Night Elf Player Hate

varian had the same problems that anduin, by example, the a little patience scenario. all to make varian look good while thrasing on tyrande
jaina killed some belfs in dala and yet varian was the reasonable one.
multiple instances of the narrative portraying varian as in the right.
just like anduin.

i think that we are fine without him, if anything we are in the same place that then.


Tyrande had always been a headstrong that rushed into trouble character. It was a big part of her character in Warcraft 3.

I’ll admit this one was stupid but only because why would he tell her off for something she had no Idea about. Not to mention protecting her city from the Horde.

Difference being he wasn’t always talking up the Horde. In fact he insulted them all the time. While he couldn’t destroy the horde he certainly was happy to invade their cities and went after them for justice when they wronged the alliance.

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Oh, so we’re ignoring that time when Varian restructured the government of Ironforge in a way made it less a cornerstone of the WoW alliance, or that time when this new government he set up needed his direct intervention to deal with some trolls?

Nevermind the fact that headstrong does not equate pants on head stupid like Tyrande was in ALP. Or the orcs who walk into obvious traps. Fact of the matter is that Varian had a negative effect on other members of the Alliance and the Alliance as a whole in Blizzard’s shoehorned attempt to manufacture a blue warchief.


Do you think we disagree? If anything, I’d want a decent alliance leader over Anduin.

We can’t even bring Anduin into Shadowlands because of the risk that he’ll just forgive Sylvanas when we finally have the chance to bring her down.

Horde keeps complaining about losing characters, but they can gladly have Anduin and nobody would even shed a single tear.

Anduin is leading the alliance into its grave right now.


But yea no we did. Idk I’m hoping we get some nelf plot with the next expac I’m looking forward to it, but as for Sylv dying
she’s died how many times now? And people were so sure she was going to be dead and looted for BFA end campaign. So I agree it’s fine to want her to die. But it -would- be wise to mentally prepare for that not happening because she has —
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Then you should plug your ears or avoid posting on Night Elves related topics if it bothers you that much because we are not gonna stop.


She obviously didnt die in bfa to set up the next xpac

 the Chin

The boy has no chin whatsoever.


I’m sure another Wild God of his choosing will bestow one upon him.


Not in BFA obviously I’m talking about in the span of her story life/undeath. Death seems inconsequential in regards of Sylv, that is a hard dislike for most people because most other Heroes of the Wow universe die the first time thats it, maybe live a second time if we call on Illidans demon bs but yea even if we do kill her in the next expac I’m sure she will still exist in some way.


I doubt it, her story points into finally getting what she fears the most, its the classic creating your own problem, like freeza, making super sayian happen cause of this evil or the cycle in god of war games, Sylvanas is making death knock on her door, sooner than it would if she kept to herself, in her quest for avoiding death, its gonna take her.

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The year is 2025

Night Elf players are still talking about that damn tree

When will this end

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Or they pull a Kerrigan and she either becomes the new jailer or the avatar for death itself.


Please no.

Yeah no, bolvar or anyone has no reason to trust her

Maybe when they win literally anything against the people who massacred them and have been assailing their ancestral lands since the moment they met.
Read: Never.


When Blizz stops spitting on us


People still talk about Camp Taco and the purge a near-decade later.


How long did Horde players talk about camp t or the purge?


“lol, you guys still whining about that literal genocide at the start of this expac?”

  • guy on a faction with some players who haven’t shut up about one Camp that was gently raided nine years ago