Night Elf Player Hate

well blizzard said that the focus will be “neutral” and that “factions don’t matter” something along those lines.

Well, not at the same. It’s either the story of the Alliance saving the world while the Horde sits on the bench or the Horde butchering the Alliance before turning on itself, while the Alliance watches and waits for its turn.


That would be neat. Like if Ardenweald had Cenarius/Tyrande for the Alliance, and Shadra/Hamuul for the Horde.

There are so many characters out there who could use some face time with the player, and faction-based narratives are a great way to double the characters involved in a plot.

Though I’m not sure if I’d laugh or hate it if we found Garithos being imprisoned next to Kael. (Just think of all the free torment the Venthyr would get!)


It is my suspicion they made a point of it because they are pushing some sort of Elune plot line with Tyrande in Ardenweald. They have said Tyrande will ‘find some answers’ there and play a big part… now it is a matter of how that plays out.


as I’ve said before, it’s not just Night Elves going to the Maw. it’s EVERYBODY… including Saurfang and Zelling.

Saurfang should go to the Maw anyway tbh


And yet they are highlighting the victims at Teldrassil. Unlike your attempts to dismiss them as unextraordinary in light of all collective deaths, Blizzard went out of its way to emphasize them specifically at Blizzcon and in even their own summaries of their presentations.


I did not dismiss them. I merely pointed out that they aren’t the only ones going to the cosmic grinder. Apparently that mass death was part of what is needed to set things in motion.

Because the entire Alliance has been taking a beating since wow started. The Nightelves just complain louder than everyone else.

I mean it essentially taboo for players to complain that Varian died just because he died like a boss. Or about any of the other Alliance kingdoms that existed since Warcraft 2 that have disappeared.

Varian went out well and was immediately replaced by his son, who has the power to bend the narrative so that he never does anything wrong ever. People rag on him, but ultimately I think that Anduin’s a good character and an okay replacement for the racial lead.

Night Elves started off the expansion with multiple extremely violent losses that ended in huge genocide. Then their dead were raised and turned over to the Horde because apparently everything that made up their culture was moot in comparison to Sylvanas. And then, after killing ONE Val’kyr - which apparently now is irrelevant as well since Sylvanas can just make more - they were told that that was their revenge for everything that happened to them. It’s not that they “whine the loudest.” It’s that they’ve lost the most and they deserve SOMETHING at least.

And for the record, people who whine about how the Alliance isn’t like it was in Warcraft II are infinitely more annoying than any Night Elf fan could ever be. The faction has changed. You got Stromgarde back. You will survive without Lordaeron, Alterac, or Dalaran. Let it the hell go.


I’d also like to add that Humans in WoW’s life have not really suffered any loss, not the way Night Elves have. Since Vanilla, Night Elves have been constantly kicked in the teeth by the Horde and lost to them, the cherry on top being War of Thorns. What have Humans lost in Wow’s lifetime? Varian?

Let’s not forget that Humans always get to be the hero who all the other races of the Alliance basically have to come to for help because they can’t do anything by themselves. It sucks honestly. If a race in the Alliance was going to get crapped on by Blizzard I would like it to be the Humans at this point, I’d be fine with Anduin being killed and having Jaina rule Stormwind, or Shaw, just someone that isn’t Anduin.

Theramore? Southshore?

Though neither of those was a loss to Stormwind.

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Something tells me that we won’t even get to free those souls because either

  • They forget about it
  • We CaNt FrEe ThEm BeCaUsE tHeN wE aLsO fReE eViL sOuLs

Because the night elves have lost everything? No other race in wow is even comparable.

Who says that? Varian was the only leader that made the alliance not look like a complete joke. It’s Anduins fault that he didn’t dismantle the Horde in MoP, therefore it’s also anduin’s fault that one of his allies got almost wiped out. And now everyone bows down to that same Anduin.


For the record, I have not once seen anyone be chastised for expressing upset over Varian’s death. Most players - even on Hordeside - are pretty much in agreement that him kicking it was a bummer. So I really don’t know what Hordehacker’s on about.


Let me give some perspective, i started using these forums in legions (mostly arena) but had a few posts over here and did lurk here in the story forums.

Then bfa dropped. I came here for about a week after that then dropped it (until about 4 months ago). I HATED how polarized the story forums had become almost overnight at the start of bfa.

So after comming back, around 4ish or so months ago and these forums while getting better are still polarized, seeing thread after thread, person after person, asking for things to keep happening to the hordes already shattered narrative, thinking somehow I need to now redeem myself continuously into the next expansion when i really had no say in it.

Many threads just massivley power tripping like ‘how would you punish the horde and/or sylvanas’ and so on and so fourth. Just people consistantly asking for bad things to happen for your PC and faction/liked characters. Im still convinced many ally players would have the horde PCs whipping themselves marching through darkshore saying im sorry if they could. Without any regards to if thats fun for the horde player or not.

All the above can really wear on ones patience and empathy with the given volume of these forums. That is where I believe people have become annoyed, and somehow alot of that (annoyance) got attached to the night elfs somehow (prolly cuz night elf players havs been prolly the most vocal about their dislike of the story) which is fully FINE and within their right.

Generally I think we all need to be a little more empathetic towards eachother. I think just about everyone agrees that no one has had it ‘good’ in bfa, lotta things i see (and i have been involved in too lol) turn into debates about who had it worse.

Either way thats my take on it, its by no means hard science but just kinda what iv seen and points when iv become slightly irritated with these forums.


Night elves aren’t unique in being punched in the head repeatedly throughout BFA.


No, but they definitely did.


So as I pointed out your saying I shouldn’t complain. I hate Anduin’s character and I think a large portion of the player base does as well. I liked Varian he was built up to be a good strong leader only to be killed and replaced by his son who basically the opposite of him. You can Like him but I hate, and I while I dont mind Varians death I hate that we lost him as the Human lead character.

MOP started with Theramore bombed out of exsistance yet did humans get all the focus into that expac? Did we get Justice on Garrosh? nope that was hand waved away and given to the Horde.

Or WOD and the Loss of Nethergarde, did we get to take out Grom?

Or Cata and the Destruction of a part of Stormwind did we get the Kill on Deathwing?

Fact is the humans in the story have been beat down plenty in the story and as soon as it happens to another group the night elves start screaming about how bad they have it.

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Maybe go start your own threads then about these topics. If any Night Elves post in your thread that they had it worse than they’re just as bad as you are.

But key being jumping into Night Elf threads to complain that Humans or any other race has had bad things happen to them, too, isn’t constructive. It’s just trying to derail conversations you didn’t want to be in at all in the first place.


Not at all what I’m saying. I’m saying that Varian’s death was unfortunate, but ultimately it was made up for. It’s not equatable to Teldrassil.

The rest of your post is more of the same from you without expanding at all, but I just wanna point out that the part of Stormwind that Deathwing destroyed was the NIGHT ELF portion, and immediately before that, he completely destroyed Auberdine - a NIGHT ELF town.

I think you hurt your argument more than you’ve helped it.

Also it goes without saying, nothing that you just listed was even close to what the Night Elves experienced in the span of a single expac. Nethergarde, Stormwind, even Theramore, all of those were bad, but none of them were on the scale of widespread genocide. It’s silly to even try and compare them.