Night Elf Player Hate

Exactly. They’ve marched into Ashenvale unprovoked twice now. But when it to atone for their actions all the blame gets shifted to the warchief. The horde is nothing more than warmongers that refuses to own it horrific acts.

Not more and more attention but adequate attention based on what happened. The Forsaken may have lost a leader and their city but the NE lost a whole zone and nearly lost the others. Their leader was largely absent, their dead raised to fight against them, and now this was is ending with zero resolution for the elves. No one is blaming the other players, we are however blaming Blizz for their stupidity in story writing and clear favoritism for certain characters to the detriment of other chatacters or entire races.


I guess the difference is in the presentation, not just the material losses

Night Elves lost and kept losing, their civillians burned to death, their soldiers and demigod leaders powerless to stop it, their dead rising back and turning on them

While the Forsaken evacuated Lordaeron, turned it into a deathtrap for the Alliance, and carried on with their abominable crimes as if nothing happened. They just relocated their wretched hive of scum and villany to Kalimdor.


I think it’s more than that. Once when they drank the demon blood, once from vanilla to wotlk, then in cata again and then in BfA again. And every damn time they took so many lives with them, including civilians. The dead bodies in Silverwind refuge are still there, we didn’t once get to actually see the zone in night elf control ingame yet…


If ever. I’m so sick of it.


absolutely no chance. They didn’t even give us the zone back lore wise… only darkshore

I’m still of the mind that without a Darkshore presence they have little chance in holding Ashenvale.

Logically it should be back into night elf hands, but is it really that hard to give us a confirmation on it? An ingame dialogue of tyrande saying that they got their lands back


It does not make it any less annoying!
Nearly is just that NEARLY the forsaken did lost things and leaders and two maps( alterac was a forsaken map since cata and now canonically it is in the alliance hands)
I get that the presentation counts but still neither faction had adequate presentation in bfa, neither faction gained anything from this faction war.
The life loss in a video game is jarring cuz all that was lost in fact was sira delaryn and the priests of the moon in darnasus, the other 1000 nameless ppl lost can be replaced by a single word of god cuz this is a fictional world where population numbers dont have weight.
Man if we were to use real population counts in wow after the third war we would have at least 20-40 years of peace, but we got year after year a world ending threat and losing nameless npcs that are replaced by another batch of nameless npcs.
So you guys kept all your leaders, and even got upgrades for those heroes both im power and relations
Tyrande is now past the grudges with maiev
Tyrande and malfurion are more United than ever before
Shandris had a role in nazjatar and it did not invalidated tyrande.and she will be present and will have a big role in wardenweald next expansion.
Your face in this game just grew more and more while the forsaken only diminished by alot.
They lost both sylvanas their face and heart and nathanos second to her
They are stuck with lilian voss who every expansion seems to be a new person with new views on the same matters.
And calia who will somehow influence the forsaken.
I wonder how would you all react if thrall were to show up in ashenvale and help you guys find a new horizon! Oh horror.
Beyond that. I know some of you are blaming blizzard but eleasena and co does not stop making threads about NE every day about the same thing that is the annoying factor in all of this. This show that she knky wnats to torment us and not blizzard that rarely come here to see our discussions.


there are people who are invested into the lore and they do care about what happens to their favorite race. Even if population numbers don’t matter it’s still horrible that thousands of innocents have to suffer because of the horde for all eternity and no conclusion ever to that.

The forsaken had their leader in the spotlight for 3 expansions now with more to come.

First of all I’m not making threads every day, not even close. Second of all the only way to bring attention to something is to complain about it and have people agree with you. Blizzard needs to know that they can’t just utterly destroy a race and leave it to rot like they did with the night elves.


Being invested is one thing, making a 100 threads about the same issue is madness!
I play both NE and BE and i love the NE and i want them to have their lands back but you want to see horde players suffer and im sorry that will not happen this is not a world you can control. You can either support your team or leave the game like I did in bfa cuz i did not liked the story. If you are so invested in this game that you cannot leave you must make peace with what this game is right now. Cuz blizzard writing team is not listening to us.

Sylnavas was a god and devil to the forsaken she alone held the spotlight and if blizzard wanted to take her out of the leadership of faction they should have done a better job with b tier characters within the forsaken roast something they clearly did not. While in your side you had and that counts alot more than numbers.
Those deaths are not yet condemned they are in the maw and they will have closure like blizzard said.
I said elesana and CO meaning others making threads with the same topic repeatedly in a short spawn of time.

How does a single positive thing happening to the night elves make horde players suffer?
The horde literally destroyed everything the night elves have, nothing is left and you’re saying that if they get their lands back or kill some noname horde characters the horde has to suffer because of this? Well I’m sorry but in this case, I do want the horde to suffer if that’s what you’re getting from this. I want the Night Elves to finally gain some pride back and if that makes horde players suffer because they can’t see others have something nice, then so be it.

I’m willing to bet that we will not free those souls from the maw because we can’t have positive things happen to the race blizz hates the most.


But still doesn’t answer my question of why they can’t raise full controlled or brain-washed nelfies or maybe Gilneans. It was simple that Elune power is not that great as Tyrande outright mentions she has abandoned them and started to search for answers

Nope, from A good war story as well

“I was having trouble finishing him. He was wasting my time.” Sylvanas ripped the axe free from Stormrage. The night elf grunted with pain, and blood gushed out of the wound, but he made no other sound.

Or maybe she thinks that killing Saurfang there would had desmoralized the horde forces and only Sylvanas with a few loyalist would be left to continue the attack. Also there was a chance of reveling his cowardice and against the word of Sylvanas, most orc would trust in the enemy over her.
Also there is chance she could had found someone to use her hearthstone to take Malfurion to Stormwind while she continued a stalingrad kind of fight.

Considering Tyrande took all the night elf army to Darkshore those has to be lorewise part of the darkmoon army and blizzard just lazily copied the elfies arches from the pre patch.

Besides still keeps the point of Elune being a good for nothing goddess

I’m more thinking they’re represented by the healer that Malfurion one-shotted in “Terror of Darkshore.”

There’s been quite a few threads from Forsaken posters about this. However, oddly, most of the posting about this comes from Blood Elf posters such as yourself.

Or the word of god can say they all went to the Maw and place even more emphasis and highlight on their deaths because this is a fiction world, and surprisingly their numbers for once do have weight in that their numbers are what seem to be giving Sylvanas her power boosts.


It’s still her decision, her responsiblity. Unless of course you want to deny Tyrande agency.

It had meaning… It’s meaning was to put the Night Elves back in the game for Darkshore to dispute the Horde’s conquest of it. It wasn’t going to be the Insta-Win meaning you seem to have wanted.

Malfurion one-shots a Blood Elf Paladin in the “Tides of Vengeance” cinematic. In fact, she’s the first one to die.

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Because you’re asking a pointless question. There’s no indication that the Jailer has the power to mind control the dead.

This was in-game, too, where she was saying that to save face after she had groaned and fallen to her knee and Malfurion had killed all her forces that came with her.

Nothing in A Good War contradicts this portrayal, as A Good War does not bother to describe the state Sylvanas is in when Saurfang arrives.

Also incorrect, as we saw in Nazmir where Night Elf forces also came separate from the Army of the Black Moon to help the Alliance distract the Zandalari from Dazar’alor.

Better than Bwonsamdi still.


Aside from the ethical issues of his deal with Rakastan, what can you have against my favorite Death Loa?

I don’t have anything against him. I find him quite amusing, and look forward to seeing him again in Shadowlands. He just didn’t stop Zul or the Alliance, though, and has more examples of tormenting the souls of his followers than taking care of them.

It will happen again, because Blizzard doesn’t get that players wanting conflict is not the same as the characters wanting it.


She made a decision based in information that they all believed was credible. Had there been any thing to contradict Shaw’s intel she spent have removed all of her forces. They were told the Orcs were marching for war and Tyrande prepared accordingly. Shaw f**ked up. Big time!

And yet his survival at a thee hands of a super charged Tyrande diminishes her transformation. She the literal aspect of vengeance and a Nathanos walk out of that fight free. Facing both Tyrande and Malfurion. It’s ridiculous. We didn’t need him to be there to jump start the warfront.