Night Elf Player Hate

Eh its arguable the forsaken were more affected, but ya dont see them every third post whining, hell they havent even been a footnote compared to the orcs and sadfang nor have they had a cinematic either.

Either way two wrongs dont make a right, and peace is the most realistic solution. You can still be in the wrong even know you were wronged. Being wronged isnt a free pass to do whatever you want.

Thats why being the bigger person isnt always the easiest thing.


There is a point to be made on the rather dire situation the Forsaken currently find themselves.

They lost both of their most developed representatives in a single patch. The only real conceivable way for them to reclaim their territories is Calia being placed in charge. However, Calia herself is conceptually so antithetical to the Forsaken racial fantasy that she risks shattering said racial fantasy. She represents only the citizens of Lordaeron she abandoned for 15 years.

Its a strange situation for the Forsaken PC race. Choosing between reclaiming their lands, or losing their rather distinctive racial fantasy.


Oh I agree, the night elves lost population in a game where population dosnt matter, and lands but so far have retained all characters of narrative significance.

Where as forsaken never had a lot of population, lost their lands, AND developed narrative characters of significance. Along with having their sinister narrative looking to be changed.

Its just odd how they lack empathy, and get old and tired.


On the other hand, I do find it curious. Of the characters the Forsaken do have left 
 there is potential there. We have Voss rather haphazardly taking up a representative slot. However, she has always had a least a strong foundation to be a good leader for them; just never the development. As support, we also have Tattersail (Leader of the Forsaken Naval Forces); Belmont (Leader of the Forsaken Military Forces); and Faranel (Leader of the Royal Apothecary Society).

All four of these characters would need massive development to be of value. But, they do have value and potential should they see that development. All four of them in tangent could really make the Forsaken something new; without losing what makes them Forsaken.

You sound to optimistic, that prolly wont happen and they’ll just hamfist calia and Derrick in there who have no business being there.

Yeah, you are probably right. However, the one bit of light I see on that horizon is what Blizz had Calia’s first words to Voss be. Its her, reminiscing, about Benedictus Voss. If there was ever a touchy subject for Lillian, it would be her father. And if there was any way to show just how out of touch Calia is with the reality the Forsaken have faced the last 15 years, it would be her reminiscing about a High Cleric of an Undead hating light cult.

Voss didnt seem to care

I noticed that. It was rather 
 uncomfortable. Blizz having Voss of all characters immediately jump on the Calia bandwagon is very perplexing with her established character. Her taking a leadership position within the Forsaken is believable for her, should she feel that she absolutely needed to. Her looking for an out from that responsibility as soon as possible is also somewhat believable. However, she’s the Undead who absolutely hated the cult of personality around Sylvanas 
 now apparently diving head first into a cult of personality around Calia.


I dont see anyone worshiping calia at all, I think you are inferring to much with what could happen, people just like her cause she is nice

Fixed that for ya

Dunno about you but I havent seen many people around here that like her.

Sylvanas and the belves are alliance you know

My issue is that Voss seems far too quick to trust, which is out of character for her. She’s had bad tanglings with the Light before. She knows that Calia more or less abandoned her people for the better part of 15 years. She knows neither she nor her boytoy Derek really understand what it means to be “Forsaken”. Neither of them were after all. Both were immediately accepted.

For Voss to believe that Calia is the Forsaken’s future leader, despite seeing nothing from Calia so far to suggest that she’s worthy of such a position is concerning. Why is Faol not the worthy choice? Why Calia, outside of her “Divine Right to Rule”?

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She had tangles with the scarlet crusade not the light

Fixed that for you too!


I dislike the writing directions in general. Night elves are just the biggest symptom of it. While I’m a night elf fan/player, if you go through my post history you’ll clearly see my issue is with more than just the kaldorei and how they’ve been treated.

The writing shows a marked disconnect and almost cynical approach to things, where the writers have clear favorites and bend the narrative to suit their whims as opposed to putting in the effort to get the outcomes they want in a more reasonable fashion. They beat us over the head telling us how we should perceive events, instead of writing those events in a logical fashion. And anyone who identifies them as the player of a specific race should take notice of this, because it’s certainly not just going to be nelves that get tossed under the bus if things continue in this same writing vein.

Anyone who thinks that night elf fans are pissed off in a purely partisan fashion hasn’t been paying attention. If a race isn’t either Stormwind Human, or Orc, they’re not safe. Even the damn Kul Tirans got the short end of the stick in their own expansion, same as the Zandalari.


She tangles with a High Priest of the Scarlet Crusade. One who happened to be a well respected preacher of the Light before the fall of Lordaeron. Calia’s comment about him suggests that even the royal family went to see his sermons. To suggest that the Scarlets and Benedictus are not representative of a form of Light worship is disingenuous.

Also, BtS shows us very clearly that the general feeling of hatred and mistrust of the Forsaken still lingers heavily within the Human populations of the world. Many still hate and fear them for being Scourge. A growing number of them hate and fear them for what they’ve done as Forsaken since. “Beware the living” is not just a motto for the Forsaken, its an extension of a self-preservation instinct. I’ve seen nothing from either Calia or Derek that suggests they understand that yet.

How would faol be different than calia he is also a person of light, he’d probably even say the same thing about her dad
and beware the living is wrong, what is there to beware, the rest of the horde is living and they took the forsaken in, its the forsaken themselves that told themselves the lie that they need to beware

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Many are ticked off in a partisan fashion though, you dont see them talking about writing in general or even mention the forsaken narrative. You see them asking to ruin the horde narrative further. Many many are very partisan.

Why night elf avatars are like a meme now.

Faol has lived the last 15 years as an Undead. He understands that reality far better than Calia does. He understands the fear. The mistrust. The hatred. Above all, he understands the danger humanity poses to the Forsaken; and due to his own immense presence has learned to circumvent it in ways. However, few undead held the type of notoriety that Faol held in life. Thus, they cannot rely on that fame and history to detract from the monsters they appear to have become.

Faol understands better the realities of undeath and the Forsaken. Calia does not. Derek certainly does not. Both their experiences are very unique for Undead, both in form and function. Until they do understand, they are both insanely dangerous as leaders of the Forsaken. Their naivete and unique experiences are bound to get people killed 
 just as Calia’s actions in Arathi did.

Lots of things are memes. Blood elf posters, undead, male human paladins. That’s why we read the content of the posts as opposed to going ‘lolmemes’ as we discuss stories on the story forum.

Them being mad is pretty understandable. I mean, we still have people talking about the Purge of Dalaran, years later, and the War of Thorns was that times a thousand.