Night Elf Player Hate

Tyrande is like 500 years old. You are like 27. You’ll understand when you are older.


Because the Horde never owns up to their mistakes. The mere thought of even asking them to drives them up a wall.


90% of the whingy night elves you’re thinking of are just one poster though.


This is where I get mildly annoyed when people don’t actually read the room.

Part of the outrage from fans about Teldrassil isn’t about the fact that A) a tree got burnt, or that B) their favorite race got massacred into near extinction.

The outrage is based on the fact that they were given a thoroughly unsatisfying and nonsensical conclusion and told “here you go, this is justice.”

If Blizzard doesn’t want to kill Sylvanas, that’s fine. If the Night Elves aren’t going to get justice, that’s fine. Be up front about that. Don’t give those fans a dog treat and tell them it’s a ten course meal.

Be upfront. Don’t sugar coat it. Don’t twist it. Don’t spin it. This isn’t a bop-it, this is a story that many fans (on both sides) care about.

Blizzard tries to play this PR game where they make huge story promises (see: sensible narrative progression and rational conclusions, not actual promises), never deliver, and then go on a kick of "we gave you an “exciting” conclusion.

In Game of Thrones, there is the clear understanding that every characters is fair game and can be made to suffer, and nothing is promised. That’s entirely different from Blizzard’s approach where they claim one thing, but present something entirely different.


The problem is we dont know what blizzzard is gonna do with her yet, its stupid to cry right now for a chapter that isnt out yet

This is inflammatory and unhelpful; just gunna be honest and upfront.

But, you are right about the other part - we don’t know what Blizzard is going to do. Presumably nothing, because Blizzard has a nasty habit of entirely dropping really important stories.


Its just the true, people are upset that the story isnt all out right now, and I think its dumb, sylvanas is obiviously gonna play a big role, she is obiviously gonna be important for the story to come, and its a waste of time to be upset about that story not being out this moment

  1. You don’t get to decide what people can/should be upset about.
  2. I think you’re misreading what people are actually upset about.

we’ve been told “wait and see” since Teldrassil happened just for blizz to tell us that we apparently got our revenge long time ago :thinking:


Just like the Worgen have been told to “wait and see” since Cata.

Again, Blizzard is absolutely terribly about following through on unfinished stories.


How is sylvanas gonna be unfinished, I think its dumb to think it will be unfinished lol she is the key art at blizzcon, whether nelves are involved with whatever she does is up for debate sure, but lol they arent gonna sideland sylvanas

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Has anyone named their children after Warcraft characters through? Wow players have nothing on mainstream media consumers. Or Star Wars fans like Carm said.

The aspect that’s “unfinished” is the “justice” part, not the Banshee Queen. This isn’t just about Sylvanas; the entire Horde participated at Teldrassil, right down to the Shamans who fanned the flames to murder civilians. There has been absolutely no genuine retribution, payback, or justice, in any form that is worthwhile. That’s the part that’s unfinished.

Blizzard has outright said they are finished with the Night Elf story. They got their justice. That’s why people are frustrated.

If they had said “we’ll come back to it” that leaves room for conclusion; that’s acceptable. But they didn’t. They said it was over.


well I dont wnat to answer genocide with genocide, like tyrande I just want to hunt down sylvanas

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It’s really just a few problem individuals who are insufferably annoying. I think most would just like their favorite race to be treated with some dignity… which is what we all want honestly.


When did blizzard say that? Genuinely asking. Can I get a citation? I haven’t seen or heard that anywhere.

That’s all anyone wants.


Senior Game Producer Shani Edwards, during an 8.2 interview, said:
“I think [tyrande] had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.”

Edit: the lead encounter designer, Morgan Day, also added:
“The problem is there is so much to be told. Everyone has characters they want to expand on, but we also want to introduce new ones and to find ways to weave those stories together. With Rise of Azshara, the emphasis is on Sylvanas and Azshara herself. They are the focus. There’s just so much happening.”



Thank you…


I think there are many fans of the story who have advocated for such brutal and awful acts of retribution, and in truth it would be an immense twist considering the Alliance has never outright been portrayed as the perpetrator of aggressive acts in game (despite having done some awful things). But, no one likes it happening to them. It really does suck.

The fact of it is that the Alliance has suffered two, notable, genocides. Gilneas and Teldrassil, and we have never gotten closure for either. I’m not saying we should commit genocide on a Horde race, by any means, but we do need some sort of retribution, in some form.