Night Elf Player Hate

I mean for some reason. I’m slowly losing bit of respect for the Night Elf Fandom after attacking and bashing people who like Anduin Wrynn 24 7, Bashing Shandris for alot of silly reasons, and of course whine and complain about Humans and Human Potential 24 7. Yes I know its the same thing with Anduin but basically everything else in terms of Genn, Jaina, Flynn, and etc.

I mean heck we just had 2 expansions of Night Elves having the screentime and its almostly ether Tyrande screaming and yelling at the horde for being dumb or in BFA screaming and being impatient over Anduin after He said He can’t effort more troops because if he did He and rest of his forces would be thin.

I wouldn’t mind it if Tyrande got turned into a Raid Boss and Died. She used to be a Character I use to like up until writing made her into a make unlikeable jerkward. I understand she and Malfurion didn’t get to kill Azshara from Patch 8.2 but then being said. I’m just sick of seeing the Night Elves just as much as I a Human Player sick of seeing Humans. I would love to see other Races into the Story that didn’t have much development you know like Dwarves in General like the Bronzebeards, Draenei again, and of course even the High Elves and Void Elves since both Thalassian Alliance Elves did barely anything at all other than one taking the spotlight of being the so called edgy elves that only did some damage instead of taking back the lands away from the Blood Elves.

Just anything than doing the same content that is cringey or felted forced like helping the Night Elves again while being yelled and screamed at for not helping them fast as possible.

You… do realize she was this way ever since Warcraft III, right?


She was never really that heartless to her Allies nor impatient of getting herself killed or getting her forces outnumbered by the same foes of the horde but different leaders.

Its like as if She never really developed much a Character throughout the Warcraft Franchise.

Whoa now, who is attacking the people rather than the character? Most(all) of what I see is definitely bashing the character not the people who like him.

Can’t argue with this one, Shandris is a joke and a human fanboy.


I think Shandris is skating a fine line… I actually like that she respects Humans for what they can accomplish in their short time compared to Kaldorei, which we saw with her conversation with Keeshan in Nazmir. I wouldn’t call that a fanboy so much as she respects her allies.

What I DON’T like about Shandris is how easily she sides with Anduin over Tyrande. I don’t mind her being more level-headed than Tyrande since Tyrande is all vengeful from the Night Warrior stuff, so Shandris may be thinking more about how to help their people rather than revenge, but Shandris should still agree with Tyrande somewhat and not be licking Anduin’s boots like the way she is being presented in 8.3

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She killed all the Wardens that she herself had stationed to guard Illidan.

Maiev told Malfurion she had done exactly that when undead overwhelmed a bridge Tyrande was on in Warcraft III and she got washed down a river.

In Warcraft III when Malfurion suggests the Night Elves ally with the Horde and the Alliance against the Legion Tyrande shuts him down, only to end up with him right all along when they all finally get to Mount Hyjal.

This is true. At least, if we ignore a lot of the out-of-game material, which presented her differently, as those portrayals weren’t implemented in-game.

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Yeah but gushing over a Rambo parody and acting like he’s Elune’s gift to Azeroth? Ridiculous. If they wanted to have her talk up the merits of humanity why have her talk about Varian’s sacrifice at the Broken Shore or something actually worth being impressed by. Human potential is a meme for a reason.

I’ve got nothing to add except perhaps that revenge and helping their people need not be mutually exclusive. The Night Elves can’t trust the Horde and need a land that’s secure from their presence, that’s their future. Really Shandris should be working with Tyrande to ensure she stays on task and doesn’t forget why she’s doing all this.


…Thats… that’s not a contradiction.

Schism means a split. A divide. It’s not a word that means totality. Saying that Sylvanas has the loyalty “of the people” is only contradictory if we interpret that as meaning ALL the people (which would have to include Lor’themar) rather than just HER people.

And there’s plenty of show of a schism in response to Teldrassil. From NPCs talking in the streets of it with some sadness, to big head honchos like Saurfang and Baine clearly expressing their distaste right from the Siege of Lordaeron.

By the way, while you generally want to show rather than tell, telling is not inherently non-canon. Lor’themar giving exposition on how the Horde feels with his schism comment is still exposition.

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Sorry I don’t really remember the full conversation between her and Keeshan, I just remember him mentioning that he has fought in the last three major wars and Shandris was impressed by his skill. It didn’t seem too over the top, but I could be remembering wrong. I do agree that Human Potential is a problem though.

I also agree completely with the second half of your post. Everything about it is spot on and should happen.

    Lor'themar Theron says: Then I will take my place beside Saurfang and Thrall, and pray that the sin'dorei stand with me.

It is pretty safe to say Lor’themar was talking about all the people, including, he feared, his own. Exposition, as you put it.

There was no divide among the Horde. Baine was there fighting on behalf of all the Horde at the Battle for Lordaeron same as anyone else in the Horde after Teldrassil.


Shandris: Keeshan, why do you keep calling me ma’am? You’re allowed to be at ease.
Keeshan: Ma’am, I read your file from SI:7. You’ve been alive for more than ten thousand years, fought in more wars than I can ever imagine.
Far as I’m concerned, I’m barely worthy of serving next to you. Least I can do is call you ma’am out of respect.
Shandris: You are a hero in your own way, Keeshan, from your service in the first three wars to your acts of heroism in Redridge.
Keeshan: How does a decorated elven general know about someone like me?
Shandris: You’re not the only one who requests files from SI:7.

From a separate conversation: Even in your final moments, you fail to see the true potential of humans.

On the surface of it none of that dialogue is bad but she’s shilling the hell out of a character that was designed as a joke reference and that’s why people hate the entire thing.


If I recall, this line never made it to live. It just lived on as a meme.

Yeah that isn’t too bad in my opinion, but it does leave a bad taste in your mouth since he is a joke character. I can see your point there.

This still constitutes a gross misunderstanding of what “schism” means. Recognizing that some of his own race might side against him and recognizing that there is a schism in the Horde is. Not. Contradictory. It’s simply not factual to say there was NO divide among the Horde. Especially when, and I need you to be with me on this point…


Even if you want to try really hard to ignore Baine’s obvious disapproval of Sylvanas since even before the beginning of the expansion, even if you want to discount Saurfang as a one off instance, even if you want to discount actual exposition from NPCs mouthes, the fact that the player character is given the choice of loyalty to Sylvanas or rebellion and the implications of that being an option cannot be ignored.

TLDR? There is no actual contradiction being there being a schism and recognizing that there are people who might be loyal to Sylvanas. That’s actually what a schism is. Some people being loyal, others not.

I think you should note we already agree on this:

…You might note.

The Nazjatar trap? Happens well after you’re given the option to go against Sylvanas.

And you’re well aware that was for Derek Proudmoore and Baine wanting to be true to himself. Not once was Teldrassil mentioned for why a Horde player would turn against Sylvanas.



The actual branching starts when you have the opportunity to leave Saurfang to be hunted by Sylvanas’ agents, or join Zekhan in helping him.

Which happens in the 8.1 patch, whereas Baine’s freeing of Derek and his subsequent arrest happens in 8.1.5, and Nazjatar goes down in 8.2.

Neither of which have to do with Teldrassil.

Here’s “player choice” when it comes to following Sylvanas in the literal shadow of Teldrassil:

    Darkshore belongs to the Horde! We must hold that ground to maintain our dominance over Kalimdor. Prepare yourselves. Battle awaits!

    We must do what we can to claim Darkshore for the Horde.


Saurfang was separated and on the run because he ultimately disagreed with Sylvanas and wanted Anduin to stop her after Teldrassil.

Baine’s response to Sylvanas’ plan with Derek might seem unrelated but is obvious when you consider the context of the expansion. “How many times must we forsake our honor?” To say nothing of Lor’themar directly referencing Teldrassil in correlation to the schism that Baine reveals with his actions.

Might be its subtle, but Teldrassil definitely relates to both.

So are you going to get more passive aggressive in an irrelevant manner like this in response to my lines of arguing?