Night Elf Highborne Customization

They already exist.


I like to pretend that’s what I am.


Really? Even the Jewelry, Hairstyles, and etc?

It’s like you didn’t even look at the picture…

And yes, we also got new hairstyles. And new eye colors. And new hair colors. And jewelry.

Sure, we’d all like to see more. But you can already create a Highborne.

They got highborne options, what’s funny is that Blizzard gave them 2 nightborne hairstyles but it fits so badly on nelves, they both look terrible lol.

This is true.

Though IMO they still need a bluer skin and some regal highborne markings.

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Oh nice. I haven’t played Night Elves in a long while and shadowlands may be a great time for being Highborne.

Needs more Mooncloth.

I’d enjoy seeing more tattoos. And some for females.

Originally there were a few different jewelry options that we didn’t get, as well.

Not sure what Shadowlands has to do with Highborne. But yes, Nelfs got a lot of customization love.

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None of this customizations are highborne options IMO. Fancy hairstyles, arcane face markings and tattoos, runes, purple eyes. These options i would consider highborne.

They are though. They did get some non-poor elf (non-leaves) jewelry, plus the yellow eyes, plus some weird (very clear and very dark) skin colours, plus some fancier hair styles and amber/blonde hair.

They still need more sure, but these are indeed highborne options.

That’s a shame, everyone should get more jewelry. It’s also dumb how a lot of nelf jewelry doesn’t look silver when it’s the moon colour.

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According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is little physical difference between the Highborne and the rest of the kaldorei (save perhaps the Highborne being slightly pastier), but they consider themselves different enough.[7]

The ruling princes and princesses in Suramar chose only to wear their crowns at the most formal events. They were kept locked up at all other times, and were considered unstylish.[50]

While not universal, many Highborne NPCs are of fair skin, with white hair and no tattoos on their face.

That’s Nightborne. Not Highborne.


Sounds too indistinct from Nightborne, imo.

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Honestly I hope they give other races some love, I tried the human customization but it looks really very much unfinished especially the hairstyles look awful, looking half done with the textures.

But I can put on makeup now.

Why was this thread bumped?

Night Elves have both pale and dark skin, as well as golden eyes to pretend at being a Highborne.

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I don’t see why night elves couldn’t use some arcane face markings, Nightborne got a druidic face marking. We should have arcane versions of existing markings.

Even the makeup options look a little horrid. :frowning:

Indeed. I believe they’re working towards that. Some didn’t get squat. Others got very little. And yes, some options feel unfinished.

No one knows.

Don’t mean Highborne.

Before the Sundering, golden eyes were extremely rare among the night elves. Golden eyes thus came to be regarded as a sign of future greatness. Night elves born with them were recruited into the Moon Guard.[136] Both Queen Azshara and Illidan had these unusual eyes. Unfortunately, the falsehood of this widespread belief was only to become clear after these two infamous individuals had reached their dark fates. In truth, golden eyes were a sign of strong druidic potential.

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The highborn in the alliance, like the high elf, are only high born by name. They aren’t representing what a true highborn is at all.

The true highborn fantasy are the nightborn of the horde. Even horde blood elf represent more the highborn fantasy that those in the night elf society.

In fact high elf was a other way like highborn to describe the noble elf which are both in the horde.

Any elf who abandon his kingdom/city/people to go live and follow the order of a other race lost all nobility by default.

No we don’t. We have three tattoo options and they’re all glimmery arcane runes. Even the one that has two marks going down over the eye caps off with a additional markings on the top of it.

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