Night Elf Player Hate

Yes, but the reaction to overreaching logic should not be more overreaching of logic. That is just a cycle of bad we are best off breaking with solid lore progression.

Which, I mean. I do sorta doubt Blizzard will do. But I like to try to be optimistic.

The Army of the Black Moon being fine enough to spill over into Stonetalon and Feralas makes more sense and is more easily excusable than Sylvanas having the majority of the Horde still backing her versus Saurfang, Thrall, Baine, Rokhan and Lor’themar.


Stonetalon perhaps yes, but Feralas is a long way aways and might be too much of a stretch for a single army.

Anyways I think it important we see the horde make formal concessions and reparations as a reflection of repentance for its actions against the Kaldorei. That has more importance story-wise.


Every time people earnestly argue this, I’m going to gank more lowbies in Silverpine and the still intact portions of Tirisfal.


No you aren’t. It’s a safe zone.

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WM exists. Even better, classic Hillsbrad exists.

You can’t even turn on warmode until level
 15 or 20, I don’t remember which.

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Level 20. Quest starters in Deathknell are still targetable if you avoid starter zone guards.

But no one will be there in warmode for you to harass?

You don’t have to be in warmode to kill enemy NPCs. You’re flagged for doing so, of course.

Considering that you spent a good part of t hat expansion doing quests in Suramar, the cinematic and storyline in question was kind of neccessary.

Given Feathermoon Stronghold and the Night Elf army having headed down to Feralas to stand against the Horde army that was pretending to head to Silithus, I don’t think Feralas is a stretch for the Night Elves’ army.

I agree with the rest of your post, though.


And how many lowbies are there for you to impede?

Yes, because consolidating their forces to face N’zoth is clearly only in the Horde’s interest.

That aside, this is again a slanted characterization. I’d say being able to end the fighting by deposing Sylvanas with spending barely any of your own troops in the matter and planting friendly Horde leadership is mutually beneficial to all parties.

The main reason someone would see this as being primarily beneficial to the Horde is if they want to get that last consequence-free punch in before the ink is set. Which has been the predominant theme the last time a Alliance-Horde armistice was being discussed on the forums.

Are you admitting that you want that last punch in? Because if you are, then the rest of this bit is pure projection. I have NEVER cared who throws the last punch in the puerile squabbling that is Alliance-Horde conflict for the entirety of WoW’s runtime. I have ALWAYS placed greater emphasis on both sides manning up and focusing on this week’s threat.

You want to talk about whataboutism, let’s take this example you just gave. In response to my points citing the reaction at Teldrassil’s burning and how it even differed from previous instances of Horde crossing the line, Saurfang’s attempted suicide by cop, NPCs speaking regretfully on it
 you ignored all of that and just pointed to actions by a different section of the Horde doing other bad stuff.

As though that somehow disproved my point that, even before Sylvanas discarded it and “hurt their feelings,” there was notable disapproval of her conduct.



In this age? Like one at the most. Classic Hillsbrad is a better target, like I said earlier.

I don’t blame you. I would enjoin you to remember that who posts here is not a representative sample. I for one make no claim to represent any opinion but my own.


Hey Pyro, sorry for getting you dragged into my mess. I have been a little heavy handed with the Sylvie bailing stuff, and I’ll admit I did learn some things about my post formatting that needs some work. At the end of the day I guess I’m just a little happy that Blizz finally made a decision with her; and I’m glad we finally have a chance to move on from this story arc

I doubt you’ll find more than two in Hillsbrad.

On retail maybe, but classic Hillsbrad is a pretty major levelling point.

Just had to stop and say, I love your TMog! Its simple, but its truly amazing!

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