And that’s not even all of them.
I don’t play a Night Elf. I play a Shal’Dorei. My history separated from the tree-huggers ten thousand years ago!
You play a “Nightborne” which in other words is a fake phony Night Elf. Something totally made up just to give the Horde playable Night Elves referred to as “Nightborne”. You wanted to look like a Night Elf but not be one. You’ll always be seen as a phony second-rate Night Elf. A phony, a fake, a fraud of the “tree huggers”. A race that has continued the trend of making the Horde look like a joke faction. Next up Vulpera!
Suramar has had history in the Warcraft universe as the server named “Suramar” went live in 2004. The plan for the Shal’Dorei people was put into place over time. You may wish the Horde to still lick the boots of Garrosh, but that Horde has passed. The Horde is a family, not an Orcish warband.
…as unoccupied ruins prior to Legion.
In true phony fashion you instantly bring up Orcs. If your background was blue instead of red there wouldn’t be any difference. “Nightborne” didn’t even exist during Garrosh because they are a joke race made up by Blizzard simply to give Horde playable phony Night Elves. You’ll always be like 1.5% of the Horde population because everybody knows the “Nightborne” model is a goofy looking model that looks like phony and fake second-rate Night Elves. Who after all would want to play one? Except for phony and fakes who want to look the part of Night Elves but not actually be one and then dare to proclaim the Night Elves their enemies and pretend they fit in as Horde.
Wasn’t Azshara part of their territory?
I think the issue with this was the lies that Liadrin spewed about the Kaldorei.
Its not even about justice.
Sure it would be great to see the Horde lose something.
I don’t take pleasure of their players having to put up with their heroes abandoning them or getting villain batted.
The Horde player can win something even if the Horde as a faction is punished.
Right now the Horde doesn’t even address what they and Sylvanas did in the name of the Horde. Saurfang’s funeral talk about his accomplishments and yet nothing about his shame. His many, many shames.
Saurfang tells us how the cycle is broken. HOW!? How is it broken? This isn’t even a story of both Alliance and Horde doing something reprehensible so both sides need to move past it in equal measure.
This is basically the Horde doing the reprehensible thing and narratively telling Alliance to get over it (Again) to break this cycle?
The cycle is broken because third time’s the charm? Are you kidding me?
Why is this emphasised like it matters?
So you changed your mind about genocide after you committed it and now you get to decide that you’re redeemed?
Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. Saurfang died like the trash he always was. And that’s what the rest of the self-serving horde deserves.
You did hit the nail on the head, though you obviously didn’t understand why. One of the reasons why the story is unsatisfying is because the narrative is trying to shove down the audience’s throat that Sylvanas was the only one to blame and everyone else was just misunderstood. But that’s just not true.
Sylvanas didn’t do it alone and everyone who followed her is liable for their actions. Changing their mind after the fact is irrelevant. Fighting Sylvanas later for your own selfish reasons is irrelevant. And the majority of the Horde supported her until she hurt their feelings anyway.
I have been a Forsaken main for many years. Your words ring hollow and your “Purist” version of the Horde hasn’t existed in many years.
He was taken out of one eternal prison and has ended up in another. His last letter to Tyrande pretty much thrown back in his face. That’s redemption all right.
It’s weird when I see horde players lament over being complicit in a genocide to the point of not playing, while lambasting night elf players for being unhappy over the same thing.
Marching on Thunderbluff and burning it down is the wrong target, I am good with Taking out our rage/vengeance on Sylvanas and Nathanos now.
Tyrande said she would sign a treaty or armistice until she can write it in banshee blood, she’s pissed at the horde yes, but that matter can be dealt with once Sylvanas is out of the way.
Same event, different effects. For night elves, the genocide affected their power fantasy. For horde players, it damaged their hero fantasy.
We need a new Alliance Elven City or a new World Tree . Something good should happen to the night elves … finally…
Not even close to being correct.
Anduin it’s really annoying…
The problem isn’t the Horde thrashed the Night Elves.
The problem is they didn’t get to do anything about.
No revenge.
No restitution.
No justice.
No consequence.
Instead we got a “its all Sylvanas’ fault!” She runs away and the Horde is totally great now! Cycle is broken guys!
That’s the power fantasy I was talking about. Their effectiveness in being able to stop bad things from happening to them, or to retaliate if they do.