonsamdi is going to get loot Pinata-ed real soon.


And then how can you explain he let Sen’jin(the dad of Vol’jin) to have a chat with his son back in Shadows of the Horde? Or even give him a healing spell to save his human pet(though he had to bargain for that but that is the nature of the loa). He is far more active and actually move his butt unlike some goddess

Meanwhile has Elune even do something for the night elves in their history? So far she has blessed a few times Tyrande but that’s it and never helped to save the souls of Teldrassil from the Maw or even being proactive against Sylvanas invasion.

See above what? There was no description of Sylvanas to see in A Good War. The description of Malfurion after the explosion?

    That was Malfurion Stormrage, alive and preparing to rejoin the fight against the warchief.

Bwonsamdi blessing Rastakhan didn’t help Rastakhan accomplish anything, and then Bwonsamdi abandoned Rastakhan to the Alliance. But the Night Elves won Darkshore.


Because he needs to curry favor with his followers if he wants their Souls…

See above.

Is he? All examples you have given required bargaining, or served to Bwonsamdi’s favor… Meanwhile, Elune takes away the pain of those who perished at Teldrassil, something that would not seem to benefit her at all. She immortalized Ysera as a constellation, she Empowered Tyrande with the blessing of the Night Warrior and plunged Darkshore in eternal night. She has cleansed Satyrs, returning them to their elven form, she gifted the Scythe of Elune.

We don’t even know if the fallen of the Kaldorei have gone to the Maw or not. Since Elune did intervene in what occurred there.

Sure, she does not protect all from death… But no deity ever does, and it is ignorant to expect it.

" To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?"


You are delusional and bias.


That’s more due to the Champion than Elune.

Its sad night elf tears cant extinguish forest fires.