Night Elf Player Hate

True, I even said it was a “rock and hard place” situation" or “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. These kinds of situations really only make losers no matter what choice they make.

So what? How does that excuse the Horde being silent of their actions now that the war is supposedly over.


It really does not, but knowing Blizzard, they will stuff that kind of thing in a book if they even cover it at all. Especially since we are going to be dealing with Old God shenanigans soon, there might not be “time” to go much in depth with it until the crisis has passed.


Then we agree on something at least.

Have you seen her at all during BfA?

And the world quests and the Horde version of the Darkshore Warfront proper, yes. As it is end game content, if anything players have probably spent more time there than they have in any given leveling zone.


That’s why Durotar and Northern Barrens are my favorite Alliance questing zones.

Azshara was revamped entirely into a Horde questing zone to makeup for the imbalance in 1-60 questing pre-Cataclysm, and it accomplished that. They’re not gonna revamp it again and un-solve a problem just cause Horde get to do a few WQs in a phased version of Darkshore 9 years later.

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Another one in a long list of Blizzard’s heinous crimes this expansion.

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No, but we also have no evidence she is no longer around, or that others have not taken up her mantle. The point I was trying to get across was more: The Horde does know they can trust some alliance, like Anduin and those that have, at least somewhat, come to his line of thinking, but also know there are those among the alliance that would just as soon see them dead then help them if given a chance where they would not get caught/punished for such.

If the Alliance should not trust the Horde to do better, and in truth they should not without some kind of preparation in the case of another back slide, then should the Horde trust the entire alliance blindly?

Nice projection there. Very valuable contribution to the discussion.

Why are you bringing fanfiction into this? /s

Way to ignore the proven fact that the majority of the Horde supported her heinous actions until it affected them personally so that you can focus on pedantics.

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Dude? How dare you. I bring it up all the time.


A neat tactic you’re employing here, accusing me of projecting a desire to ignore lore to make a simplistic point onto others. It might’ve worked if I hadn’t spent the dozen or so posts following yours providing specific quotation and textual passages that indicate support of my notion as though I’m NOT substituting canon for head-canon but actually using canon to refute that the situation is something as childish as “The Horde only turned against Sylvanas when she hurt their feelings.”

Way to accuse me of not contributing anything to the discussion at hand after I had posted various quotations to support my position while you just accused me of projection and then did zilch otherwise.

-sips tea-

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I’m not sure how any of my post that you quoted is fanfiction… Lor’themar says that line in game. And did you not see the cinematic where Anduin goes to talk to Saurfang in the tower? He straight up says, “There are so few of them.” In relation to those that were following Saurfang and his rebellion. There is no fanfiction there its in the game.

He was being snarky and sarcastic at my expense.

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Phasing, as shown by Darkshore, makes your entire point moot.

From what I’ve seen from the PTR, Baine is hanging out with Anduin in Stormwind, so to your point:

Seems there are elements in the Horde that disagrees with you and does trust the Alliance, blindly or not.

I regret to inform you that the lore has indeed forgotten Duke Lionheart.


It’s not your fault, Im just sick to death of getting name-shamed by disgruntled people because their favorite character got screwed over, when I already since had all my characters either shafted or ruined a long time ago.(one of which was at expense for theirs) But i didn’t have the enormous sense of entitlement to go around blaming people I disagreed with on the forums for it. I didn’t blame people like CW or DiF for ruining “my” Horde when Vol’jin died and Sylvanas became Warchief, they’re just people with opinions I generally tend to disagree with, they’re not writing this :poop:-show, they just like 1 thing and I like another.

So when I have to sit here and read some guys’ post calling me out as a reason for the stories’ poor condition, I’m sure as hell going to call them out on their stupid notion that I am even partially responsible for the poor quality of the story. “People like us” are not the problem, this is not our story, we are not on WoWs’ writing team, we are simply people who want a certain outcome or payoff from this story that we like. If that payoff happens to offend other people who wanted a different outcome, well, sucks for them :poop: happens. I’ve had to endure multiple upsetting developments too; Cairnes’ death, no Garrosh redemption, Vol’jin’s death, lackluster Legion expansion, but you don’t hear me calling out people who happened to enjoy those things as reasons for the story sucking.

All we can do is voice our opinions to the writers what they are doing right/wrong and how they can improve for the future.


I will never understand people who say Blizzard ruined Sylvanas as a character. She has been the same as she has been since Vanilla. She was always a villain, it’s just now she is in the limelight and she is going big instead of doing stuff in the shadows. Nothing about her has changed.

I do feel sorry for people who were fans of Cairne, and Vol’jin (less so with Vol’jin only because I get the feeling he has an important role to play since he is still around in BfA. He did get screwed though.), because they both got screwed over hardcore. In my opinion the only Horde leader who has ever deserved to really die has been Sylvanas and yet Blizzard does everything they can to make sure everyone but her dies. I already know the hamfisted redemption for Sylvanas is coming or she will end becoming some Death entity sparing her from receiving any kind of retribution for all she’s done.


To QUOTE from that cinematic.

“Surrender… or die.”

Yeah, he gave her the option to surrender… why? She just committed genocide against the Night Elves, on top of all the other atrocities she has already committed, his goal should have been to kill on sight. If he was smart he would have. Or he would have had Genn rip her head off while Alleria pumps her full of arrows. Anduin is an idiot.


Because Sylvannas had forseen this and had given her bow over to Nathanos. Good guys don’t kill unarmed foes out of hand…and Anduin is essentially a good egg.

Yes, Sylvannas was playing him… but even Varian would have gone that way.

And that’s the fault with Anduin. Who cares if the genocidal maniac is unarmed you kill them anyways. It just shows how stupid Anduin is.