Night Elf Player Hate

Can’t blame them if they do. Between the Male Human Paladins, Mud Huts, and Yas Queend who’s there to like?

A handful of rotten apples can spoil the whole bunch. From what I’ve gathered both Horde and Alliance players agree the Night Elfs have had it rough this patch and something should be thrown their way, which it is.

The problem comes from some persons saying they’re either A) The most hated race by Blizzard or B) Got the worst of it in year. It wouldn’t be a problem if it was said every now and again because I know how that feels, but those two lines get drug up every time anyone even remotely says anything about the Night Elfs by a handful of its fans.

I’d really like to know what is being thrown our way. All I’ve seen is God King Anduin condemming my High Priestess, basically a villain bat sentence, and “she gone be in the spooky woods oOoOoOo”

The next expansion hopefully. I don’t believe there is a way for Blizzard to savage it with BfA anymore. With Ardenweald, Tyrande being active and, maybe getting the souls of the people out of the maw.

Anduin is my biggest problem with the Alliance. Anyone he touches either forgives and forgets or follows him because why not? He’s the High King!

It is funny because through Legion I was hyped to see Anduin take up his father’s sword and see where it goes.


I can agree that Blizzard did screw the pooch, but not because of what they did with my favorite Tree. The Burning of Teldrassil could have been the launch of an epic odyssey in character and story development in giving us a war that could have been legitimate for both sides. But that opportunity wasn’t used to it’s potential. Instead, they fell back to doing nothing more than using the following cinematics as Warfront or chapter openers.


Syaeles is our Sira. Your words won’t reach Syaeles, no matter how much you might try to say hope isn’t dead.

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They will probably get rid of Tyrande pretty soon considering the horde players’ complaints about it. Draka and Kael’Thas are completely fine, though. As for the souls in the maw, I can’t see them letting us free them. That would be too much already.

She had literally no way of telling they didn’t have foul intentions. She gave them the benefit of doubt, then she was informed the same greenskins killed Cenarius. Someone REALLY important and powerful. If that doesn’t equate war, I don’t know what does.

Or did you want her to say: “Oh dear, you killed the teacher of our druids, and important figure in our society, say, want to open diplomatic channels to settle our differences?”

They were crossing to Pyrewood, and they were about to be overwhelmed by undead, she didn’t rush herself. She gave it a thought and even told Maiev what she was planning.

Again, I mentioned that she should have some experience with tactics. And it’s common sense 101 never to rush into a hostage situation.


In the endless sea of one tragedy for night elves after another for the past 10 years, since Wolfheart and Cataclysm, that you and Katiera are still this damned delusional is absolutely insane. Can you just race change to human or orc already like the good little Blizz Drone you are?

If you hate this game so much, why are you playing it? Why are you sending in your 15 per month?

Haven’t been for months. But much like the game these forums are garbage and halfassed. So I can still post without a sub. So go on. It’s time to stop pretending and become the Human or Orc you really are. Or forsaken. You’re probably a Yas Queen type.

I have absolutely no idea and care even less.

So if you don’t play this game at all, you really have nothing better to do than to piss in the cherrios of those who still do?

So the Night Elves are not the all powerful single faction they were in WC3. We’ve had 15 years to get used to that fact, but people like you still seem to get bent over it. Even though they pretty much held off the Horde solo in War of the Thorns, people like you are upset that the Night Elves didn’t wipe the Horde off the map of Kalimdor by themselves.

Rectionaries like you almost make me embarrassed to post with my main. But I won’t let anyone’s idiocy take that from me.

You have a problem with seeing my posts? You know your options.


Well last time Horde players followed her she belittled them despite the fact they were helping her so I don’t blame 'em.

Kael wasn’t never a part of the Horde to start with, but Draka still feels weird to me. Why pick her at all when there are other character to choose from.

I wouldn’t be surprised, either that or it’d be an off screen thing.

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In other words, they got as much agency as the Horde did… none.


Then stop posting on your “main” and post on your real character. Sadly I do know my options and blocking you, so I don’t have read your inane dribble about how 10 years of tragedy with 0 pay off or solace for it is good wiritng somehow, doesn’t exist. You and Katiera both are the type of mindless Blizzdrone that are responsible for the state we’re in now. Cause you just scarf up any trash they dump in front of you and beg for more.

How did you manage to do that? Did they restore the ignore feature?

ETA: Rats, got my hopes up there for a minute.

Re-read. Blocking doesn’t exist. I had to edit the post cause my phone loves me.

Would anything else make sense after the horde has almost wiped out her people and sent all of them into the maw?

Off screen would still be better than what we will get: Nothing.

You may want to check your timeline of events again. The Night Elves attacked the Orcs before the Orcs encountered Cenarius. The Night Elves only gave them the benefit of the doubt in so far as initially leaving them alone in hopes that they would just pass through the forest and leave. The Night Elves then attacked the Orcs because they considered the Orcs cutting down trees to be theft. Without anyone ever having told the Orcs that the tree belonged to the Night Elves. Because the Night Elves didn’t once try talking first under Tyrande.

Told Maiev as she made her rush decision:

    Maiev Shadowsong: We are wasting our time here, Tyrande. We should be looking for Illidan.
    Tyrande Whisperwind: These people need our help, Maiev! Their brethren aided us against the Legion. We will honor that debt now.

    Tyrande Whisperwind: Kael, get your caravan moving across the river! I will stay behind and hold the bridge!
    Maiev Shadowsong: That’s very noble of you, Priestess, but you’re no match for a force that vast!

You mentioned what she should. Not what she has.

You have an extremely inflated view of my importance, which I’d find flattering if it wasn’t based on completely screwball perceptions and a near total lack of perspective.

Do you honestly believe that Blizzard cares a plug nickel on what people say in this forum? Do you think it would make a difference if everyone on this forum unsubed right at this moment?

The Night Elves were the nation that was sitting right on the Horde’s front door in Kalimdor. So it’s geographically consequential that they take the front ends of Horde agression.

They haven’t been the only ones thougyh. Perhaps you seem to forget what happened to Gilneas in Cataclysm. or Theramore? You also seem to forget which race got to act as interventionary heroes to save the Worgen.

So no it’s not been an unbroken chain of Night Elf victimisation as you and others seem to be dammed determined to portray it as. We got our pantheon back in Cataclysm, We got to be Big Dam Heroes for the Worgen as well. And while we didn’t prevail in the War of Thorns, we got a pretty heroic set of battles in the process… As opposed to what happened to Quel’thelas, Dalaran, Stormwind Keep where it was a simple Horde/Legion/Scourge roll over in about the one page Blizzard bothered to tell each story.

But some folks you simply can’t make happy unless they’re the only ones getting cake.

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