Well…sorry , but the only males I look at anyway are Orcs , Trolls , and the occasional Forsaken.
Where females are concerned , I think Night Elves are absolutely beautiful for their type.
What is their type ?
First I’ll tell you what their type isn’t.
They aren’t the dainty and petite , teen - like , pink - tastic Belfs.
They aren’t the dainty and petite , teen - like , Goth Void Elves.
The Nightborne are the Arabs or Indians of the Elf world.
Someone said Night Elves look athletic. They also look more like a 20 - something , or even a 30 - something , and look like the type who might go for a camping trip , or the idea of marrying a farmer. In that even the man - hands fit more than not , or at least give eccentric character.
I love the cheerleader jump. It strikes me as adorable and unique.
Also , if "athletic " is true , then I wouldn’t be surprised if CHEERLEADER JUMP was exactly what the designers had in mind.
Speaking in stereotypes , what would you expect to see at a cheerleader practice ? Some Belfs of course , a token Nightborne to prove we are inclusive. Maybe a void elf trying to prove some perverse point ,
and Night Elves. And the solid one - third to one - half of the squad that is made up of Night Elves would be the ones who call cheerleading a sport , and are gung - ho for the cheer competitions.