Night Elf Player Hate

Thats when you transcend into meme status though. When a majority start to do it.

Being mad is understandable, lacking empathy for others is not.

If anything all the whining has not generated sympathy for their cause only harmed it.

He understands, the guy who hugged the other guy trying to kill him the undead who help try bring humans and undead together?

It’s something that can be easy to do when you know full well that you’ll be dealing with ‘crispy night elf’ and ‘burning tree’ jokes until the game shuts down.


Oh no, not jokes!


And? Gotta be able to laugh at yourself have some humility, especially this being a game and all. I get it your once proud race was knocked down a peg.

Get used to the jokes and embrace it, things like mana junkie and such, can never be used to tick you off then.

Btw amazing smores were had at the WoT.

The hordes new motto is FOR THE SMORES!!!

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I get it, but I’m sure you know what I mean, full well. It’s not something that particularly bugs me, but I can see where it would miff posters who are specifically night elf fans/have nelves as their favourite race. Players don’t really let things go, I’ll again direct you to the Purge of Dalaran and Camp Taurajo.

No other race has been so utterly wrecked and defeated by the current Horde with no recompense than the night elves. I could count draenei but it was Iron Horde in WoD, not the same thing really. That’s not being partisan, that’s just objective fact.

There’s being knocked down a peg, and then there’s being kicked down a flight of stairs and then your friends shake hands with the person who kicked you, just as you climb back up to fight them.


Are you saying that both factions lacking naval capabilities to mobilize forces, the Horde having access to a smuggling route that allowed them to pincer the Night Elf defenders, or the source of potent Azerite in Silithus that was the core of the Horde’s feint to trick the Night Elves moving forces out of their actual path, are not all extraordinary circumstances?

  1. Members of an Alliance based primarily across the sea, with themselves being the primary force on Kalimdor in a situation where naval travel is limited.

  2. Mages can make wonders, but their ability to move armies should be taken with a grain of salt, they can’t simply move the entirety of an Alliance army from one point to another, otherwise there’d be zero point in having vessels of any sort. Plus, mages need to teleport the civilians away, not to mention the Horde have them as well, so there’d be no net-gain either way.

  3. Draenei have a limited number of flying space ships (really, they just got the Vindicaar as a operational vessel, and if you ask me you don’t want to risk that thing needlessly as if its downed you got no replacement).

  4. The Worgen themselves are a people that is limited in numbers.

  5. The Night Elves weren’t fighting alone, unlike Quel’thalas. There were all the Alliance members that could be there fighting, primarily the player characters. But the Alliance couldn’t ALL be there.

Sidenote, imagine if the Fall of Quel’thalas happened in WoW today. High Elves didn’t get their revenge against the Scourge until two expansions into the MMO.

I am pretty sure mages cannot move armies, ones one of those rules thats in the story that doesnt really make sense but just is

My favorite races are nelves, draenei, and gnomes…

I may be a masochist.

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But nelves fought the horde in 8.1 the war ended in 8.2.5

I… have no idea what post of mine you’re referring to.


the flight of stairs

That doesn’t negate my analogy at all… you’re literally just pointing out a thing that happened.

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You said the nelves didnt fight the horde, but we did, and we beat them

Night elves didn’t beat anyone, Darkshore is still a stalemate, though evidence does point to a win there. Tyrande killed a Val’kyr that varies in importance depending on the plot, and in return the Horde got a whole slew of new Dark Rangers.

There was no victory over the Horde in 8.2.5, the Horde beat itself, there just happened to be night elves there. I mean, hell, there weren’t even night elves in the cutscene or the cinematic. There wasn’t even a fight at Orgrimmar outside of the Mak’gora… the one that Saurfang lost.


stalemate I suppose all raids are stalemates too, cause they reset

Are you equating a warfront with two separate outcomes depending on the faction to a raid with a single outcome?

The more you post the more I feel you just like being contrarian for the sake of it, without any interest in discussion.


An army perhaps, but not the entirety of your fighting force. Maybe hundreds, maybe a couple thousand. Not to mention implicit restrictions in the ability. Portals are generally only to cities, or perhaps key nexuses in the leylines. And teleporting forces in the midst of battle isn’t exactly a micro-managable tactic (we’ve never seen a mage instantly flank an enemy army by teleporting their own army from the front to the back).

Plus, larger forces surely means more complicated magics (which if handled wrong could probably have negative side effects on the transportees), and a greater amount of energy used that needs to be replenished. And portals made by mages can only funnel troops or people, not move them outright instantaneously (in order to really move troops en masse with portals, you need to establish a permanent infrastructure like the Dark Portal).

All in all, yeah, on paper you’d think that mages with teleportation should be game changers, and to a limited extent they are, but there are limitations as with all things.

Well last I checked, in 8.3 they are going back to kal, so seems like they won, seems like you are just ignore lore so you can keep complaining that the alliance had it worse than the horde