Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

From an Interview:

Question: Will Tyrande become a villain? or will she get justice for people? Will the Night Elves rise above their relentless suffering?

Answering: Steve Danuser

  • “The Night Elves have taken some shots on the chin in Battle for Azeroth, for sure. Tyrande is one of the most beloved characters and in all of Warcraft canon, and, I don’t want to speak to datamined broadcasts and things like that, but we will see Tyrande have some conversations with some of our other characters as we wrap up the Battle for Azeroth.”
  • “That’s a storyline that we definitely want to pay off and we have some interesting things in the coming expansion that I don’t want to spoil but I hope that Night Elf players get to see a new side of her and their culture in a way.”

He basically avoided the entire question, he didn’t answer if Tyrande will become a villain and he didn’t answer if she will get justice. If the Night Elves will rise above their suffering was also not answered.

Can’t wait for more disappointments in Shadowlands. Will the goblin miner or the orc peon kill Tyrande? How are they going to redeem Sylvanas and are they going to give horde players the option to further torture the Night Elf Souls in the maw ? Stay tuned!